Reputation: 913
I have a website where I document a list of installed Pythonic libraries.
For each library, I want to have available:
My current solution is to use the name as the text of a link, href
'd to its documentation, and accept that the version & description are supplementary information, and can be made available to the user using a tool-tip - so they can sit in a title
Data Visualization tools:
<a href=''
title='Interactive Web Plotting for Python - version: 2.3.3'>bokeh</a>,
<a href=''
title='creation and rendering of graph descriptions in the DOT language of the Graphviz graph
drawing software - version: 2.48.0'>graphviz</a>,
This keeps the UI succinct: it's just a list of libraries, which I can group by functional type, and provides the information for the majority of users.
This works nicely, however it has two problems:
I'm looking to make whatever toggles the supplementary information work for both mouse hover and keyboard focus
.... but I just cannot figure out how to make the :focus
I'm not sure if it's an element order/placement thing, or a selector thing...
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<header aria-label="Header section`">
<h1>Obligatory h1 Heading</h1>
<main id="policy" class="side-padding" aria-label="The Notebooks">
<h2>A main heading</h2>
<section aria-labelledby="standard_notebook_h3">
<h3 id="standard_notebook_h3">Standard Notebook</h3>
<p>Standard Notebook is the default python 3 notebook, with a wide selection of libraries includes.</p>
<li class="set_of_libs">
Based on the <span><a href="" >jupyter/minimal-notebook</a> <span>(Jupyter's minimal notebook)</span></span> image.
<li class="set_of_libs">
Includes <span><a href="" >nbgrader</a> <span>(A system for assigning and grading Jupyter notebooks)</span></span> and <span><a href="" >+GitRepo</a> <span>(+GitRepo lets your students collect content from a git repository.)</span></span>
tools for document sharing.
<li class="set_of_libs">
Provide <span><a href="" >rubberband</a> <span>(Multi-Cell selection using a rubberband.)</span></span>,
<span><a href="" >exercise</a> <span>(Extension for hiding/showing solutions cells)</span></span>, and
<span><a href="" >exercise-2</a> <span>(Extension for hiding/showing solutions cells)</span></span>
extensions. <strong>Note</strong> these are not related to nbgrader in any way.
<li class="set_of_libs">
Data Access libraries: <span><a href='' >beautifulsoup4</a> <span>(Python library designed for screen-scraping - version: 4.9.3)</span></span>, <span><a href='' >dill</a> <span>(Serialize all of python (almost) - version: 0.3.4)</span></span>,
<span><a href='' >gitdb2</a> <span>(GitDB allows you to access bare git repositories for reading and writing - version: 4.0.2)</span></span>, <span><a href='' >libxml2</a> <span>(The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome - version: 2.9.12)</span></span>,
<span><a href='' >lxml</a> <span>(Pythonic binding for the C libraries libxml2 and libxslt - version: 4.6.3)</span></span>, <span><a href='' >mysql-connector-python</a> <span>(Enables Python programs to access MySQL databases, using an API that is compliant with the Python Database API Specification v2.0 (PEP 249) - version: 8.0.25)</span></span>,
<span><a href='' >openpyxl</a> <span>(a Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files - version: 3.0.7)</span></span>, <span><a href='' >protobuf</a> <span>(Protocol Buffers - Googles data interchange format - version: 3.16.0)</span></span>,
<span><a href='' >pyxlsb</a> <span>(an Excel 2007-2010 Binary Workbook (xlsb) parser for Python - version: 1.0.8)</span></span>, <span><a href='' >sqlalchemy</a> <span>(Database Abstraction Library - version: 1.4.22)</span></span>,
