Reputation: 107
I'm trying to create a process where a gzipped fastq file is truncated at 900k lines. If it has less than 900k lines, the code executes but does not modify the file. But if the file has more than 900k lines, the new file should only have 900k lines. I've tried it with sed
and head
, piping the zcat
command of the file to one of those, but the process fails with error code: 141
, which for what I've found, has to do with pipes.
My code, using head
and paired end reads is as follows:
set val(sample), val(single_end), path(reads) from ch_reads
path foo into ch_output
zcat ${reads[0]} | head -900000 > truncated_file_1
gzip truncated_file_1
mv truncated_file_1.gz truncated_${reads[0]}
zcat ${reads[1]} | head -900000 > truncated_file_2
gzip truncated_file_2
mv truncated_file_2.gz truncated_${reads[1]}
My code using sed
is: (inputs and outputs are the same, only the script changes)
sed -i -n '1,900000p' ${reads[0]}
sed -i -n '1,900000p' ${reads[1]}
So my question is: how should I modify the fastq file and truncate it inside the process? My aim is just to carry out the whole pipeline after this process with a smaller fastq file.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 377
Reputation: 54562
You might have added something like the following to your nextflow.config
process {
shell = [ '/bin/bash', '-euo', 'pipefail' ]
You get an error because zcat has had its destination closed early, and wasn't able to (successfully) write a decompressed file. It has no way of knowing that this was intentional, or if something bad happened (e.g. out of disk space, network error, etc).
If you'd rather not make changes to your shell options, you could instead use a tool that reads the entire input stream. This is what your awk solution does, which is the same as:
zcat test.fastq.gz | awk 'NR<=900000 { print $0 }'
For each input record, AWK tests the current record number (NR) to see if it is less than 900000. If it is, the whole line is printed to stdout. If it's not, try to see if the next line is less 900000. The problem with this solution is that this will be slow if your input FASTQ is really big. So you might be tempted to use:
zcat test.fastq.gz | awk 'NR>900000 { exit }'
But this will work much like the original head solution, and will produce an error with your current shell options. A better solution (which lets you keep your current shell options) is to instead use process substitution to avoid the pipe:
head -n 900000 < <(zcat test.fastq.gz)
Your Nextflow code might look like:
params.max_lines = 900000
tuple val(sample), path(reads)
def (fq1, fq2) = reads
head -n ${params.max_lines} < <(zcat "${fq1}") | gzip > "truncated_${fq1}"
head -n ${params.max_lines} < <(zcat "${fq2}") | gzip > "truncated_${fq2}"
workflow {
TRUNCATE_FASTQ( Channel.fromFilePairs('*.{1,2}.fastq.gz') )
If you have Python, which has native gzip support, you could also use pysam for this. For example:
params.max_records = 225000
container ''
tuple val(sample), path(reads)
def (fq1, fq2) = reads
#!/usr/bin/env python
import gzip
import pysam
def truncate(fn, num):
with pysam.FastxFile(fn) as ifh:
with'truncated_{fn}', 'wt') as ofh:
for idx, entry in enumerate(ifh):
if idx >= num:
print(str(entry), file=ofh)
truncate('${fq1}', ${params.max_records})
truncate('${fq2}', ${params.max_records})
Or using Biopython:
params.max_records = 225000
container ''
tuple val(sample), path(reads)
def (fq1, fq2) = reads
#!/usr/bin/env python
import gzip
from itertools import islice
from Bio import SeqIO
def xopen(fn, mode='r'):
if fn.endswith('.gz'):
return, mode)
return open(fn, mode)
def truncate(fn, num):
with xopen(fn, 'rt') as ifh, xopen(f'truncated_{fn}', 'wt') as ofh:
seqs = islice(SeqIO.parse(ifh, 'fastq'), num)
SeqIO.write(seqs, ofh, 'fastq')
truncate('${fq1}', ${params.max_records})
truncate('${fq2}', ${params.max_records})
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 107
After some testing it seems that as @tripleee said, there was an error signal using head
I do not fully understant the motives behind this, but this answer found in another question, seems to have solved at least, my problem.
So the final code is something like that:
set val(sample), val(single_end), path(reads) from ch_reads
path foo into ch_output
zcat ${reads[0]} | awk '(NR<=900000)' > truncated_file_1
gzip truncated_file_1
Upvotes: 0