Reputation: 1652
Is it possible to create model rules that are dependent from selection?
I have a model "Deposit" which is used to enter the money transfer details..I have drop down list with two possible choices "Cash Transfer","Cheque Transfer", and i have fields cash_deposit_date,bank_name.. which is required only for cash transfer and cheque_date, cheque_no and in_favour_of.. which is required only at the time of cheque transfer.. how can i do that..?
I know i can use scenarios like this,
$model=new Deposit("cash_transfer");
$model=new Deposit("cheque_transfer");
but how can I change scenario depending on the value selected in dropdown list?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4093
Reputation: 2714
This is more simple form me
In your model put:
public $pay_type;
* @return array validation rules for model attributes.
public function rules()
// NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that
// will receive user inputs.
return array(
array('pay_type', 'required'),
array('cash_deposit_date', 'validationTransfer'),
public function validationTransfer($attribute,$params)
// this a sample, put all your need
if($this->pay_type=='cash_transfer' and $this->cash_deposit_date==='')
$this->addError('cash_deposit_date','If you will pay to Cash Transfer, enter your cahs deposit date');
// this a sample, put all your need
if($this->pay_type=='cheque_transfer' and $this->cheque_date==='')
$this->addError('cheque_date','If you will pay to Cheque Transfer, enter your cheque date');
// this a sample, put all your need
if($this->pay_type=='cheque_transfer' and $this->cheque_no==='')
$this->addError('cheque_no','If you will pay to Cheque Transfer, enter your Cheque No');
In the view into your widget form
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'pay_type',array('class'=>'control-label')); ?>
<?php echo $form->dropDownList($model,'pay_type',array("cash_transfer"=>"Cash Transfer","cheque_transfer"=>"Cheque Transfer"),array('class'=>'form-control','empty'=>'Pay Type...')); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'pay_type',array('class'=>'help-block')); ?>
Note: css class like "help-block", "control-label", "form-control" on witget form are optionals, maybe you use Bootstrap 3 and it will looks good
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1652
Extending from jupaju answer,
That dropdown list also a model field(transfer_type), so I have done something like this..
After checking POST values are set, I use $model->scenario = $model->transfer_type==1 ? 'cash_transfer':'cheque_transfer'
to change the scenario.
$model=new Deposit;
// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
// $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
$model->scenario = $model->transfer_type==1 ? 'cash_transfer':'cheque_transfer';
Now it is working..
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
I think the best way would be to use a personalized validation rule in your model and then check if the model's "scenario" property is set to one or other option.
You can read more about custom validation rules in here
Hope this helps. Good luck!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 350
Couldn't you just do this:
Generated HTML:
<select name="scenario">
<option value="cash_transfer">Cash Transfer</option>
<option value="cheque_transfer">Checque Transfer</option>
// allow only lowercase letters and underscore
$scenario = preg_replace('/[^a-z_]/', '', $_POST['scenario']);
if (!empty($scenario)) {
$model = new Deposit($scenario);
} else {
die('Missing scenario!');
Upvotes: 2