Reputation: 1546
Below is an example, where I calculate travel time between to points. I create a tibble with start time
, duration
, end_time
and time_diff = end_time - start_time
. I wrote the tibble using write_csv()
and read it again with read_csv()
# 1. One World Trade Center, NYC
# 2. Madison Square Park, NYC
adresses <- c("285 Fulton St, New York, NY 10007",
"11 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10010")
# geocode the two addresses & transform to {sf} data structure
data <- tidygeocoder::geo(adresses, method = "osm") %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = 4326)
rownames(data) <- c("One World Trafe Center", "Madison Square Park")
# calculate travel time from "One World Trade Center" to "Madison Square Park"
osroute <- osrmTable(src = data["One World Trade Center", ],
dst = data["Madison Square Park", ])
tbl_out <- tibble(start_trip = ymd_hms("2018-01-01 08:00:00", tz = "America/New_York"),
duration = osroute$durations,
end_trip = start_trip + 60 * osroute$durations,
time_diff = difftime(end_trip, start_trip, units = "mins")
tbl_in <- read_csv("sample.csv")
Here is the screenshot of tbl_out
(used to write the data)
Here is the screenshot of tbl_in
(read using read_csv)
Can someone help me fix some issues -
to duration. I don't want to convert it character and paste min.time_diff
in tbl_in
after reading from csv file does not have minUpvotes: 0
Views: 575
Reputation: 161007
The time's timezone is not written to file when you write.csv
, so when reading it in there is no clue what TZ it should be. I suggest you always write in one timezone (e.g., "UTC"
), and then explicitly cast it when you read it in. You can do this with attr<-
now <- Sys.time()
# [1] "2021-08-27 14:09:59 EDT"
attr(now, "tzone") <- "UTC"
# [1] "2021-08-27 18:09:59 UTC"
What you're seeing is a "difftime"
-class object. You can convert any numeric vector into this; all that that class does is change the print
method used for it.
times <- c(10.4, 19)
times + 1
# [1] 11.4 20.0
times <- structure(times, class="difftime", units="mins")
# Time differences in mins
# [1] 10.4 19.0
times + 1
# Time differences in mins
# [1] 11.4 20.0
One implementation could be to use data.table::as.ITime
times <- c(10.41, 19.01)
as.ITime(60*times) # ITime assumes seconds for all numbers
# [1] "00:10:24" "00:19:00"
as.ITime(60*times) + 60
# [1] "00:11:24" "00:20:00"
Frankly, I think that may be the best way-forward, even if it gives you HH:MM:SS
instead of just HH:MM
(perhaps there's a way to customize that ... I don't know offhand). One benefit of this method is that it writes to CSVs as the HH:MM:SS
format (which may or may not be perfect):
write.csv(data.frame(x = as.ITime(60*times)), "foo.csv")
# [1] "\"\",\"V1\"" "\"1\",00:10:24" "\"2\",00:19:00"
However, if that doesn't fit your needs, then below is a hack that might be sufficient for your needs. (Note that this, when saved to a CSV, is not saved in that format, it is saved as a number.)
format.my_difftime <- function(x, ..., digits = getOption("digits.my_difftime", 0)) {
if (is.null(digits)) digits <- getOption("digits.my_difftime", 0) # idk why this is needed
units <- attr(x, "units")
if (!is.null(units)) {
mult <- switch(units,
sec=, secs=1/60,
min=, mins=1,
hour=, hours=60,
day=, days=86400,
if ( {
warning("Unrecognized units, ignoring: ", sQuote(units, q = FALSE))
mult <- 1
x <- x * mult
} # else assume 'mins'
fmt <- paste0("%02i:%0", digits+2+(digits>0), ".0", digits, "f")
sprintf(fmt, as.integer(x), 60 * (x %% 1))
print.my_difftime <- function(x, ...) cat(format(x), "\n") <-
units.my_difftime <- function(x) attr(x, "units")
`units<-.my_difftime` <- function(x, value) {
attr(x, "units") <- value
times <- c(10.41, 19.01)
structure(times, class = "my_difftime", units = "sec")
# 00:10 00:19
structure(times, class = "my_difftime", units = "min")
# 10:25 19:01
structure(times, class = "my_difftime", units = "hour")
# 624:36 1140:36
options(digits.my_difftime = 3)
times <- structure(times, class = "my_difftime", units = "min")
# 10:24.600 19:00.600
data.frame(x = times)
# x
# 1 10:24.600
# 2 19:00.600
options(digits.my_difftime = 0)
data.frame(x = times)
# x
# 1 10:25
# 2 19:01
dput(data.frame(x = times))
# structure(list(x = structure(c(10.41, 19.01), class = "my_difftime", units = "min")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -2L))
(Resolved in 3.)
Similar to #1, write.csv
does not include units when it writes to a file; in fact, if it did, then read.csv
(and most other CSV-reading functions) might presume that the column is character
write.csv(data.frame(x = times), "foo.csv") # using my_difftime, not ITime
# [1] "\"\",\"x\"" "\"1\",10.41" "\"2\",19.01"
The numbers are preserved.
In the case of this naïve implementation for my_difftime
, though, the numbers never change, so the "units"
attribute is merely for presentation. That is, when you calculate times
, make sure that its units are always "minutes" (in my assumption of the OP/question) or something known.
From there, for TZ and for my_difftime
, once somebody read.csv
's the file, they are responsible for properly classing the column.
Upvotes: 1