Reputation: 19
need to change default ringtone with xamarin i use with path string and return null, then i use the bellow code where i find online and again return null anybody can help?
var ring1 = ("file:////storage/emulated/0/Ringtones/" + item.ringtone);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.Put(MediaStore.IMediaColumns.Data, ring1);
values.Put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.InterfaceConsts.IsRingtone, true);
values.Put(MediaStore.IMediaColumns.MimeType, "audio/mp3");
var uri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.GetContentUriForPath(path: ring1);
Android.Net.Uri newUri = this.ContentResolver.Insert(uri, values);
RingtoneManager.SetActualDefaultRingtoneUri(Android.App.Application.Context,RingtoneType.Ringtone, newUri);
"uri" and "values" in debugging have values but parameter newUri is null
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Views: 292
Reputation: 19
the problem was in write permisions i use the code below to check if the file exist ask for permision and change the ringtone and work
var newuri3 = Android.Net.Uri.Parse("file:///storage/emulated/0/Ringtones/" + item.ringtone);
var newuri = newuri3;
bool b = false;
if (null != newuri)
var inputStream = Android.App.Application.Context.ContentResolver.OpenInputStream(newuri);
Console.WriteLine("file exist");
b = true;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("File corresponding to the uri does not exist " + newuri.ToString());
var bi = Settings.System.CanWrite(Android.App.Application.Context);
if (bi)
Console.WriteLine("it haw write permision");
Console.WriteLine("doenst have permision");
Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ActionManageWriteSettings);
RingtoneManager.SetActualDefaultRingtoneUri(Android.App.Application.Context, RingtoneType.Ringtone, newuri);
where item.ringtone is the file name for example music.mp3
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10938
You need to recheck the path of ring1.
I use the file in download folder for reference. It works.
var ring1 = System.IO.Path.Combine(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath, Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDownloads, "sample.mp3");
If you want to use the default Uri of Ringtone, you could use the code below instead.
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