Reputation: 815
Im making a workout app. In this app, you can create multiple programmes, that contains multiple workouts that contain multiple exercises.
I manage all of this in a Room database
@Entity(tableName = "programmes")
data class Programme(
val programmeId:String,
val name:String,
var nextWorkoutId: String,
var lastWorkout:Long,
val workouts:List<Workout>
@Entity(tableName = "workouts", indices = [Index("workoutId")])
data class Workout(
val workoutId: String,
val name: String,
val exercises: List<Exercise>
data class ProgrammeWithWorkouts(
@Embedded val programme: Programme,
parentColumn = "programmeId",
entityColumn = "workoutId",
val workouts:List<WorkoutsWithExercises>
@Entity(primaryKeys = ["programmeId","workoutId"],
indices = [Index("programmeId","workoutId")])
data class ProgrammeWorkoutCrossRef(
val programmeId:String,
val workoutId:String
And then I want to listen to changes via live data:
@Query("SELECT * FROM programmes")
fun getProgrammesWithWorkoutsLiveData(): LiveData<List<ProgrammesWithWorkouts>>
Unfortunatly this throw an error:
constructor WorkoutWithRoutines in class ProgrammeWithWorkouts cannot be applied to given types;
_item = new ProgrammeWithWorkouts();
required: Programme,List<WorkoutsWithExercises>
found: no arguments
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
Is there anyway this is possible?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 53
Reputation: 56938
The typical way that many-many relationships are handled is with an intermediate table that maps the relationships. Such a table will have two core columns one that is a unique identifier of one of the rows in one of the tables the other a unique identifier of one of the rows in the other table.
As you have two levels of many-many you would have the core tables Programme, Workout and Exercise. The Programme - Workout is a many-many, the Workout to the Exercise is also a many-many. As such you would have 2 mapping tables.
When it comes to Room then you use @Embedded
for one side of the relationship and @Relation
for the other within a POJO that represents the "complete".
I see @Ignore
coded as if this magically does something, this is not really required and can be a pain. Rather I would suggest considering the Entity purely as the interface between the non object orientated database and the final/used Object and hence the POJO being the "complete" object.
could be of use for supplementary data not stored but derived, perhaps when extracted via a derived column or perhaps via the class's functions.Perhaps consider the following example (I use Long's for the id's, they are more efficient and faster):-
So first the Three core tables/entities:-
Exercise :-
indices = [Index(value = ["exerciseName"],unique = true)] // enforce unique exercise name.
data class Exercise(
val exerciseId: Long? = null,
val exerciseName: String
for the exercise name was included to show it's effect with OnConflictStrategy
; left in for convenience.Workout
data class Workout(
val workoutId: Long? = null,
val workoutName: String
@Entity(tableName = "programmes")
data class Programme(
val programmeId:Long? = null,
val name:String,
var nextWorkoutId: String,
var lastWorkout:Long
Next are the 2 mapping tables
primaryKeys = ["workoutIdMap","exerciseIdMap"], // a combination of workout/exercise is primary key
indices = [Index("exerciseIdMap")], // Room issues warning if not indexed
foreignKeys = [
// Foreign keys, each defines a constraint (rule) saying value to be store MUST exist in the parent table
// i.e. the value to be stored in the workoutIdMap MUST be the id of an existing Workout
entity = Workout::class, // the entity/table that the FK points to
parentColumns = ["workoutId"], // the column in the parent table
childColumns = ["workoutIdMap"], // column in this table where
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE, // if a Workout is deleted then delete the children
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE // if a workoutId is changed then change the children
ForeignKey(entity = Exercise::class,parentColumns = ["exerciseId"],childColumns = ["exerciseIdMap"])
data class WorkoutExerciseMap(
val workoutIdMap: Long,
val exerciseIdMap: Long
primaryKeys = ["programmeIdMap","workoutIdMap"],
indices = [Index("workoutIdMap")],
foreignKeys = [
entity = Programme::class,
parentColumns = ["programmeId"],
childColumns = ["programmeIdMap"],
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
entity = Workout::class,
parentColumns = ["workoutId"],
childColumns = ["workoutIdMap"],
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
data class ProgrammeWorkoutMap (
val programmeIdMap: Long,
val workoutIdMap: Long
For the WorkoutExercise mapping, extraction, a POJO WorkoutWithExercises with the single Workout @Embedded
and the 0-N exercises with an @Relation
primaryKeys = ["workoutIdMap","exerciseIdMap"], // a combination of workout/exercise is primary key
indices = [Index("exerciseIdMap")], // Room issues warning if not indexed
foreignKeys = [
// Foreign keys, each defines a constraint (rule) saying value to be store MUST exist in the parent table
// i.e. the value to be stored in the workoutIdMap MUST be the id of an existing Workout
entity = Workout::class, // the entity/table that the FK points to
parentColumns = ["workoutId"], // the column in the parent table
childColumns = ["workoutIdMap"], // column in this table where
