Reputation: 11542
I am trying to calibrate a camera using known data from a image (pixel positions) and realworld positions.
Here is what I know about:
focal_length = 3.9
image_height = 3456
image_width = 4608
esl_height = 35
sensor_height = 4.69
sensor_width = 6.26
pixel_size = 1.34/1000
FOV_x = 71.9
FOV_y = 56.7
F_x = image_width /(2 * tan(FOV_x* pi / 360))
F_y = image_height /(2 * tan(FOV_y* pi / 360))
C_x = image_width / 2
C_y = image_height / 2
row1 = [F_x,0,C_x]
row2 = [0,F_y, C_y]
row3 = [0,0,1]
camera_matrix = np.matrix([row1,row2,row3])
which gives:
matrix([[3.17701054e+03, 0.00000000e+00, 2.30400000e+03],
[0.00000000e+00, 3.20254589e+03, 1.72800000e+03],
[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00]])
I have a dataset containing 49 points for which I have both the real-world (x,y) positions (I also have the z values, but I am really only interested in the (x,y) position. Also, I have the pixel positions for all these points in an image (They are the bounding box centers in the object deterction I perform.
id manual.location.x manual.location.y manual.location.z \
0 0 32.9878 41.9033 0.215
1 1 32.9878 44.4404 0.215
2 2 32.9878 44.4404 0.215
3 3 32.9878 44.4404 0.565
4 4 32.9878 44.4404 0.565
5 5 32.9878 44.4404 0.565
6 6 32.9878 44.4404 0.565
7 7 32.9878 44.4404 0.565
8 8 32.9878 41.9033 0.753
9 9 32.9878 44.4404 0.779
10 10 32.9878 44.4404 0.779
11 11 32.9878 44.4404 0.779
12 12 32.9878 41.9033 1.024
13 13 32.9878 44.4404 1.024
14 14 32.9878 42.7490 1.100
15 15 32.9878 43.5947 1.100
16 16 32.9878 43.5947 1.100
17 17 32.9878 43.5947 1.100
18 18 32.9878 43.5947 1.100
19 19 32.9878 44.4404 1.231
20 20 32.9878 44.4404 1.231
21 21 32.9878 44.4404 1.231
22 22 32.9878 44.4404 1.231
23 23 32.9878 42.7490 1.320
24 24 32.9878 43.5947 1.412
25 25 32.9878 42.7490 1.412
26 26 32.9878 43.5947 1.412
27 27 32.9878 44.4404 1.412
28 28 32.9878 44.4404 1.458
29 29 32.9878 44.4404 1.458
30 30 32.9878 44.4404 1.458
31 31 32.9878 44.4404 1.458
32 32 32.9878 42.7490 1.620
33 33 32.9878 42.7490 1.620
34 34 32.9878 43.5947 1.620
35 35 32.9878 43.5947 1.620
36 36 32.9878 42.7490 1.620
37 37 32.9878 44.4404 1.651
38 38 32.9878 44.4404 1.651
39 39 32.9878 44.4404 1.651
40 40 32.9878 44.4404 1.651
41 41 32.9878 44.4404 1.651
42 42 32.9878 42.7490 1.850
43 43 32.9878 42.7490 NaN
44 44 32.9878 44.4404 NaN
45 45 32.9878 44.4404 NaN
46 46 32.9878 44.4404 1.850
47 47 32.9878 43.5947 1.850
48 48 32.9878 44.4404 1.850
bbox_center_x bbox_center_y
0 4269.5 2914.0
1 1035.0 2883.5
2 843.5 2880.0
3 1516.5 2529.0
4 1247.5 2527.0
5 1730.0 2525.5
6 987.0 2522.0
7 765.5 2520.0
8 4435.0 2356.5
9 1196.0 2257.0
10 938.5 2255.0
11 704.5 2250.0
12 4547.0 1998.0
13 1291.0 1980.0
14 3681.0 1864.5
15 2394.0 1856.0
16 1931.5 1854.0
17 2043.0 1853.5
18 2043.0 1853.5
19 1620.0 1676.0
20 1267.0 1675.5
21 847.0 1672.5
22 593.5 1669.5
23 3783.5 1452.0
24 1931.5 1446.5
25 3346.5 1443.5
26 2878.0 1443.0
27 1632.0 1350.0
28 1409.0 1346.5
29 945.0 1339.5
30 727.0 1334.0
31 534.5 1332.0
32 4349.0 1109.0
33 3859.0 1101.0
34 1920.5 1097.5
35 2878.0 1090.5
36 3364.0 1087.0
37 1460.5 1037.0
38 1290.5 1036.0
39 1065.5 1034.0
40 748.0 1032.5
41 473.0 1029.0
42 4262.0 726.0
43 3683.5 713.0
44 1375.0 710.0
45 1094.5 708.0
46 850.0 705.0
47 3103.5 702.5
48 375.5 701.5
To make things easier, I am willing to let the z-coordinate (manual.location.z
) of realworld positions be 0.
