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P i

Reputation: 30734

Implement a Python WebSocket listener without async/asyncio

I'm running a websocket listener in a separate thread. I'd like to connect to the websocket then do:

while True:
    msg = sock.wait_for_message()

i.e. no async/asyncio

Is this stupid? Is there a way to do this?

Upvotes: 4

Views: 7022

Answers (2)



I know this question is about a websocket client. But I had the same questioning for a websocket server. As a novice with asyncio and someone who likes the old-fashioned synchronous design, I was baffled to see that there was so little enthousiasm for synchronous server design. All the example I could find on the web assumed that the whole application was asynchronous, which might not be true.

So I propose this solution to wrap the asynchronous websockets module into a synchronous class. Hope it can help somebody.

The idea is :

  1. Create an event loop specifically for the websockets module
  2. At each loop iteration, enqueue a "stop" event to update the event loop once. This can be done multiple time without issues. (see this link)
  3. Put data into queues for calling layer to read/write websockets

Note : Looking at the websockets module source code, it looks like the loop= input parameter is deprecated. I'm not sure what that means exactly, whether the author will remove it in the future or propose an alternative. (See here)

import websockets
import websockets.server
import queue
import asyncio
import time

class SynchronousWebsocketServer:
    Synchronous wrapper around asynchronous websockets server by Pier-Yves Lessard
    def __init__(self, connect_callback=None, disconnect_callback=None):
        self.rxqueue = queue.Queue()
        self.txqueue = queue.Queue()
        self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        self.ws_server = None
        self.connect_callback = connect_callback
        self.disconnect_callback = disconnect_callback

    # Executed for each websocket
    async def server_routine(self, websocket, path):
        if self.connect_callback is not None:

            async for message in websocket:
                self.rxqueue.put( (websocket, message) )   # Possible improvement : Handle queue full scenario.
        except (websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError):
            if self.disconnect_callback is not None:

    def process_tx_queue(self):
        while not self.txqueue.empty():
            (websocket, message) = self.txqueue.get()
            except (websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError):
                pass    # Client is disconnected. Disconnect callback not called yet.

    def process(self, nloop=3) -> None:
        for i in range(nloop):  # Process events few times to make sure we handles events generated within the loop

    def start(self, host, port) -> None:
        # Warning. websockets source code says that loop argument might be deprecated. 
        self.ws_server = websockets.serve(self.server_routine, host, port, loop=self.loop)
        self.loop.run_until_complete(self.ws_server)    # Initialize websockets async server

    def stop(self) -> None:
        if self.ws_server is not None:
            self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.ensure_future(self.ws_server.ws_server.wait_closed(), loop=self.loop))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Demo on how to use the SynchronousWebsocketServer
    clients = set()
    def connect_callback(websocket):
        print('New client. Websocket ID = %s. We now have %d clients' % (id(websocket), len(clients)))
    def diconnect_callback(websocket):
        print('Client diconnected. Websocket ID = %s. %d clients remaining' % (id(websocket), len(clients)))

    server = SynchronousWebsocketServer(connect_callback=connect_callback, disconnect_callback=diconnect_callback)
    print("Starting server")
    server.start('localhost', 5555)
    print("Server started")

    while True: # Synchornous loop
            if not server.rxqueue.empty():
                websocket, message = server.rxqueue.get_nowait()   # Non-blocking read. We need to keep call "server.process()" 
                print("Received message from websocket ID=%s. Echoing %s " % (id(websocket), message))
                server.txqueue.put((websocket, message))    # echo
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("Stopping server")
    print("Server stopped")

To test this server, I did this in my browser console:

ws1 = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:5555')  
ws2 = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:5555')
ws3 = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:5555')

ws2.send('Hello World')

// Killed server here.

This generated this output:

Starting server
Server started
New client. Websocket ID = 140097014008368. We now have 1 clients
New client. Websocket ID = 140097014017824. We now have 2 clients
New client. Websocket ID = 140097014018928. We now have 3 clients
Received message from websocket ID=140097014017824. Echoing Hello World 
Client diconnected. Websocket ID = 140097014017824. 2 clients remaining
Received message from websocket ID=140097014008368. Echoing Hi 
Stopping server
Client diconnected. Websocket ID = 140097014018928. 1 clients remaining
Client diconnected. Websocket ID = 140097014008368. 0 clients remaining
Server stopped

Upvotes: 5

P i
P i

Reputation: 30734

In absence of a better answer, I have found https://github.com/websocket-client/websocket-client which prove painless to use.

Upvotes: 6

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