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE, // if a Workout is deleted then delete the children
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE // if a workoutId is changed then change the children
ForeignKey(entity = Exercise::class,parentColumns = ["exerciseId"],childColumns = ["exerciseIdMap"])
data class WorkoutExerciseMap(
val workoutIdMap: Long,
val exerciseIdMap: Long
To get the next level, Programme with Workout, you actually get Programme with WorkoutWithExercises, so ProgrammeWithWorkoutsWithExercises :-
data class ProgrammeWithWorkoutsWithExercises (
val programme: Programme,
entity = Workout::class,
parentColumn = "programmeId",
entityColumn = "workoutId",
associateBy = Junction(
value = ProgrammeWorkoutMap::class,
parentColumn = "programmeIdMap",
entityColumn = "workoutIdMap"
val workouts: List<WorkoutWithExercises>
The dao's for the above (and the ensuing working demo) are :-
abstract class AllDao {
As exercise has a unique index on exercisename skip if same exercise name is used
otherwise duplicating name will result in an exception
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
abstract fun insert(exercise: Exercise): Long
abstract fun insert(workout: Workout): Long
abstract fun insert(programme: Programme): Long
abstract fun insert(workoutExerciseMap: WorkoutExerciseMap): Long
abstract fun insert(programmeWorkoutMap: ProgrammeWorkoutMap): Long
@Query("SELECT * FROM workout") /* Not Used */
abstract fun getAllWorkouts(): List<Workout>
@Query("SELECT * FROM workout WHERE workout.workoutId=:workoutId") /* Not used in Demo */
abstract fun getWorkoutById(workoutId: Long): Workout
@Query("SELECT * FROM Exercise")
abstract fun getAllExercises(): List<Exercise>
@Query("SELECT * FROM exercise WHERE exercise.exerciseId=:exerciseId") /* Not Used in Demo */
abstract fun getExerciseById(exerciseId: Long): Exercise
@Query("SELECT * FROM workout") /* Not used in Demo*/
abstract fun getAllWorkoutsWithExercises(): List<WorkoutWithExercises>
/* Only extract used in Demo */
@Query("SELECT * FROM programmes")
abstract fun getAllPorgrammesWithWorkoutsWithExercises(): List<ProgrammeWithWorkoutsWithExercises>
The @Database in the TheDatabase includes the 5 entities as per :-
@Database(entities = [Programme::class,Workout::class,ProgrammeWorkoutMap::class,Exercise::class,WorkoutExerciseMap::class],version = 1)
The demo runs on the the main thread and the code in the activity is :-
db = TheDatabase.getDatabaseInstance(this)
dao = db.getAllDao()
var ex1 = dao.insert(Exercise(exerciseName = "Exercise1"))
var ex2 = dao.insert(Exercise(exerciseName = "Exercise2"))
var ex3 = dao.insert(Exercise(exerciseName = "Exercise3"))
var ex4 = dao.insert(Exercise(exerciseName = "Exercise4"))
var ex5 = dao.insert(Exercise(exerciseName = "Exercise5"))
var wo1 = dao.insert(Workout(workoutName = "Workout1"))
var wo2 = dao.insert(Workout(workoutName = "Workout2"))
var ex6 = dao.insert(Exercise(exerciseName = "Exercise6"))
var ex7 = dao.insert(Exercise(exerciseName = "Exercise7"))
var wo3 = dao.insert(Workout(workoutName = "Workout3"))
var wo4 = dao.insert(Workout(workoutName = " Workout4"))
var wo5 = dao.insert(Workout(workoutName = "Workout5"))
// Add 4 exercises to Workout1
// Add 3 Exercises to Workout2
// Add 2 Exercises to Workout3
// Add 1 Exercise to Workout 4
// Don't add anything to Workout 5
// Add some Programmes
var p1 = dao.insert(Programme(name = "Prog1", nextWorkoutId = "????",lastWorkout = 100L))
var p2 = dao.insert(Programme(name = "Prog2",nextWorkoutId = "????", lastWorkout = 200L))
var p3 = dao.insert(Programme(name = "Prog3", nextWorkoutId = "????", lastWorkout = 300L))
//Map Workouts to Programmes (none for p3)
for(pww: ProgrammeWithWorkoutsWithExercises in dao.getAllPorgrammesWithWorkoutsWithExercises()) {
Log.d(TAG,"Programme is ${}")
for(wwe: WorkoutWithExercises in pww.workouts) {
Log.d(TAG,"\tWorkout is ${wwe.workout.workoutName} (in Programme ${}) ")
for (e: Exercise in wwe.exercises) {
Log.d(TAG,"\t\tExercise is ${e.exerciseName} (in Workout ${wwe.workout.workoutName} that is in Programme ${})")
The demo, when first run (it isn't designed to run multiple times, just enough to the show that the principle works) results in the following being output to the log:-
D/WOEINFO: Programme is Prog1
D/WOEINFO: Workout is Workout2 (in Programme Prog1)
D/WOEINFO: Exercise is Exercise2 (in Workout Workout2 that is in Programme Prog1)
D/WOEINFO: Exercise is Exercise4 (in Workout Workout2 that is in Programme Prog1)
D/WOEINFO: Exercise is Exercise6 (in Workout Workout2 that is in Programme Prog1)
D/WOEINFO: Workout is Workout3 (in Programme Prog1)
D/WOEINFO: Exercise is Exercise3 (in Workout Workout3 that is in Programme Prog1)
D/WOEINFO: Exercise is Exercise4 (in Workout Workout3 that is in Programme Prog1)
D/WOEINFO: Workout is Workout5 (in Programme Prog1)
D/WOEINFO: Programme is Prog2
D/WOEINFO: Workout is Workout1 (in Programme Prog2)
D/WOEINFO: Exercise is Exercise1 (in Workout Workout1 that is in Programme Prog2)
D/WOEINFO: Exercise is Exercise3 (in Workout Workout1 that is in Programme Prog2)
D/WOEINFO: Exercise is Exercise5 (in Workout Workout1 that is in Programme Prog2)
D/WOEINFO: Exercise is Exercise7 (in Workout Workout1 that is in Programme Prog2)
D/WOEINFO: Workout is Workout4 (in Programme Prog2)
D/WOEINFO: Exercise is Exercise5 (in Workout Workout4 that is in Programme Prog2)
D/WOEINFO: Programme is Prog3
Upvotes: 1