Reputation: 592
I have the following (sampled) dictionary A
that originally has over 17,000 keys, and each array's length is just over 600,000 (same for all). I am trying to find the key of the smallest number across arrays for each of 600,000 inputs. For instance, in the below dictionary, I want to get i = 3093094 for j = 0 because 45.16672136 is the smallest across the first indices of all arrays. Similarly, i = 1157086 for j = 1 because 1.53174068 is the smallest.
A = {3093094: array([45.16672136, 1.68053313, 13.78822307, ..., 36.18798239,
36.09565274, 35.85261821]),
1156659: array([45.46286695, 1.69632425, 13.81351489, ..., 36.54544469,
36.45329774, 36.20969689]),
1156667: array([45.43970605, 1.69026244, 13.81365067, ..., 36.51934187,
36.42716964, 36.18364528]),
1156792: array([45.29956347, 1.57736575, 13.90834355, ..., 36.43079348,
36.33804273, 36.09623309]),
1157086: array([45.38149498, 1.53174068, 13.98398836, ..., 36.57985343,
36.48684657, 36.2457831 ]),
1430072: array([45.46114909, 1.58096885, 13.95459557, ..., 36.64775128,
36.55496457, 36.31324461]),
1668445: array([45.44073352, 1.5941793 , 13.92953699, ..., 36.60630965,
36.51361336, 36.27162926]),
3055958: array([45.45006118, 1.57686417, 13.95499241, ..., 36.63558996,
36.54278917, 36.30111176]),
1078241: array([45.56175847, 1.77256163, 13.75586274, ..., 36.61441986,
36.52264105, 36.27795081])}
I have the below multiprocessing solution method but looking for a more efficient way as it takes too long to process.
import numpy as np
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool
C = range(len(A[3093094]))
def closest(All_inputs):
(A,j) = All_inputs
B = list(A.keys())
my_list = [A[i][j] for i in B]
with Pool(processes=os.cpu_count()) as pool:
results =, [(A,j) for j in C])
A challenge is to duplicate A in multiprocessing as it is huge in size. Do you have any Pythonic approaches to quickly complete this supposedly trivial computation?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 143
Reputation: 1161
If your memory is big enough. May be you can try this, using pandas. If still slow, try using dask. Both example were list below.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as dd
from tqdm import tqdm
test_data = {}
for i in tqdm(range(2000)):
test_data[i] = np.random.randint(0, 10000, 600000)
# test one
# print(test_data)
now = time.time()
df = pd.DataFrame(test_data)
min_idx = df.idxmin(axis=1)
result_one = dict(zip(range(2000), min_idx.tolist()))
# print(result_one)
print(time.time() - now)
# test two
now = time.time()
df = pd.DataFrame(test_data)
ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
min_idx = ddf.idxmin(axis=1).compute(scheduler="processes")
result_two = dict(zip(range(2000), min_idx.tolist()))
# print(result_two)
print(time.time() - now)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11351
I have tried the following on a machine with 12 cores and 16G RAM:
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from time import perf_counter
def closest(values):
return np.argmin(np.array(values))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Build A inside __main__ (otherwise each process builds it again)
num_keys = 10_000
arr_len = 100_000
rng = np.random.default_rng()
A = {
key: rng.integers(0, 1000, arr_len)
for key in range(1000, 1000 + num_keys)
# Multiprocessing
start = perf_counter()
with Pool(processes=cpu_count()) as p:
indices = p.imap(closest, zip(*A.values()), chunksize=1000)
keys = tuple(A.keys())
results = [keys[i] for i in indices]
end = perf_counter()
print(f"Duration (np.argmin mp): {end - start:.2f}")
# np.argmin directly
start = perf_counter()
arr = np.array([*A.values()])
keys = tuple(A.keys())
results = [keys[i] for i in np.argmin(arr, axis=0)]
end = perf_counter()
print(f"Duration (np.argmin direct): {end - start:.2f}")
Duration results:
Duration (np.argmin mp): 1258.07
Duration (np.argmin direct): 563.84
Results for a small sample (num_keys = 4
, arr_len = 8
A =
{1000: [879, 130, 114, 973, 691, 394, 122, 215],
1001: [221, 482, 510, 319, 454, 585, 767, 138],
1002: [982, 526, 971, 168, 185, 477, 838, 37],
1003: [675, 293, 769, 878, 611, 695, 237, 129]}
results = [1001, 1000, 1000, 1002, 1002, 1000, 1000, 1002]
results = [1001, 1000, 1000, 1002, 1002, 1000, 1000, 1002]
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10464
This seems to work and ought to be faster than converting each column to a Python list with an unpythonic list comprehension and then back to a NumPy array:
K = np.array(list(A))
V = np.array(list(A.values()))
Output for your example data (with the ...
[3093094 1157086 1078241 3093094 3093094 3093094]
Upvotes: 0