Reputation: 441
I got a sample AWS codepipeline working in Paris region ("eu-west-3") via the console but need to get it set up via Terraform. I have one major problem :
Error: Error creating CodePipeline: InvalidActionDeclarationException: ActionType (Category: 'Source', Provider: 'Bitbucket', Owner: 'ThirdParty', Version: '1') in action 'Source' is not available in region 'EU_WEST_3' │ │ with module.codepipeline.aws_codepipeline.codepipeline, │ on ..\dentinnov-infra\modules\deploy\codepipeline\ line 8, in resource "aws_codepipeline" "codepipeline": │ 8: resource "aws_codepipeline" "codepipeline" {
This is my TF code :
# codepipeline role : (note code pipeline policy already defined in s3 module)
resource "aws_iam_role" "codepipeline" {
name = var.codepipeline_role_name
assume_role_policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.codepipeline.json
# Provides a CodePipeline for frontend deploy
resource "aws_codepipeline" "codepipeline" {
name = var.codepipeline_name
role_arn = aws_iam_role.codepipeline.arn
artifact_store {
location = var.location[0]
type = var.artifact_store_type
stage {
name = "Source"
action {
name = var.source_name
region = var.region
category = var.source_category
owner = var.source_owner
provider = var.source_provider
version = var.source_version
output_artifacts = var.source_outArtifacts
configuration = {
ConnectionArn = aws_codestarconnections_connection.connect.arn
fullRepositoryId = var.fullRepositoryId
branchName = var.branch_name
stage {
name = "Build"
action {
name = var.build_name
region = var.region
category = var.build_category
owner = var.build_owner
provider = var.build_provider
input_artifacts = var.build_InArtifacts
output_artifacts = var.build_OutArtifacts
version = var.build_version
configuration = {
ProjectName = var.build_project_name
stage {
name = "Deploy"
action {
name = var.deploy_name
region = var.region
category = var.deploy_category
owner = var.deploy_owner
provider = var.deploy_provider
input_artifacts = var.deploy_InArtifacts
version = var.deploy_version
resource "aws_codestarconnections_connection" "connect" {
name = var.source_connection
provider_type = var.source_provider
Those are my variables
codepipeline_name = ""
codepipeline_role_name = "codepipeline-frontend-role"
artifact_store_type = "S3"
source_name = "Source"
source_category = "Source"
source_owner = "ThirdParty"
source_provider = "Bitbucket"
source_version = "1"
source_outArtifacts = ["source_artifact"]
source_connection = "connect-bitbucket"
fullRepositoryId = "reponame/frontend"
branch_name = "develop"
build_name = "Build"
build_category = "Build"
build_owner = "AWS"
build_provider = "CodeBuild"
build_InArtifacts = ["source_artifact"]
build_OutArtifacts = ["build_artifact"]
build_version = "1"
build_project_name = "build-frontend"
deploy_name = "Deploy"
deploy_category = "Deploy"
deploy_owner = "AWS"
deploy_provider = "CodeDeploy"
deploy_InArtifacts = ["build_artifact"]
deploy_version = "1"
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2172
Reputation: 11
Use provider = "CodeStarSourceConnection" owner = "AWS"
in CodePipeline Block.
Note: A connection created through AWS CloudFormation is in PENDING status by default. You can make its status AVAILABLE by updating the connection in the console.
Upvotes: 1