Now, I trried the following thing using cv.calibrateCamera
on data with z-coordinate = 0. So, I did the following:
manual.location.x manual.location.y manual.location.z bbox_center_x \
0 32.9878 41.9033 0 4269.5
1 32.9878 44.4404 0 1035.0
2 32.9878 44.4404 0 843.5
3 32.9878 44.4404 0 1516.5
4 32.9878 44.4404 0 1247.5
5 32.9878 44.4404 0 1730.0
6 32.9878 44.4404 0 987.0
7 32.9878 44.4404 0 765.5
8 32.9878 41.9033 0 4435.0
9 32.9878 44.4404 0 1196.0
10 32.9878 44.4404 0 938.5
11 32.9878 44.4404 0 704.5
12 32.9878 41.9033 0 4547.0
13 32.9878 44.4404 0 1291.0
14 32.9878 42.7490 0 3681.0
15 32.9878 43.5947 0 2394.0
16 32.9878 43.5947 0 1931.5
17 32.9878 43.5947 0 2043.0
18 32.9878 43.5947 0 2043.0
19 32.9878 44.4404 0 1620.0
20 32.9878 44.4404 0 1267.0
21 32.9878 44.4404 0 847.0
22 32.9878 44.4404 0 593.5
23 32.9878 42.7490 0 3783.5
24 32.9878 43.5947 0 1931.5
25 32.9878 42.7490 0 3346.5
26 32.9878 43.5947 0 2878.0
27 32.9878 44.4404 0 1632.0
28 32.9878 44.4404 0 1409.0
29 32.9878 44.4404 0 945.0
30 32.9878 44.4404 0 727.0
31 32.9878 44.4404 0 534.5
32 32.9878 42.7490 0 4349.0
33 32.9878 42.7490 0 3859.0
34 32.9878 43.5947 0 1920.5
35 32.9878 43.5947 0 2878.0
36 32.9878 42.7490 0 3364.0
37 32.9878 44.4404 0 1460.5
38 32.9878 44.4404 0 1290.5
39 32.9878 44.4404 0 1065.5
40 32.9878 44.4404 0 748.0
41 32.9878 44.4404 0 473.0
42 32.9878 42.7490 0 4262.0
46 32.9878 44.4404 0 850.0
47 32.9878 43.5947 0 3103.5
48 32.9878 44.4404 0 375.5
0 2914.0
1 2883.5
2 2880.0
3 2529.0
4 2527.0
5 2525.5
6 2522.0
7 2520.0
8 2356.5
9 2257.0
10 2255.0
11 2250.0
12 1998.0
13 1980.0
14 1864.5
15 1856.0
16 1854.0
17 1853.5
18 1853.5
19 1676.0
20 1675.5
21 1672.5
22 1669.5
23 1452.0
24 1446.5
25 1443.5
26 1443.0
27 1350.0
28 1346.5
29 1339.5
30 1334.0
31 1332.0
32 1109.0
33 1101.0
34 1097.5
35 1090.5
36 1087.0
37 1037.0
38 1036.0
39 1034.0
40 1032.5
41 1029.0
42 726.0
46 705.0
47 702.5
48 701.5
and prepared the data for calibration of the cammera:
data = df_p.to_numpy()
pts3d = data[:, 0:3]
pts2d = data[:, 3:5]
pts3d = pts3d.reshape(1,-1, 3)
pts2d = pts2d.reshape(1,-1, 2)
image_height = 3456
image_width = 4608
w = image_width
h = image_height
pts3d = pts3d.astype('float32')
pts2d = pts2d.astype('float32')
size = (w,h)
and finally:
image_height = 3456
image_width = 4608
tvec = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float32) #Camera is static
rvec = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float32) #Camera is static
distCoeffs =np.array([0,0,0,0,0], dtype=np.float32)
cv.calibrateCamera([pts3d], [pts2d],size,camera_matrix,None,None,None,None,flags=cv.CALIB_FIX_K1+cv.CALIB_FIX_K2+cv.CALIB_FIX_K3+cv.CALIB_FIX_K4+cv.CALIB_FIX_K5)
But this returns:
error Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-374-406d179adbf6> in <module>
17 distCoeffs =np.array([0, 0, 0,0,0], dtype=np.float32)
---> 19 cv.calibrateCamera([pts3d], [pts2d],size,camera_matrix,None,None,None,None,flags=cv.CALIB_FIX_K1+cv.CALIB_FIX_K2+cv.CALIB_FIX_K3+cv.CALIB_FIX_K4+cv.CALIB_FIX_K5)
error: OpenCV(4.5.3) :-1: error: (-5:Bad argument) in function 'calibrateCamera'
> Overload resolution failed:
> - argument for calibrateCamera() given by name ('flags') and position (8)
> - argument for calibrateCamera() given by name ('flags') and position (8)
Even this:
cv.calibrateCamera([pts3d], [pts2d],size,camera_matrix,distCoeffs,None,None,None,flags=cv.CALIB_FIX_K1+cv.CALIB_FIX_K2+cv.CALIB_FIX_K3+cv.CALIB_FIX_K4+cv.CALIB_FIX_K5)
returns the same error.
I have no clue about what I do wrong.
What do I want? I want to be able to get the distortion coefficients for my camera. This way or any other way that gives me satisfactory results.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 498
Reputation: 3693
My guess would be that it has something to do with the flags used in:
cv.calibrateCamera([pts3d], [pts2d],size,camera_matrix,distCoeffs,None,None,None,flags=cv.CALIB_FIX_K1+cv.CALIB_FIX_K2+cv.CALIB_FIX_K3+cv.CALIB_FIX_K4+cv.CALIB_FIX_K5)
If you change it to:
cv.calibrateCamera([pts3d], [pts2d],size,camera_matrix,distCoeffs,None,None,None,flags=cv.CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS)
or just leave the flags to the standard way and it does not produce that error anymore, than there is a mismatch between the camera_matrix
and the flags used.
Maybe you need to add cv.CALIB_FIX_K6
as well?
You can check the detailed description here:
Upvotes: 1