Grega B.
Grega B.

Reputation: 21

tachograph smartcard process dsrc message

Regarding the EU Commission regulation 2016/799, encrypted smart tachograph DSRC-RTMdata can be decrypted using a command called PROCESS DSRC MESSAGE.

I am trying to decrypt RTMdata and i am getting error 6A80. RTM data should be 100% ok. Everything looks straightforward but it's not working. I tried adding "MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT" (MSE : SET AT) before process dsrc message but it's not helping.

Does anybody have any experiences with this and the sequence of apdu commands to achieve this?

I have tried with:

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Views: 290

Answers (1)

Andy P
Andy P

Reputation: 687

The length (Lc) field is defined as

Length Lc of the subsequent data field

You are sending a length of "0x60" which also includes the "Le" field.

Your PROCESS DSRC MESSAGE should look like

"802A80B05F" + rtm-data + "00"

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