
Reputation: 29

Optimal way to write a class in fortran 2018 (Code review)

I tried to write a code in modern fortran (2018?) and one of my goals is to be able to convert subroutines like this one (old fortran 77) to the most recent fortran (2018?)

    subroutine nobin(e,j,f)
         do 100 i=j,40
         if(er.le.0.0) go to 200
         100 continue
         if( f=f1
         go to 300
     200 f=float(i-j)+er/bini(i)+1.0
     300 continue

So far, I was able to write something like this (see below) but I was successful only for scalar variables. I am kind of stuck when I have to use arrays. In particular I should allocate and then give some values to the array Bini (the common block in the old fortran subroutine). And then to use these array in the function (find_bin_nobin) defined in the class. Any suggestion is appreciated as well as any formal improvement to the code. Many Thanks!

   module precision
   implicit none
   integer, parameter :: pr = selected_real_kind(12,300)
   integer, parameter :: ir = 4
   end module precision

   module constants
   use precision
   implicit none
   real   ( kind = pr ), parameter :: zero  = 0.0_pr
   real   ( kind = pr ), parameter :: one   = 1.0_pr
   real   ( kind = pr ), parameter :: four  = 4.0_pr
   real   ( kind = pr ), parameter :: pi = four * atan(one)
   end module constants

   module class_Dntrnpr

   use precision
   use constants, only : zero, one
   implicit none
   type Find_bin
   real   ( kind = pr ) :: e
   integer( kind = ir ) :: j
   real   ( kind = pr ), allocatable, dimension(:) :: bin


   procedure :: f => find_bin_nobin
   end type Find_bin


   function find_bin_nobin(x, n) result(f)
    class(Find_bin), intent(inout) :: x
    integer( kind = ir ), intent(in) :: n
    real   ( kind = pr ) :: f, f1, er
    integer( kind = ir ) :: i, k
    er = x%e
    i  = x%j
    k  = i
    er = er - x%bin(i)
    do while ( er <= zero )
     er = er - x%bin(i)
     i = i + 1
    f1 = er / x%bin(n)
    f  = ( n + 1 ) + f1 - dble(k) 
    if ( k > n ) then
     f = f1; return
     f = dble(i-k) + er / x%bin(i) + one
    end function find_bin_nobin

   end module class_Dntrnpr

   program test

   use class_Dntrnpr
   implicit none

   integer( kind = ir ) :: nbmax,i
   real   ( kind = pr ), allocatable, dimension(:) :: bini

   type(Find_bin) :: en
   !  type(Find_bin), allocatable, dimension(:) :: bin

   en%e = 2.0
   en%j = 1
   nbmax = 40

   bini = 1.0

   end program test

Upvotes: 2

Views: 333

Answers (1)


Reputation: 2981

This looks like it might be more suited to code review, but I'm going to throw in my six cents anyway. Apologies in advance if I come off rude below; it's not my intent, I'm just trying to make suggestions as I see them, and to avoid cluttering advice with niceties.

module precision

   module precision
   implicit none
   integer, parameter :: pr = selected_real_kind(12,300)
   integer, parameter :: ir = 4
   end module precision
  • If you're using free-form Fortran (and you really should be), you should indent for readability.
  • selected_real_kind(15,307) is more standard than (12,300) for double precision. Maybe consider instead using real64 from iso_fortran_env.
  • selected_int_kind(9) is more portable than 4.

So I would write this as:

module precision
  implicit none
  integer, parameter :: pr = selected_real_kind(15,307)
  integer, parameter :: ir = selected_int_kind(9)
end module precision

module constants

   module constants
   use precision
   implicit none
   real   ( kind = pr ), parameter :: zero  = 0.0_pr
   real   ( kind = pr ), parameter :: one   = 1.0_pr
   real   ( kind = pr ), parameter :: four  = 4.0_pr
   real   ( kind = pr ), parameter :: pi = four * atan(one)
   end module constants
  • Indentation again.
  • Parameters like zero = 0.0_pr are generally bad practice. With a modern compiler they won't give you any speedup, and they reduce readability. Just use the actual numbers.
  • I prefer real(pr) over real (kind = pr). It conveys the same information, and is more concise.

