
Reputation: 221

Calculating regression line from given quantile of values depending on category

I have a quite huge dataframe (nearly 100,000 observations with about 40 variables) from which I want ggplot to draw scatterplots with lm- or loess-lines. But the lines should be calculated only based on a certain quantile of variable-values of each observation date. And I would like to do the filtering or subsetting directly in ggplot without creating a new data object or subdataframe in advance.

As my 'real' dataframe would be too large I created fictive example with a dataframe of 144 observations named df_Bandvals (Code at the end of the post).
Here following structure, the first 25 lines and a scatterplot with a loess-line based on ALL observations

> str(df_Bandvals)
'data.frame':   144 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ obsdate      : int  190101 190101 190101 190101 190101 190101 190101 190101 190101 190101 ...
 $ transsect    : chr  "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
 $ PointNr      : num  1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 ...
 $ depth        : num  31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 ...
 $ Band12plusmin: num  169 241 229 159 221 196 188 216 233 149 ...

> df_Bandvals
    obsdate transsect PointNr depth Band12plusmin
1    190101         A       1    31           169
2    190101         A       2    31           241
3    190101         A       3    31           229
4    190101         A       4    31           159
5    190101         A       5    31           221
6    190101         A       6    31           196
7    190101         B       1    31           188
8    190101         B       2    31           216
9    190101         B       3    31           233
10   190101         B       4    31           149
11   190101         B       5    31           169
12   190101         B       6    31           181
13   190102         A       1     3           356
14   190102         A       2     3           368
15   190102         A       3     3           293
16   190102         A       4     3           261
17   190102         A       5     3           313
18   190102         A       6     3           374
19   190102         B       1     3           327
20   190102         B       2     3           409
21   190102         B       3     3           369
22   190102         B       4     3           334
23   190102         B       5     3           376
24   190102         B       6     3           318
25   190103         A       1    25           183

enter image description here

The plot shows depth vs. Band12plusmin with an according loess-line. Point colors are assigned to the respective observation date (obsdate). Each observation date includes 12 observations.
Now, my basic question was: How to get a loess line based only on the lower 50%-quantile Band12plusmin-values of each observation date? Or in other words with referring to the plot: ggplot should only use the 6 lower points of each color for calculating the line.

And as mentioned before I would like to do the filtering or subsetting directly in ggplot without creating a new data object or subdataframe in advance.

I tried around with subsetting, but my problem in this case is that I cannot just specify a universal Band12plusmin-threshold as, of course, the 50%-treshold individually differs for each obsdate-group. I am quite new to R and ggplot, so, for now I failed to find a solution for that say class-individual-derived-threshold-conditionned filtering. May anybody help here?

Here the code of the dataframe and plot

obsdate<-rep(c(190101:190112),each=12, mode=factor)
transsect<-rep(rep(c("A","B"), each=6), 12)
PointNr<-rep(c(1,2,3,4,5,6), times=24)
Band12<-rep(c(199,349,225,844,257,231,301,875,378,521,210,246), each=12)
plusminRandom<-round(rnorm(144, mean=0, sd=33))
df_Bandvals<-data.frame(obsdate, transsect, PointNr, depth, Band12plusmin)
head(df_Bandvals, 20)

library (ggplot2)

ggplot(data=df_Bandvals, aes(x=depth, y=Band12plusmin))+
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-15, 35))+
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(120, 960))+
  geom_point(aes(color=factor(obsdate)), size=1.5)+

Upvotes: 2

Views: 198

Answers (1)

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones

Reputation: 2506

You should be able to use the data argument within geom_smooth()

ggplot(data = df_Bandvals, aes(x = depth, y = Band12plusmin)) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-15, 35)) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(120, 960)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = factor(obsdate)), size = 1.5) +
    data = df_Bandvals %>% 
      group_by(obsdate) %>%
      filter(Band12plusmin < median(Band12plusmin)), 
    method = "loess"

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