Reputation: 507
I wanted to create a custom carousel (in the future a snap carousel). I tried to use a drag gesture but every time i drag it, it returns to 0 first, then drag the view. i tried to add the statingpoint value to the calculation, end up always starting at 500 ish
Are there any other method to do it? if not, how do i do it?
struct ScrollItem: View {
@Binding var offset:CGFloat
var body: some View {
ForEach(0..<7){_ in
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.frame(width: 200, height: 150, alignment: .center
.onChanged({ val in
let startLoc = val.startLocation
self.offset = val.translation.width + startLoc.x // + startLoc.x
.onEnded({ val in
self.offset = val.translation.width
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2253
Reputation: 3611
This may be irrelevant to the question,
but I leave the answer for those who have the same problem as me.
In my case the carousel cells had to be scaled.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
// MARK: - Value
// MARK: Private
@State private var pointX: CGFloat = 0
@State private var scales = [Int: CGFloat]()
@State private var size: CGSize = .zero
@State private var currentIndex = 0
@State private var isDragging = false
@State private var previousIndex: Int? = nil
@GestureState private var offsetState: CGSize = .zero
private let itemCount = 10
private let spacing: CGFloat = 12
private let length: CGFloat = 112
private let minimumScale: CGFloat = 0.857
private let deltaScale: CGFloat = 0.143
private var totalWidth: CGFloat {
length * CGFloat(itemCount) + spacing * CGFloat(max(0, itemCount - 1))
private var firstItemPositionX: CGFloat {
(length * CGFloat(itemCount) + spacing * CGFloat(itemCount)) / 2 + spacing + length
// MARK: - View
// MARK: Public
var body: some View {
ZStack {
GeometryReader { proxy in
HStack(spacing: spacing) {
ForEach(0..<itemCount, id: \.self) { i in
ZStack {
.font(.system(size: 40, weight: .bold))
.frame(width: length, height: length)
.scaleEffect(scales[i] ?? 1)
.frame { value in
let range = length + spacing
var ratio: CGFloat {
switch value.origin.x {
case (proxy.size.width / 2 - length / 2)...(proxy.size.width + length / 2 + spacing):
let offset = (proxy.size.width + length / 2 + spacing) - (proxy.size.width / 2) - value.origin.x
return offset / range
case (spacing / 2)..<(proxy.size.width / 2 - length / 2):
let offset = ((proxy.size.width - length) / 2) - value.origin.x
return 1 - offset / range
return 0
// Update currentIndex
if 0.5 < ratio {
currentIndex = i
// Scale animation
let scale = minimumScale + deltaScale * ratio
withAnimation(isDragging ? nil : .spring(response: 0.5, dampingFraction: 0.9, blendDuration: 0)) {
scales[i] = max(minimumScale, min(1, scale))
.position(x: firstItemPositionX + pointX + offsetState.width, y: proxy.size.height / 2)
.task {
size = proxy.size
.frame(height: 300)
.updating($offsetState) { currentState, gestureState, transaction in
gestureState = currentState.translation
.onChanged { value in
isDragging = true
guard previousIndex == nil else { return }
previousIndex = currentIndex
.onEnded { value in
isDragging = false
pointX += value.translation.width
var targetPointX = -(CGFloat(currentIndex) * length + (CGFloat(currentIndex) * spacing))
let delta = abs(currentIndex - (previousIndex ?? 0))
// Calcualte velocity
if 150 < value.predictedEndTranslation.width, delta < 1 { // Left
targetPointX = -(CGFloat(max(0, currentIndex - 1)) * length + (CGFloat(max(0, currentIndex - 1)) * spacing))
} else if value.predictedEndTranslation.width < -150, delta < 1 { // Right
targetPointX = -(CGFloat(min(itemCount - 1, currentIndex)) * length + (CGFloat(min(itemCount - 1, currentIndex)) * spacing))
withAnimation(.spring(response: 0.5, dampingFraction: 0.9, blendDuration: 0)) {
pointX = targetPointX
// MARK: Private
private var cardView: some View {
.fill(Color(.displayP3, red: 126 / 255, green: 67 / 255, blue: 250 / 255))
.frame(width: 112, height: 112)
.shadow(color: Color(.displayP3, red: 34 / 255, green: 34 / 255, blue: 34 / 255).opacity(0.08), radius: 24, x: 0, y: 12)
private var currentItemView: some View {
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold))
.offset(y: -200)
private var guideLineView: some View {
.frame(width: 1, height: 800)
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
let view = ContentView()
.previewDevice("iPhone 11 Pro")
import SwiftUI
struct FramePreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
static var defaultValue: CGRect = .zero
static func reduce(value: inout CGRect, nextValue: () -> CGRect) {}
import SwiftUI
extension View {
func frame(perform: @escaping (CGRect) -> Void) -> some View {
GeometryReader {
.preference(key: FramePreferenceKey.self, value: $0.frame(in: .global))
.onPreferenceChange(FramePreferenceKey.self) { value in
DispatchQueue.main.async { perform(value) }
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 15045
You need to keep track of the last offset.
struct ContentView: View {
@Binding var offset:CGFloat = .zero
@State var lastOffset: CGFloat = .zero
var body: some View {
ForEach(0..<7){_ in
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.frame(width: 200, height: 150, alignment: .center)
.onChanged({ val in
self.offset = lastOffset + val.translation.width
.onEnded({ val in
lastOffset = offset
Upvotes: 1