Reputation: 426
I took reference from the below link and made someone modifications in the input cidr block
Nested For_each or count with dynamic for aws_security_group_rule in terraform
Port 22 should have CIDR as [""] Port 443 & 80 each should have CIDR as ["","sg-09eadd831567d7dsb",""]
ingress_ports_tcp = [[22], [443,80]]
ingress_cidr_tcp = [[""],["","sg-09eadd831567d7dsb",""]]
Changes made: I added security group id as well in the ingress_cidr_tcp variable
locals {
my_rules = merge([
for idx_port, ports in var.ingress_ports_tcp:
{ for port in ports:
{ for idx_cidr, cidrs in var.ingress_cidr_tcp[idx_port]:
"${idx_port}-${port}-${idx_cidr}" => {
"port" = port
"cidrs" = length(regexall("[0-9].+\\..*",cidrs[idx_cidr])) > 0 ? cidrs[idx_cidr] : null
"security_group_id" = length(regexall("sg-.*",cidrs[idx_cidr])) > 0 ? cidrs[idx_cidr] : null
I want the output like bellow
"0-22-0" = {
"cidrs" = [
"port" = 22
"1-443-0" = {
"cidrs" = [
"port" = 443
"1-443-1" = {
"security_group_id" = [
"port" = 443
"1-443-2" = {
"cidrs" = [
"port" = 443
"1-80-0" = {
"cidrs" = [
"port" = 80
"1-80-1" = {
"security_group_id" = [
"port" = 80
"1-80-2" = {
"cidrs" = [
"port" = 80
Error :
Invalid 'for' expression\
Key expression is required when building an object.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 632
Reputation: 238957
This is rather complex input data, so maybe it would be good idea to re-consider simplifying it. But anyway, you can achieve your outcome as follows. I split it first into my_rules_cidrs
and my_rules_sgs
, and then merge them into final my_rules
variable "ingress_ports_tcp" {
default = [[22], [443,80]]
variable "ingress_cidr_tcp" {
default = [[""],
["", "sg-09eadd831567d7dsb", ""]]
locals {
my_rules_cidrs = merge(flatten([
for idx_port, ports in var.ingress_ports_tcp:
[ for port in ports:
{ for idx_cidr, cidr in var.ingress_cidr_tcp[idx_port]:
"${idx_port}-${port}-${idx_cidr}" => {
"port" = port
"cidrs" = [cidr]
} if length(regexall("[0-9].+\\..*",cidr)) > 0
my_rules_sgs = merge(flatten([
for idx_port, ports in var.ingress_ports_tcp:
[ for port in ports:
{ for idx_cidr, cidr in var.ingress_cidr_tcp[idx_port]:
"${idx_port}-${port}-${idx_cidr}" => {
"port" = port
"security_group_id" = [cidr]
} if length(regexall("sg-.*",cidr)) > 0
my_rules = merge(local.my_rules_cidrs, local.my_rules_sgs)
Results in:
my_rules = {
"0-22-0" = {
"cidrs" = [
"port" = 22
"1-443-0" = {
"cidrs" = [
"port" = 443
"1-443-1" = {
"port" = 443
"security_group_id" = [
"1-443-2" = {
"cidrs" = [
"port" = 443
"1-80-0" = {
"cidrs" = [
"port" = 80
"1-80-1" = {
"port" = 80
"security_group_id" = [
"1-80-2" = {
"cidrs" = [
"port" = 80
Upvotes: 4