Reputation: 27
I am trying to pick up both elements in my query_string
tuple. However, only the last element is being picked up. Below, is my test/ file:
terraform {
required_version = ">= 0.13.0"
required_providers {
aws = ">= 3.58"
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
module "test_module" {
source = "../"
lb = [
name = "lb-name"
enable_deletion_protection = true
internal = false
load_balancer_type = "application"
lb_listener = [
port = "8080"
protocol = "HTTP"
ssl_policy = "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08"
default_action = {
type = "redirect"
order = 1
redirect = {
status_code = "HTTP_302"
lb_listener_rule = [
action = {
type = "fixed-response"
fixed_response = {
content_type = "text/plain"
message_body = "This is a message body."
condition = {
query_string = [
key = "health"
value = "check"
value = "bar"
Here is my file:
variable "lb" {
description = <<DESCRIPTION
The AWS Elastic Load Balancing v2 module.
type = any
default = []
locals {
lb_listener_flat_list = flatten([
for lb in : [
for lb_listener in lookup(lb, "lb_listener", []) : {
lb_name =
lb_listener_load_balancer_arn =[].arn
lb_listener_port = lookup(lb, "load_balancer_type", "application") != "gateway" ? lookup(lb_listener, "port", null) : null
lb_listener_protocol = lookup(lb, "load_balancer_type", "application") != "gateway" || lookup(lb, "ip_address_type", null) != "dualstack" ? lookup(lb_listener, "protocol", null) : null
lb_listener_ssl_policy = lookup(lb_listener, "protocol", null) != "HTTPS" || lookup(lb_listener, "protocol", null) != "TLS" ? lb_listener.ssl_policy : lookup(lb_listener, "ssl_policy", null)
lb_listener_default_action_type = lb_listener.default_action.type
lb_listener_default_action_order = lookup(lb_listener.default_action, "order", null)
lb_listener_default_action_redirect = lookup(lb_listener.default_action, "redirect", {}) != {} ? {
lb_listener_default_action_redirect_status_code = lb_listener.default_action.redirect.status_code
} : null
lb_listener_rule_flat_list = flatten([
for lb in : [
for lb_listener in lookup(lb, "lb_listener", []) : [
for lb_listener_rule in lookup(lb_listener, "lb_listener_rule", []) : [
# I've recently added the line below in an attempte to loop through the list of maps for query_string
for index in range(length(lookup(lb_listener_rule.condition, "query_string", []))) : {
lb_name =
lb_listener_rule_index = index
lb_listener_rule_listener_arn = aws_lb_listener.lb_listener[].arn
lb_listener_rule_action_type = lb_listener_rule.action.type
lb_listener_rule_action_fixed_response = lookup(lb_listener_rule.action, "fixed_response", {}) != {} ? {
lb_listener_rule_action_fixed_response_content_type = lb_listener_rule.action.fixed_response.content_type
lb_listener_rule_action_fixed_response_message_body = lookup(lb_listener_rule.action.fixed_response, "message_body", null)
} : null
lb_listener_rule_condition_query_string = lookup(lb_listener_rule.condition, "query_string", {}) != {} ? {
lb_listener_rule_condition_query_string_key = lookup(lb_listener_rule.condition.query_string[index], "key", null)
lb_listener_rule_condition_query_string_value = lb_listener_rule.condition.query_string[index].value
} : null
lb_map = { for lb in : => lb }
lb_listener_map = { for lb_listener in local.lb_listener_flat_list : lb_listener.lb_name => lb_listener }
lb_listener_rule_map = { for lb_listener_rule in local.lb_listener_rule_flat_list : "${lb_listener_rule.lb_name}-[${lb_listener_rule.lb_listener_rule_index}]" => lb_listener_rule }
resource "aws_lb_listener" "lb_listener" {
for_each = local.lb_listener_map
load_balancer_arn = each.value.lb_listener_load_balancer_arn
port = each.value.lb_listener_port
protocol = each.value.lb_listener_protocol
ssl_policy = each.value.lb_listener_ssl_policy
default_action {
type = each.value.lb_listener_default_action_type
order = each.value.lb_listener_default_action_order
dynamic "redirect" {
for_each = each.value.lb_listener_default_action_redirect != null ? [{}] : []
content {
status_code = each.value.lb_listener_default_action_redirect.lb_listener_default_action_redirect_status_code
resource "aws_lb_listener_rule" "lb_listener_rule" {
for_each = local.lb_listener_rule_map
listener_arn = each.value.lb_listener_rule_listener_arn
action {
type = each.value.lb_listener_rule_action_type
dynamic "fixed_response" {
for_each = each.value.lb_listener_rule_action_fixed_response != null ? [{}] : []
content {
content_type = each.value.lb_listener_rule_action_fixed_response.lb_listener_rule_action_fixed_response_content_type
message_body = each.value.lb_listener_rule_action_fixed_response.lb_listener_rule_action_fixed_response_message_body
condition {
dynamic "query_string" {
for_each = each.value.lb_listener_rule_condition_query_string != null ? [{}] : []
content {
key = each.value.lb_listener_rule_condition_query_string.lb_listener_rule_condition_query_string_key
value = each.value.lb_listener_rule_condition_query_string.lb_listener_rule_condition_query_string_value
resource "aws_lb" "lb" {
for_each = local.lb_map
name = lookup(each.value, "name", null)
enable_deletion_protection = lookup(each.value, "enable_deletion_protection", null)
internal = lookup(each.value, "internal", null)
ip_address_type = lookup(each.value, "ip_address_type", null)
load_balancer_type = lookup(each.value, "load_balancer_type", null)
Here is how the condition
block looks when I run a terraform plan
condition {
query_string {
value = "bar"
Here is how I would like the condition
block to look:
condition {
query_string {
key = "health"
value = "check"
query_string {
value = "bar"
Upvotes: 0
Views: 295
Reputation: 238209
Your code, as complex as it is creates the two query_string
The code, in the form posted in the question has number of issues and it will not work. But then as you wrote that "My original files are very long. ", I guess that your real code actually works. Thus I only focused on its verification, rather then fixing all possible errors as I don't know what is your factual code.
Upvotes: 1