So I would write this as:

module constants
  use precision
  implicit none
  real(pr), parameter :: pi = 4.0_pr * atan(1.0_pr)
end module constants

Class definition

   module class_Dntrnpr

   use precision
   use constants, only : zero, one
   implicit none
   type Find_bin
   real   ( kind = pr ) :: e
   integer( kind = ir ) :: j
   real   ( kind = pr ), allocatable, dimension(:) :: bin


   procedure :: f => find_bin_nobin
   end type Find_bin

  • Indentation again.
  • If all a module does is define a class, it should be named after that class.
  • It's bad practice to align multiple lines using extra spaces (e.g. your declaration of e and j).
  • Consider renaming Find_bin to something more descriptive. Is this class a "find bin"?
  • Does bin represent a single bin, or should it be bins?
  • For consistency, f => find_bin_nobin should really be nobin => nobin_Find_bin.
  • The function find_bin_nobin does two different things: intilalise bin and calculate f. Ideally, OOP procedures should be separated into subroutines which modify their arguments and functions which do not modify their arguments. In this case, initialising bin can be done in a constructor.

So I would write this as:

module class_Find_bin
  use precision
  implicit none
  type Find_bin
    real(pr) :: e
    integer(ir) :: j
    real(pr), allocatable, dimension(:) :: bin
    procedure :: nobin => nobin_Find_bin
  end type Find_bin
  ! Constructor for type Find_bin.
  interface Find_bin
    module procedure new_Find_bin
  end interface

Class procedure(s)

   function find_bin_nobin(x, n) result(f)
    class(Find_bin), intent(inout) :: x
    integer( kind = ir ), intent(in) :: n
    real   ( kind = pr ) :: f, f1, er
    integer( kind = ir ) :: i, k
    er = x%e
    i  = x%j
    k  = i
    er = er - x%bin(i)
    do while ( er <= zero )
     er = er - x%bin(i)
     i = i + 1
    f1 = er / x%bin(n)
    f  = ( n + 1 ) + f1 - dble(k) 
    if ( k > n ) then
     f = f1; return
     f = dble(i-k) + er / x%bin(i) + one
    end function find_bin_nobin

   end module class_Dntrnpr
  • Indentation again. Alignment of multiple lines again.
  • Consider adding blank lines between sections of the code which do different things.
  • As above, consider separating find_bin_nobin into a constructor and a function to calculate f.
  • You never set x%bin. You allocate it with allocate(x%bin(n)), but then start reading from it without setting its values first.
  • Your version of the loop across i is different to the old version.
  • The variable k is unnecessary and adds confusion.
  • dble(foo) should be real(foo, pr).
  • Avoid using ; for two lines in one.
  • In the old code, the if( doesn't have an else. The line 200 f=float(i-j)+er/bini(i)+1.0 is always skipped by the line go to 300.
  • You don't need return at the end of a procedure. That happens automatically.

So I would write this as:

  function new_Find_bin(e, j, n) result(this)
    real(pr), intent(in) :: e
    integer(ir), intent(in) :: j
    integer(ir), intent(in) :: n
    type(Find_bin) :: this
    this%e = e
    this%j = j
    ! Initialise bin here.
  end function
  function nobin_Find_bin(this) result(f)
    class(Find_bin), intent(in) :: this
    real(pr) :: f
    real(pr) :: f1, er
    integer(ir) :: i, n
    er = this%e
    n = size(this%bin)
    do i=this%j,n
      er = er - this%bin(i)
      if (er<=0.0_pr) then
        f = real(i-this%j, pr) + er/this%bin(i) + 1.0_pr
    f1 = er / this%bin(n)
    f  = ( n + 1 ) + f1 - real(this%j, pr)
    if ( this%j > n ) then
      f = f1
  end function find_bin_nobin
end module class_Find_bin

Main program

   program test

   use class_Dntrnpr
   implicit none

   integer( kind = ir ) :: nbmax,i
   real   ( kind = pr ), allocatable, dimension(:) :: bini

   type(Find_bin) :: en
   !  type(Find_bin), allocatable, dimension(:) :: bin

   en%e = 2.0
   en%j = 1
   nbmax = 40

   bini = 1.0

   end program test

With the modules changed as above, I would write this as:

program test
  use class_Find_bin
  implicit none
  type(Find_bin) :: bin
  real(pr) :: f
  bin = Find_bin(2.0_pr, 1, 40)
  f = bin%nobin()
end program

A general comment:

  • Your code contains no comments and your variable names are meaningless. Future readers of your code (probably including future you) will be much happier if they can read what your code does rather than having to work it out. Consider replacing e.g. e and er with error if that's what they represent.

Upvotes: 2

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