Reputation: 188
The code below will run and display graphs in the
address, but only the first graph displays correctly. The second graph is a scatter_mapbox that displays the price in the given county filtered by the number of bedrooms that the user selects.
Current output:
What the second graph should look like:
app.layout = html.Div([
# Stuff that will be going on the top of the page
html.H1('King County Housing Data/Graphs'), # Heading 1
html.H5('King County sqft-living / price Plot: 1900-2015'),
options=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in df['grade'].unique()],
value=7, # Default Value
multi=False, # Does not allow you to select multiple grades
style={'width': '40%'}), # Styling of the dropdown
html.Div(id='output-container'), # Callbacks Output #1
dcc.Graph(id='grade-price') # Callback's Output #2
# Interactive Graph using a map
html.H5('Geospatial heatmap of King County: 1900-2015'),
options=[{'label': b, 'value': b} for b in df['bedrooms'].unique()],
style={'width': '30%'},
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# App Callback & Function for Scatter Plot
[Output(component_id='output-container', component_property='children'), # Outputs the html.Div
Output(component_id='grade-price', component_property='figure')], # Calls the graph dcc.Graph
[Input(component_id='grade-selector', component_property='value')] # Takes the input you put in with the
# dcc.Dropdown and passes it into the Output
def gupdate_output_div(grade_selector): # Makes the graph function
container = 'The grade the user selected was {}'.format(grade_selector) # Prints out the grade the user selected
dff = df.copy() # Makes a copy of the DataFrame, best practice
dff = dff[dff['grade'] == grade_selector] # Selects the grade that the user inputs
# Creates the Plotly Graph
fig = px.scatter(dff, x='sqft_living', y='price', marginal_y='violin', marginal_x='box', trendline='ols',
return [container, fig]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# App Callback & Function for Map
[Output(component_id='bedrooms-selector', component_property='figure'),
Input(component_id='Number-Of-Bedrooms', component_property='value')])
def update_output_div1(bedroomFilter):
dff = df.copy() # Makes a copy of the DataFrame, best practice
dff = dff[dff['bedrooms'] == bedroomFilter] # Selects the number of bedrooms
color_by = 'price' # Setting the scale for teh price
color_upper = dff['price'].quantile(.05) # Excluding the bottom .05%
color_lower = dff['price'].quantile(.95) # Excluding the top .05%
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(dff, lat="lat", lon="lon",
# animation_group="country",
hover_name="price", hover_data=['price'],
color=color_by, range_color=[color_lower, color_upper],
zoom=8.5, height=600)
'text': "Housing Price",
'y': 1,
'x': 0.5,
'xanchor': 'center',
'yanchor': 'auto'},
title="Home Price",
return fig
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run_server(debug=False, host='')
price sqft_living grade bedrooms decade
0 13.180632 7.501082 7 5 1900
1 13.515081 8.384804 8 3 1900
2 13.345507 7.306531 7 2 1900
3 13.296317 7.319865 7 2 1900
4 13.091904 7.244228 7 4 1900
... ... ... ... ...
21603 14.253765 8.169053 9 3 2010
21604 12.345835 6.946976 9 3 2010
21605 13.233905 7.408531 8 2 2010
21606 12.873774 7.365180 8 3 2010
21607 14.346139 8.281471 11 4 2010
Upvotes: 1
Views: 374
Reputation: 15462
The main problem is the syntax of your second callback:
Output(component_id="bedrooms-selector", component_property="figure"),
Input(component_id="Number-Of-Bedrooms", component_property="value"),
def update_output_div1(bedroomFilter):
# ...
return fig
This gives:
dash.exceptions.InvalidCallbackReturnValue: The callback ..bedrooms-selector.figure.. is a multi-output. Expected the output type to be a list or tuple but got Figure...
Remove the list surrounding both the Output
and Input
So do something like this instead:
Output(component_id="bedrooms-selector", component_property="figure"),
Input(component_id="Number-Of-Bedrooms", component_property="value"),
def update_output_div1(bedroomFilter):
# ...
return fig
If you then run the app and select a value from the second dropdown, the map will show up.
Upvotes: 1