Kevin Tracey
Kevin Tracey

Reputation: 314

How can the column name in'select column' be automatically updated after it has been edited?

I am creating a R shiny app that accepts a csv file as input and depends upon the results I can use the buttons 'split columns' 'delete Rows' etc...

However, I added javascript(callback) for editing column names and called the 'callback' variable in the server function; it works fine, but when I edit column names, the select column' field is not updated automatically, however, when I do so for other functions like 'split column' the 'select column' field is updated.

could someone help me to fix this issue?

I've already added a server method for changing the column name.:

  #Server functionf for editing the column names, javascript callback
  output[["table1"]] <- renderDT({
    datatable(rv$data, callback = JS(callback))
  }, server = FALSE)

csv data

ID  Type   Range
21  A1 B1   100
22  C1 D1   200
23  E1 F1   300



#Javascript callback for editing the column names
callback <- c(
  "table.on('dblclick.dt', 'thead th', function(e) {",
  "  var $th = $(this);",
  "  var index = $th.index();",
  "  var colname = $th.text(), newcolname = colname;",
  "  var $input = $('<input type=\"text\">')",
  "  $input.val(colname);",
  "  $th.empty().append($input);",
  "  $input.on('blur', function(){",
  "    newcolname = $input.val();",
  "    Shiny.setInputValue('newcol', {i: index, name: newcolname});",
  "    $(table.column(index).header()).text(newcolname);",
  "    $input.remove();",
  "  });",

###function for deleting the rows
splitColumn <- function(data, column_name) {
  newColNames <- c("Unmerged_type1", "Unmerged_type2")
  newCols <- colsplit(data[[column_name]], " ", newColNames)
  after_merge <- cbind(data, newCols)
  after_merge[[column_name]] <- NULL
### function for inserting a new column

fillvalues <- function(data, values, columName){
  df_fill <- data
  vec <- strsplit(values, ",")[[1]]
  df_fill <- tibble::add_column(df_fill, newcolumn = vec, .after = columName)

##function for removing the colum

removecolumn <- function(df, nameofthecolumn){
  df[ , -which(names(df) %in% nameofthecolumn)]

### use a_splitme.csv for testing this program

ui <- fluidPage(
      fileInput("file1", "Choose CSV File", accept = ".csv"),
      checkboxInput("header", "Header", TRUE),
      actionButton("Splitcolumn", "SplitColumn", class = "btn-warning" ),
      actionButton("replacevalues", label = 'Replace values', class= "btn-Secondary"),
      actionButton("removecolumn", "Remove Column"),
      actionButton("Undo", 'Undo', style="color: #fff; background-color: #337ab7; border-color: #2e6da4"),
      actionButton("deleteRows", "Delete Rows"),
      textInput("textbox", label="Input the value to replace:"),
      actionButton('downloadbtn', label= 'Download'),

server <- function(session, input, output) {
  rv <- reactiveValues(data = NULL, orig=NULL)
  observeEvent(input$file1, {
    file <- input$file1
    ext <- tools::file_ext(file$datapath)
    validate(need(ext == "csv", "Please upload a csv file"))
    rv$orig <- read.csv(file$datapath, header = input$header)
    rv$data <- rv$orig
    selectInput(inputId='selectcolumn', label='select column', choices = names(rv$data))
  observeEvent(input$Splitcolumn, {
    rv$data <- splitColumn(rv$data, input$selectcolumn)
    if (!is.null(input$table1_rows_selected)) {
      rv$data <- rv$data[-as.numeric(input$table1_rows_selected),]
  output$table1 <- renderDT(
    rv$data, server = F, editable = T
  #includes extra column after the 'select column' and replaces the values specified 'Input the value to replace:'
  observeEvent(input$replacevalues, {
    rv$data <- fillvalues(rv$data, input$textbox, input$selectcolumn)
  #Removing the specifield column through select column
  observeEvent(input$removecolumn, {
    rv$data <- removecolumn(rv$data,input$selectcolumn)
  observeEvent(input$Undo, {
    rv$data <- rv$orig
  #Storing the csv file through download button
    print ('file has been downloaded')
  observeEvent(input$downloadbtn, {
      title = "Download Status.",
      paste0("csv file has been downloaded",input$downloadbtn,'.'),
      easyClose = TRUE,
      footer = NULL
  #Server functionf for editing the column names, javascript callback
  output[["table1"]] <- renderDT({
    datatable(rv$data, callback = JS(callback))
  }, server = FALSE)
  #datatable(rv$data,options = list(searching=FALSE, pageLength=100))

shinyApp(ui, server)

Upvotes: 0

Views: 339

Answers (1)

St&#233;phane Laurent
St&#233;phane Laurent

Reputation: 84529

You can send the index of the changed header and its name to Shiny in the blur listener with Shiny.setInputValue:

  "  }).on('blur', function(){",
  "    $(table.column(index).header()).text(newcolname);",
  "    $input.remove();",
  "    Shiny.setInputValue('newcol', {i: index+1, name: newcolname});",
  "  });",

In this way, in server you get input[["newcol]]", a list with the index i and the new name name. Then observe this input and change the column names of rv$data:

observeEvent(input[["newcol"]], {
  i <- input[["newcol"]][["i"]]
  names(rv$data)[i] <- input[["newcol"]][["name"]]


In fact, the change listener is useless. You can use this callback:

callback <- c(
  "table.on('dblclick.dt', 'thead th', function(e) {",
  "  var $th = $(this);",
  "  var index = $th.index();",
  "  var colname = $th.text(), newcolname = colname;",
  "  var $input = $('<input type=\"text\">')",
  "  $input.val(colname);",
  "  $th.empty().append($input);",
  "  $input.on('blur', function(){",
  "    newcolname = $input.val();",
  "    Shiny.setInputValue('newcol', {i: index, name: newcolname});",
  "    $(table.column(index).header()).text(newcolname);",
  "    $input.remove();",
  "  });",

Upvotes: 1

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