Reputation: 1
I'm trying to connect Nesper to an external database (originally sqlite) but nothing is able to resolve the type. I get an exception at the configure routine "com.espertech.esper.client.EPException: 'Unable to resolve type for driver 'PgSQL''" Seems to affect PgSQL as well. Any help on whats missing?
esper.xml config
<database-reference name="db2">
<driver type="PgSQL" connection-string="Host=nesper-pgsql-integ.local;Database=test;Username=esper;Password=3sp3rP@ssw0rd;"/>
<connection-settings auto-commit="false" catalog="test" read-only="true" transaction-isolation="ReadCommitted"/>
<connection-lifecycle value="retain"/>
<lru-cache size="1000"/>
<column-change-case value="uppercase"/>
<metadata-origin value="metadata"/>
Initialization routine throws an exception at config.Configure(url)
static void InitializeEsper()
string url = @".\esper.xml";
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.Configure(url); // Fails here
var serviceProvider = EPServiceProviderManager.GetDefaultProvider(config);
_runtime = serviceProvider.EPRuntime;
_administrator = serviceProvider.EPAdministrator;
The exception message is: "Unable to resolve type for driver 'PgSQL'"
The stacktrace is:
" at com.espertech.esper.client.DbDriverFactoryConnection.ResolveDriverTypeFromName(String driverName)\r\n at com.espertech.esper.client.ConfigurationDBRef.SetDatabaseDriver(IContainer container, String driverName, Properties properties)\r\n at com.espertech.esper.client.ConfigurationParser.HandleDatabaseRefs(Configuration configuration, XmlElement element)\r\n at com.espertech.esper.client.ConfigurationParser.DoConfigure(Configuration configuration, XmlElement rootElement)\r\n at com.espertech.esper.client.ConfigurationParser.DoConfigure(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, String resourceName)\r\n at com.espertech.esper.client.Configuration.Configure(String resource)\r\n at SlidingWindow.Program.InitializeEsper() in C:\Users\esas\source\repos\esas\Nesper-Practice\SlidingWindow\Program.cs:line 116\r\n at SlidingWindow.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\esas\source\repos\esas\Nesper-Practice\SlidingWindow\Program.cs:line 33"
I was able to add a database in code (totally separate project)
static void InitializeAndRun()
var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer(false);
Configuration config = new Configuration(container);
//Add database
ConfigurationCommonDBRef dbref = new ConfigurationCommonDBRef();
dbref.SetDatabaseDriver("DbDriverSQLite", "Data Source=.\\Db\\esperapp.db", new Properties());
config.Common.AddDatabaseReference("esperdb", dbref);
Console.WriteLine("Found Databases {0}", config.Common.DatabaseReferences.Count.ToString());
_runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetDefaultRuntime(config);
var statementText = "select * from " +
"sql:esperdb [\"SELECT Timestamp,Source,Status FROM Events\"] output all";
var statement = _runtime.DeployStatement(statementText);
//Print Table contents
var enumerator = statement.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
var e = enumerator.Current;
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2} ", e.Get("Timestamp"), e.Get("Source"), e.Get("Status"));
Upvotes: 0
Views: 66
Reputation: 816
Below is the code that resolves the driver type i.e. method ResolveDriverTypeFromName of DbDriverConnectionHelper. It tries to resolve the name according to the steps below.
/// <summary>
/// Resolves the driver type from the name provided. If the driver can not be
/// resolved, the method throws an exception to indicate that one could not
/// be found. The method first looks for a class that matches the name of
/// the driver. If one can not be found, it checks in the com.espertech.esper.epl.drivers
/// namespace to see if one can be found. Lastly, if checks in the
/// com.espertech.espers.eql.drivers namespace with a variation of the given driver name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="driverName">Name of the driver.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Type ResolveDriverTypeFromName(string driverName)
Type driverType;
// Check for the type with no modifications
if ((driverType = TypeHelper.ResolveType(driverName, false)) != null) {
return driverType;
// Check for the type in the driverNamespace
string specificName = $"{DriverNamespace}.{driverName}";
if ((driverType = TypeHelper.ResolveType(specificName, false)) != null) {
return driverType;
// Check for the type in the driverNamespace, but modified to include
// a prefix to the name.
string pseudoName = $"{DriverNamespace}.DbDriver{driverName}";
if ((driverType = TypeHelper.ResolveType(pseudoName, false)) != null) {
return driverType;
// Driver was not found, throw an exception
throw new EPException("Unable to resolve type for driver '" + driverName + "'");
Upvotes: 0