<span><a href='' >sqlite</a> <span>(SQLite darabase engine/server - version: 3.35.5)</span></span>, <span><a href='' >textblob</a> <span>(Simple, Pythonic text processing. Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase parsing, and more - version: 0.15.3)</span></span>,
<span><a href='' >unixodbc</a> <span>(ODBC on non MS Windows platforms - version: 2.3.9)</span></span>, <span><a href='' >xlrd</a> <span>(Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files - version: 2.0.1)</span></span>,
<span><a href='' >xlwt</a> <span>(a library for developers to use to generate spreadsheet files compatible with Microsoft Excel versions 95 to 2003 - version: 1.3.0)</span></span>, <span><a href='' >xlsxwriter</a> <span>(a Python module for creating Excel XLSX files - version: 1.4.4)</span></span>,
and <span><a href='' >xmlschema</a> <span>(An implementation of XML Schema for Python - version: 1.6.4)</span></span>
Data Visualization tools: <a href='' title='Interactive Web Plotting for Python - version: 2.3.3'>bokeh</a>, <a href='' title='creation and rendering of graph descriptions in the DOT language of the Graphviz graph drawing software - version: 2.48.0'>graphviz</a>,
<a href='' title='0.7.3'>hvplot</a>, <a href='' title='Jupyter interactive widgets - version: 7.6.3'>ipywidgets</a>, <a href='' title='Matplotlib Jupyter Extension - version: 0.7.0'>ipympl</a>,
<a href='' title='K3D lets you create 3D plots backed by WebGL with high-level API (surfaces, isosurfaces, voxels, mesh, cloud points, vtk objects, volume renderer, colormaps, etc) - version: 2.9.7'>k3d</a>,
<a href='' title='Publication quality features in Python - version: 3.4.2'>matplotlib-base</a>, <a href='' title='D3 Viewer for matplotlib - version: 0.5.5'>mpld3</a>, <a href=''
title='Palettable (formerly brewer2mpl) is a library of color palettes for Python - version: 3.3.0'>palettable</a>, <a href='' title='An interactive, browser-based graphing library for Python - version: 5.1.0'>plotly</a>,
<a href='' title='Supports 2D and 3D ordinary and universal kriging - version: 1.6.0'>pykrige</a>, <a href='' title='PyMC3 allows you to write down models using an intuitive syntax to describe a data generating process - version: 3.11.2'>pymc3</a>,
<a href='' title='Statistical data visualization - version: 0.11.1'>seaborn</a>, <a href='' title='Interactive HTML Widgets for Jupyter - version: 3.5.1'>widgetsnbextension</a>,
and <a href='' title='A little word cloud generator in Python - version: 1.8.1'>wordcloud</a>
See my demo in CodePen:
Upvotes: 1
Views: 487
Reputation: 10922
Use focus-within
rather than focus
.set_of_libs span:hover span,
.set_of_libs span:focus-within span {
display: inline;
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display: inline;
<header aria-label="Header section`">
<h1>Obligatory h1 Heading</h1>
<main id="policy" class="side-padding" aria-label="The Notebooks">
<h2>A main heading</h2>
<section aria-labelledby="standard_notebook_h3">
<h3 id="standard_notebook_h3">Standard Notebook</h3>
<p>Standard Notebook is the default python 3 notebook, with a wide selection of libraries includes.</p>
<li class="set_of_libs">
Based on the <span><a href="">jupyter/minimal-notebook</a> <span>(Jupyter's minimal notebook)</span></span> image.
<li class="set_of_libs">
Includes <span><a href="">nbgrader</a> <span>(A system for assigning and grading Jupyter notebooks)</span></span> and <span><a href="">+GitRepo</a> <span>(+GitRepo lets your students collect content from a git repository.)</span></span>
tools for document sharing.
<li class="set_of_libs">
Provide <span><a href="">rubberband</a> <span>(Multi-Cell selection using a rubberband.)</span></span>,
<span><a href="">exercise</a> <span>(Extension for hiding/showing solutions cells)</span></span>, and
<span><a href="">exercise-2</a> <span>(Extension for hiding/showing solutions cells)</span></span> extensions.
<strong>Note</strong> these are not related to nbgrader in any way.
