Reputation: 81
i'm wondering why i am only getting a partial solve This is my system:
import sympy as smp
K4,K3,K2,K1 = smp.symbols(['K4','K3','K2','K1']) #unknown coefficients
dt = smp.symbols('dt',real=True,nonzero=True) #unknown variable
v_max, a_max, v_zu = smp.symbols(['v_max','a_max','v_zu'],real=True) #known coefficients
eqSys= [
7*K1*dt**6 + 6*K2*dt**5 + 5*K3*dt**4 + 4*K4*dt**3 - 0.5*v_max + v_zu,
42*K1*dt**5 + 30*K2*dt**4 + 20*K3*dt**3 + 12*K4*dt**2 - a_max,
210*K1*dt**4 + 120*K2*dt**3 + 60*K3*dt**2 + 24*K4*dt,
840*K1*dt**3 + 360*K2*dt**2 + 120*K3*dt + 24*K4,
2520*K1*dt**2 + 720*K2*dt + 120*K3
unknown= [K4,K3,K2,K1,dt]
retval = smp.solve(eqSys, unknown, rational=True, check=False,manual=True)
#--> retval= [(0, K3, nan, nan, 0), (K4, 0, zoo*K4, zoo*K4, 0), (5*a_max/(6*dt**2), -a_max/dt**3, a_max/(2*dt**4), -2*a_max/(21*dt**5), dt)]
The 3rd solution is correct, but why doesn't it solve for dt? It can be easily calculated by hand based of the provided solution, so i dont understand what i am/it is doing wrong here.
equation system expanded manually by the solved K's and eq1 solved for dt proves this:
eq1= 7*(-2*a_max/(21*dt**5))*dt**6 + 6*(a_max/(2*dt**4))*dt**5 + 5*(-a_max/dt**3)*dt**4 + 4*(5*a_max/(6*dt**2))*dt**3 - 0.5*v_max + v_zu
eq2= 42*(-2*a_max/(21*dt**5))*dt**5 + 30*(a_max/(2*dt**4))*dt**4 + 20*(-a_max/dt**3)*dt**3 + 12*(5*a_max/(6*dt**2))*dt**2 - a_max
eq3= 210*(-2*a_max/(21*dt**5))*dt**4 + 120*(a_max/(2*dt**4))*dt**3 + 60*(-a_max/dt**3)*dt**2 + 24*(5*a_max/(6*dt**2))*dt
eq4= 840*(-2*a_max/(21*dt**5))*dt**3 + 360*(a_max/(2*dt**4))*dt**2 + 120*(-a_max/dt**3)*dt + 24*(5*a_max/(6*dt**2))
eq5= 2520*(-2*a_max/(21*dt**5))*dt**2 + 720*(a_max/(2*dt**4))*dt + 120*(-a_max/dt**3)
eq1 = smp.nsimplify(smp.simplify(eq1))
eq2 = smp.nsimplify(smp.simplify(eq2))
eq3 = smp.nsimplify(smp.simplify(eq3))
eq4 = smp.nsimplify(smp.simplify(eq4))
eq5 = smp.nsimplify(smp.simplify(eq5))
print('eq1->',eq1) # eq1-> 2*a_max*dt/3 - v_max/2 + v_zu
print('eq2->',eq2) # eq2-> 0
print('eq3->',eq3) # eq3-> 0
print('eq4->',eq4) # eq4-> 0
print('eq5->',eq5) # eq5-> 0
print('dt = ',smp.solve(eq1,dt)) #dt = [3*(v_max - 2*v_zu)/(4*a_max)]
If i change manual=False to manual=True, the solution is provided fully in this case. But it seems that manual=False takes extremely long to calculate sometimes, depending on the equation system (with similar character as shown here - polynomial derivatives + known coefficients). That's why i would like to stick with manual=True if possible.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 197
Reputation: 14530
The problem is check=False
. With sympy 1.8:
In [4]: solve(eqSys, unknown, manual=True)
⎡⎛ 3 4 5 6 ⎞⎤
⎢⎜0.37037037037037⋅aₘₐₓ -0.296296296296296⋅aₘₐₓ 0.0987654320987654⋅aₘₐₓ -0.0125416421712718⋅aₘₐₓ 0.75⋅(vₘₐₓ - 2.0⋅v_zu)⎟⎥
⎢⎜──────────────────────, ─────────────────────────, ────────────────────────, ──────────────────────────, ──────────────────────⎟⎥
⎢⎜ 2 3 4 5 aₘₐₓ ⎟⎥
⎣⎝ (0.5⋅vₘₐₓ - v_zu) (0.5⋅vₘₐₓ - v_zu) (0.5⋅vₘₐₓ - v_zu) (0.5⋅vₘₐₓ - v_zu) ⎠⎦
In [5]: solve(eqSys, unknown, manual=True, check=False)
⎡ ⎛0.833333333333333⋅aₘₐₓ -aₘₐₓ 0.5⋅aₘₐₓ -0.0952380952380952⋅aₘₐₓ ⎞⎤
⎢(0.0, K₃, nan, nan, 0.0), (K₄, 0.0, zoo⋅K₄, zoo⋅K₄, 0.0), ⎜──────────────────────, ──────, ────────, ─────────────────────────, dt⎟⎥
⎢ ⎜ 2 3 4 5 ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝ dt dt dt dt ⎠⎦
Note that a bug affecting this case was recently fixed and the fix will be in sympy 1.9 (but is already there in master):
You might want to try running with the latest master as it already gives different output. After checking with latest master I suggest opening a GitHub issue if there are still problems.
Upvotes: 2