Reputation: 3238
Every time I try to look up how to use a function in R using the ?
command, what I get is some semi-useful explanations, commands I don't understand, and some limited examples.
What I end up doing most of the time instead of using this function is googling the answers instead, which sometimes helps for nuanced questions, but just trying to understand a single package becomes a chore unless it happens to come up in a basics book I'm reading on R.
I tried looking up how to "read" the help section, but the best I could find was this Dummies page which didn't really help much more:
The main issue I'm having is that I just dont understand the syntax portion. Here is an example:
semPaths(object, what = "paths", whatLabels, style, layout = "tree",
intercepts = TRUE, residuals = TRUE, thresholds = TRUE, intStyle = "multi",
rotation = 1, curve, curvature = 1, nCharNodes = 3, nCharEdges = 3, sizeMan = 5,
sizeLat = 8, sizeInt = 2, sizeMan2, sizeLat2, sizeInt2, shapeMan, shapeLat,
shapeInt = "triangle", ask, mar, title, title.color = "black", title.adj = 0.1,
title.line = -1, title.cex = 0.8, include, combineGroups = FALSE, manifests,
latents, groups, color, residScale, gui = FALSE, allVars = FALSE, edge.color,
reorder = TRUE, structural = FALSE, ThreshAtSide = FALSE, thresholdColor,
thresholdSize = 0.5, fixedStyle = 2, freeStyle = 1,
as.expression = character(0), optimizeLatRes = FALSE, inheritColor = TRUE,
levels, nodeLabels, edgeLabels, pastel = FALSE, rainbowStart = 0, intAtSide,
springLevels = FALSE, nDigits = 2, exoVar, exoCov = TRUE, centerLevels = TRUE,
panelGroups = FALSE, layoutSplit = FALSE, measurementLayout = "tree", subScale,
subScale2, subRes = 4, subLinks, modelOpts = list(mplusStd = "std"),
curveAdjacent = '<->', edge.label.cex = 0.6, cardinal = "none",
equalizeManifests = FALSE, covAtResiduals = TRUE, bifactor, optimPoints = 1:8 * (pi/4),
What does any of this mean? All I can tell are that the stuff in "" is a possible use of a function, and thats about it. How do I explore more? For example, if I wanna find out all the potential styles for "layout" in this function, how do I look them up?
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Views: 134
Reputation: 1439
Hi to understand the information in the help you can follow the following steps,
Thee help is structured with some sections , Usage, Value, Details, References, Examples.
You may also need to check the package documentation, there you may find more details, you can find this just by googling "package name" .pdf
Upvotes: 1