<li class="set_of_libs">
Data Access libraries: <span><a href=''>beautifulsoup4</a> <span>(Python library designed for screen-scraping - version: 4.9.3)</span></span>, <span><a href=''>dill</a> <span>(Serialize all of python (almost) - version: 0.3.4)</span></span>,
<span><a href=''>gitdb2</a> <span>(GitDB allows you to access bare git repositories for reading and writing - version: 4.0.2)</span></span>, <span><a href=''>libxml2</a> <span>(The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome - version: 2.9.12)</span></span>,
<span><a href=''>lxml</a> <span>(Pythonic binding for the C libraries libxml2 and libxslt - version: 4.6.3)</span></span>, <span><a href=''>mysql-connector-python</a> <span>(Enables Python programs to access MySQL databases, using an API that is compliant with the Python Database API Specification v2.0 (PEP 249) - version: 8.0.25)</span></span>,
<span><a href=''>openpyxl</a> <span>(a Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files - version: 3.0.7)</span></span>, <span><a href=''>protobuf</a> <span>(Protocol Buffers - Googles data interchange format - version: 3.16.0)</span></span>,
<span><a href=''>pyxlsb</a> <span>(an Excel 2007-2010 Binary Workbook (xlsb) parser for Python - version: 1.0.8)</span></span>, <span><a href=''>sqlalchemy</a> <span>(Database Abstraction Library - version: 1.4.22)</span></span>,
<span><a href=''>sqlite</a> <span>(SQLite darabase engine/server - version: 3.35.5)</span></span>, <span><a href=''>textblob</a> <span>(Simple, Pythonic text processing. Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase parsing, and more - version: 0.15.3)</span></span>,
<span><a href=''>unixodbc</a> <span>(ODBC on non MS Windows platforms - version: 2.3.9)</span></span>, <span><a href=''>xlrd</a> <span>(Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files - version: 2.0.1)</span></span>,
<span><a href=''>xlwt</a> <span>(a library for developers to use to generate spreadsheet files compatible with Microsoft Excel versions 95 to 2003 - version: 1.3.0)</span></span>, <span><a href=''>xlsxwriter</a> <span>(a Python module for creating Excel XLSX files - version: 1.4.4)</span></span>,
and <span><a href=''>xmlschema</a> <span>(An implementation of XML Schema for Python - version: 1.6.4)</span></span>
Data Visualization tools: <a href='' title='Interactive Web Plotting for Python - version: 2.3.3'>bokeh</a>, <a href='' title='creation and rendering of graph descriptions in the DOT language of the Graphviz graph drawing software - version: 2.48.0'>graphviz</a>,
<a href='' title='0.7.3'>hvplot</a>, <a href='' title='Jupyter interactive widgets - version: 7.6.3'>ipywidgets</a>, <a href='' title='Matplotlib Jupyter Extension - version: 0.7.0'>ipympl</a>,
<a href='' title='K3D lets you create 3D plots backed by WebGL with high-level API (surfaces, isosurfaces, voxels, mesh, cloud points, vtk objects, volume renderer, colormaps, etc) - version: 2.9.7'>k3d</a>,
<a href='' title='Publication quality features in Python - version: 3.4.2'>matplotlib-base</a>, <a href='' title='D3 Viewer for matplotlib - version: 0.5.5'>mpld3</a>, <a href=''
title='Palettable (formerly brewer2mpl) is a library of color palettes for Python - version: 3.3.0'>palettable</a>, <a href='' title='An interactive, browser-based graphing library for Python - version: 5.1.0'>plotly</a>,
<a href='' title='Supports 2D and 3D ordinary and universal kriging - version: 1.6.0'>pykrige</a>, <a href='' title='PyMC3 allows you to write down models using an intuitive syntax to describe a data generating process - version: 3.11.2'>pymc3</a>,
<a href='' title='Statistical data visualization - version: 0.11.1'>seaborn</a>, <a href='' title='Interactive HTML Widgets for Jupyter - version: 3.5.1'>widgetsnbextension</a>,
and <a href='' title='A little word cloud generator in Python - version: 1.8.1'>wordcloud</a>
Upvotes: 1