Reputation: 33
So, I'm trying to download the latest release from GitHub using a Windows batch script. I can get a long list of URLs by running curl -s
, but I can't figure out how to pass the "browser_download_url": ""
it outputs to curl. I've looked online, but everything I found was for PowerShell and most of them used wget.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2585
Reputation: 747
I extended the answer from @SomethingDark adding the option to specify a specific asset for the download. This is useful if you don't need all available assets. So you could define SET
to only download assets that have ".zip" in their filename.
I also fixed the non existing repository and replaced find
with findstr
. The latter was needed to fix a bug saying prevents a mixup between Windows- and GNU-find: browser_download_url: No such file or directory
(e.g. due to MSYS2).
REM Specify the target repository
SET github_user=crate-ci
SET github_repo=typos
REM If you just want a specific version: specify a unique part of the file name
REM If you want to download all available assets: Delete after `=`
FOR /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%A IN ('curl -ks ^| findstr "browser_download_url"') DO (
SET url=%%B
IF NOT "!url:%target_name_match%=!"=="!url!" (
ECHO Downloading !url!
curl -kOL !url!
If you also want to extract the just downloaded asset, extend the for loop as show below.
I find it quite handy to quickly update some tools in one go.
Note 1: This has just been tested with ZIP files
Note 2: This does probably just make sense if you download a single asset
Note 3: Make sure to have 7-Zip in the PATH environment variable or specify the absolute path to the 7z.exe. (Or use a different tool for extraction)
Note 4: The extraction will override all existing files of the archive without a prompt (-aoa
FOR /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%A IN ('curl -ks ^| findstr "browser_download_url"') DO (
SET url=%%B
IF NOT "!url:%target_name_match%=!"=="!url!" (
ECHO Downloading !url!
curl -kOL !url!
REM Get the filename of the just downloaded asset
FOR %%F IN (!url!) DO (
SET download_filename=%%~nxF
REM It is required to have 7zip in the PATH or you need to
REM specify the full path to the 7z.exe
7z x -aoa !download_filename!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 14325
If you really want to use batch for this, you'll have to search the output JSON for the value you're looking for and then process that string. If the JSON had appeared all on one line, you'd need to take a different approach, but you got lucky.
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%A in ('curl -kLs ^| find "browser_download_url"') do (
curl -kOL %%B
I've added the -k
flag because my computer requires it for some reason (so other peoples' might as well).
will set the name of the output file to the remote output file name
follows a redirect, which is required for downloading from Github.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 3443
The Github API url you're accessing returns JSON, so you're going to need a JSON parser.
I can highly recommend xidel. xidel
can open and download urls, so you won't need curl
or a batch-script.
To query the "browser_download_url"-attribute:
xidel.exe -s "" -e "$json//browser_download_url"
(or -e "$json/(assets)()/browser_download_url"
in full)
To download '' in the current dir:
xidel.exe ^
-s "" ^
-f "$json//browser_download_url" ^
--download "{substring-after($headers[starts-with(.,'Content-Disposition')],'filename=')}"
With r8389 or newer (because of this commit) you can just use --download .
Upvotes: 1