Reputation: 45
Can someone help me understand what the following code line is doing wrong?
res_start_time_ := to_date(to_char(account_date_, 'YYYYMMDD ') || sched_ftime_, 'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI');
and account_date_
are of DATE type.
is VARCHAR2 type and it can be NULL.
In a test scenario, I get the ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
error when there is a value for account_date_
and NULL for sched_ftime_
Can someone explain to me what I am doing wrong and how I can get rid of this error?
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Views: 2347
Reputation: 14934
The source of the issue is you are allowing the time component (sched_ftime_
) to assume values that you do not know the exact format before hand. You can do this, but it comes with a coding requirement. You need to establish the permissible and then derive the FORMAT SPECIFICATION at run time, and throw an error if the value does not match a permissible pattern. What is permissible and the validation is as simple or complicated as you want. As a demonstration the following function looks for 5 patterns:hh24mi, hh24miss, hh24:mi, hh24:mi:ss, and null. For those it returns the appropriate date, for anything else it returns a application defined exception.
create or replace
function get_actual_date_time( account_date_ date
, sched_ftime_ varchar2
return date
k_format_base constant varchar2(8) := 'yyyymmdd';
k_bad_time_format_msg constant varchar2(32) := ' invalid time specification.';
-- declare regexp for valid time formats
k_regx_time_hh24mm constant varchar2(7) := '^\d{4}$';
k_regx_time_hh24mmss constant varchar2(7) := '^\d{6}$';
k_regx_time_hh24mm_s constant varchar2(11) := '^\d\d:\d\d$';
k_regx_time_hh24mmss_s constant varchar2(16) := '^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$';
-- declare actual format specification corresponding to valid format
k_fmt_time_hh24mm constant varchar2(6) := 'hh24mi';
k_fmt_time_hh24mmss constant varchar2(8) := 'hh24miss';
k_fmt_time_hh24mm_s constant varchar2(7) := 'hh24:mi';
k_fmt_time_hh24mmss_s constant varchar2(10) := 'hh24:mi:ss';
l_time_format varchar2(16);
case when sched_ftime_ is null then
l_time_format := null;
when regexp_like ( sched_ftime_,k_regx_time_hh24mm) then
l_time_format := k_fmt_time_hh24mm;
when regexp_like ( sched_ftime_,k_regx_time_hh24mmss) then
l_time_format := k_fmt_time_hh24mmss;
when regexp_like ( sched_ftime_,k_regx_time_hh24mm_s) then
l_time_format := k_fmt_time_hh24mm_s;
when regexp_like ( sched_ftime_,k_regx_time_hh24mmss_s) then
l_time_format := k_fmt_time_hh24mmss_s;
raise_application_error( -20109,'''' || sched_ftime_ || '''' || k_bad_time_format_msg);
end case;
return to_date(to_char(account_date_,k_format_base) || sched_ftime_
, k_format_base || l_time_format);
end get_actual_date_time;
Keep in mind the above is an example only and there are many enhancement to be made. For example is will accept time specification of 99:99:99
even though it is obviously a invalid time specification. But it fits the validation for '^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$'
. Neither does it attempt to validate the valid time specification 06:45 PM
. See fiddle here.
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Reputation: 35613
The source code is attempting to form a string that can be converted to a date having both a day value and a time-of-day value.
This to_char(account_date_, 'YYYYMMDD ')
converts a date value into a 9 character string ending with a space which permits use of string concatenation of what should be value containing hours and minutes. Once concatenated it then attempts to convert that into a date value accurate to a minute.
However the error encountered will occur if a non-null value of sched_ftime_
isn't in a form that can be transformed to HH24:MI e.g. '123456'
is to long to be interpreted as only hours and minutes.
This can be replicated:
res_start_time_ DATE;
account_date_ DATE := TRUNC(SYSDATE);
sched_ftime_ VARCHAR2(20) := '123456'; /* this value fails */
res_start_time_ := to_date(
to_char(account_date_, 'YYYYMMDD ') || sched_ftime_,
ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
ORA-06512: at line 6
However a shorter value e.g. '1234'
can be interpreted as hours and minutes:
res_start_time_ DATE;
account_date_ DATE := TRUNC(SYSDATE);
sched_ftime_ VARCHAR2(20) := '1234'; /* this value works */
res_start_time_ := to_date(
to_char(account_date_, 'YYYYMMDD ') || sched_ftime_,
1 rows affected
2021-08-27 12:34:00
Hence I suggest you protect the conversion into a date by limiting the length of your second parameter e.g. to 4 characters perhaps using substr()
res_start_time_ DATE;
account_date_ DATE := TRUNC(SYSDATE);
sched_ftime_ VARCHAR2(20) := '123456'; /* this value gets truncated */
res_start_time_ := to_date(
to_char(account_date_, 'YYYYMMDD ')
|| substr(sched_ftime_,1,4),
You may need other validations on that varchar2 value such that they are all digits as well. Or, if you are including the colon into the hour & minutes value then the overall length needs to be 5 chars. In short you need to vet the hours and minutes so that they are logical and valid.
nb: Kudos to MT0 for the source db<>fiddle which I extended here
Upvotes: 1