Reputation: 37
which run first, TDataSet OnFilterRecord or OnCalcFields event?
Are records set to Accept = false are still visible in OnCalcFields event?
if it is, is there a property to check record visibility?
the code situation is like, when dataset has more records like 3k,
OnRecordFilter has manual filter on string fields for records visibility on grid (Accept = true / false),
OnCalckFields has extra columns lookup to other datasets,
the function that sum the amount columns is so slow with or without filter.
when i disable the OnCalcFields event, the execution was so fast.
DataSet is TFDQuery, loaded initial data is free date range so user can view like 3 or more year date range.
ui looks like this
Upvotes: 1
Views: 884
Reputation: 37
Here's workaround i did to this OnCalcEvent difficulty while no exact answer to my query.
a way to skip OnCalcEvent when traversing dataset with huge initial records loaded
it works for me, for now.
another idea is to create pagination (paging to limit query return similar to web apps) instead.
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Reputation: 30735
You can test this for yourself.
Create a new VCL project and add a TFDMemTable, TDataSource, TDBGrid, TCheckBox (called cbUseFilterExpr) and TButton to the form.
Connect up the FDMemTable, TDataSource and TDBGrid as you normally would.
Add an OnFilterCalls integer form field and event handlers shown below.
Compile and run.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
AField : TField;
i : Integer;
AField := TIntegerField.Create(Self);
AField.FieldName := 'ID';
AField.DataSet := FDMemTable1;
AField := TStringField.Create(Self);
AField.FieldName := 'Name';
AField.DataSet := FDMemTable1;
for i := 1 to 100 do
FDMemTable1.InsertRecord([1, 'Name' + IntToStr(i)]);
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
OnFilterCalls := 0;
FDMemTable1.Filtered := False;
if cbUseFilterExpr.Checked then
FDMemTable1.Filter := 'Name= ''Name1'''
FDMemTable1.Filter := '';
FDMemTable1.Filtered := True;
ShowMessage('OnFilterCalls ' + IntToStr(OnFilterCalls));
procedure TForm1.FDMemTable1FilterRecord(DataSet: TDataSet;
var Accept: Boolean);
The app populates FDMemTable1 with 100 records. The OnFilterCalls variable will
count the number of times OnFilterRecord
is called when filtering is activated.
Clicking Button1 sets a filter on FDMemTable1 which differs depending on whether
cbUseFilterExpr is checked or not: If it is, filtering uses a filter expression which only
matches record ID=1. The result displayed by ShowMessage is 1, iow, the OnFilterRecord
event is called only once. If cbUseFilterExpr is not checked ShowMessage displays the value 100.
Conclusion: For FDMemTable (and, I confidently predict, other FireDAC dataset types) the OnFilterRecord
event is called once for each record which matches the FDMemTable's Filter
expression, if any,
or once for each record in the dataset if the Filter
expression is blank. Iow, OnFilterRecord
is only called for records which match the Filter expression, if there is one, so it behaves as if OnFilterRecord
is called "after" filtering via the Filter
expression, so the answer to your q in FireDAC's case is "No", expression-filtered records are not visible in the OnFilterRecord
As mentioned in a comment, TDataSet does not define how a dataset processes filtering, rather it is implementation-specific and may differ between different dataset component libraries.
Update You still haven't provided any details of what exactly you are doing in your code
(and on reflection your q should probably have been closed for lacking debugging details), but
I think you can satisfy yourself that what I have said above also applies to your situation. Simply put a debugger breakpoint
on the end
in TForm1.FDMemTable1FilterRecord(DataSet: TDataSet
. Run the app and check the cbUseFilterExpr checkbox. When the bp triggers, repeatedly single-step the debugger by pressing
until you land in the unit FireDAC.DatS, in the method TFDDatSView.Rebuild
. You will see that your are in a for
for i := iBegin to iEnd do begin
This is the loop which is executed when the filtering is applied to the dataset, once for each record in the dataset, and from the for-loop's contents it will be a straightforward matter to satify yourself that the OnFilterRecord event is only called for any record which is visible because it satifies any filter expression which is in effect.
Upvotes: 3