Reputation: 2549
Apologies for posting such long, non-compilable code. But despite reading several questions and answers on stackoverflow on ocaml's functors, I don't get how to solve this:
Assume I have a very abstract data structure:
module type ENTRY = sig
type t
val get_index : t -> int
val compare : t -> t -> int
module type T = sig
type entry
type t
val create : unit -> t
val insert : entry -> t -> t
val delete : entry -> t -> t
Based on this, I can make concrete data structures on these abstract implementation by passing a functor. For example I made:
module Make (Entry: Ads.ENTRY) : (ads.T with type entry = Entry.t)
This work, I can now use my implementation in other source-files, for example like this:
module AT = Concrete_ads.Make(
type t = int * int;;
let get_index = fst;;
let to_string = (fun (x,y) -> Printf "%i, %i" x y);;
And, then, use the implemenation like:
let at = AT.create () in
let ati = AT.insert (1,2) at in
let atd = AT.delete (1,2) ati in
... etc.
Now, I want write several functions that operate on these data structures in a seperate sourcefile, and they should be accesible from outside. But, I do not know how to declare the type of these functions. Something like this:
val search : Int -> Ads.T -> int list
But, when compiling I get:
Failure: "invalid long identifier type"
I, then, thought I need to specifically declare the module of adt as a
submodule in search.mli
, something like:
module AD = Ads;;
val search : Int -> AD.T -> int list
But, I get:
Parse error: [module_declaration] expected after [a_UIDENT] (in [sig_item])
What am I missing here ? I feel I either fail with the syntax, or did not fully grasp the concept of Functors, Modules and Submodules ...
Edit Thank you so much for your explanation, gasche! With your example I was able to write what I inteded. I'll post it here for clarification, since there seems to be alot of confusion about functors in ocaml.
In fact I wanted to make the function abstract with respect to Ads.T
, but require a specific type for Ads.T.t
I now have search.mli
module Make (T : Ads.T with type entry = int * int) : sig
val search : T.t -> int -> int
And, in
module Make (T : Ads.T with type entry = int * int) : sig
val search : T.t -> int -> int
end = struct
(* actual implementation of search *)
And it worked exactly as I intended.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 2929
Reputation: 31469
What are you trying to do exactly? Do you want your function to be parametrized over an ad type (eg. Ads.T.t
), or over an ad module (eg. Ads.T
) ?
In both cases, you should wrap those generic functions in modules:
module Generic (Ad : Ads.T) : sig
val search : int -> Ad.t -> int list
end = struct
let search _ _ = assert false
You can then instantiate them easily, eg. to work with your Conrete_ads
module AT = Concrete_ads.make(struct ... end)
module Lib = Generic(AT)
let foo = 2 (AT.create ())
Of course, if you would just like your functions to be parametrized over a specific, concrete type:
val search : int -> AT.t -> int list
PS: in your definition of AT
, you forgot the struct
in the struct .. end
module argument of the functor.
PPS: with OCaml 3.12 there is a new shiny thing called first-class modules that allows to pass a module as a value argument to a function
val search : int -> (module Ad.T) -> int list
let search n ad_module =
let module Ad = (val ad_module : Ad.T) in
... ..
... search 2 (module AT : Ad.T) ...
(Explanation : module S
, as a type expression, is the type of values that are "reified modules" of signature S
; (val t : S)
, as a module expression, is the module that was packed into the value t
, with signature S
. Here I take ad_module
as a value and unpack it into the Ad
module locally, which can then be used as any other module inside the function. Finally, (module M : S)
is a term expression that packs the module M
with signature S
into a value.)
It can supplement using a functor in some cases, but as it is new, a bit more complex (there are non-trivial limitations on the use of first-class modules) and possibly going to change a bit in the next language versions, I would advise keeping the tried-and-true functor construction.
Upvotes: 6