Reputation: 1
I have been trying to get to understand how OpenCV and facial recognition works, but I keep getting an error message.
I get the following error Message: OpenCV: terminate handler is called! The last OpenCV error is:
OpenCV(4.5.3) Error: Assertion failed (!empty()) in cv::CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale, file C:\build\master_winpack-build-win64-vc15\opencv\modules\objdetect\src\cascadedetect.cpp, line 1689
can someone please tell me what this error message means?
The program crashes after running for a few seconds and I don't get to see the video feed. After failing a few times with my own code, I ended up directly copying code from Tutorials. I used code from "" and still get an error message.
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv )
double scale = 1.0;
cv::CascadeClassifier faceCascade;
cv::VideoCapture video(0);
std::cout<<"Video funktioniert"<<std::endl;
//Frame speichern
cv::Mat frame;
//Loop yur Ausgabe von Video
while (
video >> frame;
cv::Mat grayscale;
cvtColor(frame, grayscale, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
resize(grayscale, grayscale, Size(grayscale.size().width / scale, grayscale.size().height / scale));
vector<Rect> faces;
faceCascade.detectMultiScale(grayscale, faces, 1.1, 3.0, 0, Size(30, 30));
for (Rect area : faces)
Scalar drawColour = Scalar(255, 0, 0);
cvRound(area.x * scale),
cvRound(area.y * scale)),
cvRound((area.x + area.width - 1) * scale),
cvRound((area.y + area.height - 1) * scale)),
cv::imshow("video feed", frame);
if (cv::waitKey(25) >= 0)
return 0;
CONFIG += console c++11
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt
INCLUDEPATH += C:\ComputerVision\opencv\build\include\
LIBS += C:\ComputerVision\opencv\build\x64\vc15\lib\opencv_world453.lib
Upvotes: -1
Views: 1722
Reputation: 416
The error occurred because the haarcascades_frontalface_alt.xml
wasn't found.
You don't need hardcoding the file path in your code because it's already included in opencv lib. Try this instead:
faceDetector.load (cv::samples::findFile ("haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml"));
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 15518
OpenCV uses assertions for error checking. That may be considered lazy because failed assertions aren't exceptions that can be caught (in C++ anyway, AFAIK).
This specific assertion says that you created a Cascade Classifier but the xml file wasn't found or there was some other issue in loading the classifier data. To arrive at this conclusion, you would read the OpenCV source at the specified location. You'd find the assertion, and you'd dive into empty()
, which checks precisely that situation.
You can check this situation right after the .load()
call yourself:
Which is the same test as in the assertion, just in your own code, and before you try to use the cascade classifier.
Upvotes: 0