Reputation: 47
i'hv list of Vnet in azure and through count trying to peer from index[0] to rest all of vNet in list. Not sure how to put logic for rest vNet that count must start from index[1] instead [0]. While mentioning index.count , it is trying to peer with same vNet at last and throwing error.
Here is my code.
variable "rg" {
type= list(string)
description = " Name of Resource Group"
default = ["hub", "ansible", "spoke1", "spoke2", "spoke3", "spoke4", "spoke5"]
variable "vnet_name" {
description = "Vnet Details "
type = list(string)
default = ["hub_vnet", "ansible_vnet", "spoke1_vnet", "spoke2_vnet", "spoke3_vnet", "spoke4_vnet", "spoke5_vnet"]
resource "azurerm_virtual_network_peering" "az_to_rest" {
name = element(var.vnet_name, count.index)
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.az_rg[0].name
virtual_network_name = azurerm_virtual_network.az_vnet[0].name
remote_virtual_network_id = azurerm_virtual_network.az_vnet[count.index].id
count = length(var.vnet_name)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 361
Reputation: 11451
I tested it for 3 vnets in 3 resource groups using the below code:
variable "rg" {
type= list(string)
description = " Name of Resource Group"
default = ["testgroup","hubtest","ansibletest"]
variable "vnet_name" {
description = "Vnet Details "
type = list(string)
default = ["ansuman_vnet","hub_vnet","ansible_vnet"]
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
data "azurerm_resource_group" "test" {
count = length(var.rg)
name = element(var.rg,count.index)
data "azurerm_virtual_network" "vnet" {
count = length(var.rg)
name = element(var.vnet_name, count.index)
resource_group_name = element(data.azurerm_resource_group.test.*.name, count.index)
resource "azurerm_virtual_network_peering" "az_to_rest" {
name = element(var.vnet_name, count.index)
resource_group_name = "${}"
virtual_network_name = "${}"
remote_virtual_network_id = data.azurerm_virtual_network.vnet[count.index].id
count = length(var.vnet_name)
As you can see from the above image, it errors out as its trying to peer with itself as well.
So , as a solution I have hard coded the virtual network name and resource group that I want to peer with other vnets and removed it from the list like below:
variable "rg" {
type= list(string)
description = " Name of Resource Group"
default = ["hubtest","ansibletest"]
variable "vnet_name" {
description = "Vnet Details "
type = list(string)
default = ["hub_vnet","ansible_vnet"]
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
data "azurerm_resource_group" "test" {
count = length(var.rg)
name = element(var.rg,count.index)
data "azurerm_virtual_network" "vnet" {
count = length(var.rg)
name = element(var.vnet_name, count.index)
resource_group_name = element(data.azurerm_resource_group.test.*.name, count.index)
resource "azurerm_virtual_network_peering" "az_to_rest" {
name = element(var.vnet_name, count.index)
resource_group_name = "testgroup" # resource group of vnet1
virtual_network_name = "ansuman_vnet"#vnet1
remote_virtual_network_id = data.azurerm_virtual_network.vnet[count.index].id
count = length(var.vnet_name)
Upvotes: 1