Reputation: 133
I do use :
The following code work perfectly on IOS real device but it cannot connect to Google Play store on Android.
IOS : working perfectly
Android : Stuck on line
final bool available = await InAppPurchase.instance.isAvailable();
it load forever The isAvailable command never end. There is no error returned.
Future<void> _purchasePremiumInstallation(DateTime _premiumExpireDt) async {
try {
setState(() {
widget.isLoadingPurchase = true;
setState(() {
widget.error = 'good 1';
//in_app_purchase initialisation
try {
if (!kIsWeb) {
setState(() {
widget.error = 'good 2';
String productIdString = '';
if (Platform.isIOS) productIdString = 'PremiumInstallation_1Y';
if (Platform.isAndroid) productIdString = 'premiuminstallation_1y';
print('in_app_payment : ' + productIdString);
setState(() {
widget.error = 'good 3';
final bool available = await InAppPurchase.instance.isAvailable();
setState(() {
widget.error = 'good 4';
if (!available) {
print('ERROR in_app_purchase - Cannot connect to the store');
setState(() {
widget.isLoadingPurchase = false;
setState(() {
widget.error = 'Error cannot connect to the store';
context, 'ERROR in_app_purchase - Cannot connect to the store');
//first android then ios
Set<String> _kIds = <String>{
setState(() {
widget.error = 'good 4';
final ProductDetailsResponse response =
await InAppPurchase.instance.queryProductDetails(_kIds);
setState(() {
widget.error = 'good 5';
if (response.notFoundIDs.isNotEmpty) {
print('Error in_app_purchase item id not found');
setState(() {
widget.isLoadingPurchase = false;
setState(() {
widget.error = 'Error item not found';
errorPopUp(context, 'Error in_app_purchase item id not found');
List<ProductDetails> products = response.productDetails;
print('in_app_purchase item found' + products.toString());
setState(() {
widget.error = 'good 6';
final ProductDetails productDetails =
products.first; // Saved earlier from queryProductDetails().
print('in_app_purchase product detail we are gonna buy is :' +;
setState(() {
widget.error = 'good 7';
final PurchaseParam purchaseParam =
PurchaseParam(productDetails: productDetails);
.buyConsumable(purchaseParam: purchaseParam, autoConsume: true);
print('in_app_purchase completed');
setState(() {
widget.error = 'good 8';
} catch (e) {
print('Error catched for in_app_purchase : ' + e.toString());
setState(() {
widget.isLoadingPurchase = false;
setState(() {
widget.error = e.toString();
errorPopUp(context, e.toString());
} on PlatformException catch (err) {
errorPopUp(context, err).show();
setState(() {
widget.error = err.toString();
} catch (err) {
errorPopUp(context, err).show();
setState(() {
widget.error = err.toString();
setState(() {
widget.isLoadingPurchase = false;
also i have that line on main - app init
if (defaultTargetPlatform == {
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2296
Reputation: 77
Use the product ID of the subscription group and not the ID for the subscription duration.
See also:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 351
I had exactly the same problem. Removing the billing client implementation from the app-level build.gradle solved it. See this answer for details.
Upvotes: 2