Reputation: 37
I'm somewhere between beginner and intermediate level using Dart/Flutter combination.
I'm building a Marine logbook whereby I need to be able to log a duty that is made up a a variable number of activities. See the code below. In this example I have two duties that each comprise 1 activity.
List<Map<String, dynamic>> duties = [
'date': '12122021',
'dutyStart': '00:00',
'dutyFinish': '12:00',
'skipper': 'Mark',
'crew': 'My Crew',
'assets': 'G1',
'activity': [
'activityType': 'Training',
'trainingActivityDetail': 'Navigation',
'wapolJobNumber': null,
'rapNumber': null,
'activityStart': '02:00',
'activityFinish': '03:00',
'startFuel': 100,
'endFuel': 300,
'fuelUsed': 200,
'date': '01092021',
'dutyStart': '18:00',
'dutyFinish': '23:00',
'skipper': 'Neil',
'crew': 'My Crew',
'assets': 'G2',
'activity': [
'activityType': 'WAMSAR',
'trainingActivityDetail': null,
'wapolJobNumber': '123',
'rapNumber': '456',
'activityStart': '19:00',
'activityFinish': '20:00',
'startFuel': 1000,
'endFuel': 3000,
'fuelUsed': 2000,
I've worked out how to add a duty with the following code:
//add a duty
'date': '111111',
'dutyStart': '11:11',
'dutyFinish': '22:22',
'skipper': 'Tom',
'crew': 'My Crew',
'assets': 'Ranger',
'activity': [
'activityType': 'WAMSAR',
'trainingActivityDetail': null,
'wapolJobNumber': '000',
'rapNumber': '999',
'activityStart': '19:00',
'activityFinish': '20:00',
'startFuel': 1000,
'endFuel': 3000,
'fuelUsed': 2000,
But I can't work out how to add an activity to a duty.
For example, how would I add the activity below to the last duty so that the last duty now has 2 activities instead of 1?:
'activityType': 'XXX',
'trainingActivityDetail': null,
'wapolJobNumber': '000',
'rapNumber': '999',
'activityStart': '19:00',
'activityFinish': '20:00',
'startFuel': 1000,
'endFuel': 3000,
'fuelUsed': 2000,
For now I'm just using the data in a listview builder that isn't being saved anywhere. It will end up being saved in firestore cloud. Just wondering as well how I might save an activity in firestore? I'm happy with saving a duty in firestore but haven't taken the leap into saving lists in lists yet.
Apologies if this has been covered previously. I did check prior to posting but didn't see anything of help.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 69
Reputation: 12595
you can try this. Here we insert the activity element in the last duty as follows:
'activityType': 'WAMSAR',
'trainingActivityDetail': null,
'wapolJobNumber': '000',
'rapNumber': '999',
'activityStart': '19:00',
'activityFinish': '20:00',
'startFuel': 1000,
'endFuel': 3000,
'fuelUsed': 200023,
[{date: 12122021, dutyStart: 00:00, dutyFinish: 12:00, skipper: Mark, crew: My Crew, assets: G1, activity: [{activityType: Training, trainingActivityDetail: Navigation, wapolJobNumber: null, rapNumber: null, activityStart: 02:00, activityFinish: 03:00, startFuel: 100, endFuel: 300, fuelUsed: 200}]}, {date: 01092021, dutyStart: 18:00, dutyFinish: 23:00, skipper: Neil, crew: My Crew, assets: G2, activity: [{activityType: WAMSAR, trainingActivityDetail: null, wapolJobNumber: 123, rapNumber: 456, activityStart: 19:00, activityFinish: 20:00, startFuel: 1000, endFuel: 3000, fuelUsed: 2000}, {activityType: WAMSAR, trainingActivityDetail: null, wapolJobNumber: 000, rapNumber: 999, activityStart: 19:00, activityFinish: 20:00, startFuel: 1000, endFuel: 3000, fuelUsed: 200023}]}]
Upvotes: 3