Reputation: 1737
I find my self (sort of) duplicating code because I want to the same tactics in the goal and in a hypothesis when they match. For example:
match goal with
| H : PATTERN |- _ => simpl in H; rewrite X in H; ... ; other_tactic in H
| |- PATTERN => simpl ; rewrite ; ... ; other_tactic
If the tactics in the match cases becomes long, I essentially duplicate it, with some in
clauses added, and this seem very unsatisfactory, in particular if I have many match clauses, so that I duplicate a lot of code.
Sometimes it is not because that I am matching, but simply that I have defined a custom tactic, but depending on the context I would like to apply it either to the goal or to a named hypothesis. For example:
Ltac my_tac H := simpl in H; rewrite X in H; ... ; other_tactic in H.
Ltac my_tac_goal := simpl ; rewrite X ; ... ; other_tactic.
Then I am again "duplicating" code.
Are there any ways of avoiding this kind of duplication?
At some point I wondered of the goal had a name, say GOAL
, like hypothesis, so that simpl in GOAL
was equivalent to simpl
, but I suspect this is not the case. In that case I could drop the definition of my_tac_goal
and then just call my_tac GOAL
Any suggestions on how to avoid this kind of duplication would be appreciated.
PS I had a hard time coming up with a good title, so if somebody thinks of one that fits well, do not hesitate to change it.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 187
Reputation: 14763
Indeed, the DRY principle is often a useful pattern, including for Coq developments!
Regarding the particular use case you describe, it seems you could benefit from the SSReflect tactical in
Require Import ssreflect.
Section SomeTest.
Variables (T : Type) (a b : T).
Hypothesis L : a = b.
Ltac my_tac := simpl; rewrite L.
Lemma test (c : T) (H : let _t := tt in (* dummy let-in to exemplify [simpl] *)
(a, c) = (c, b)) :
let _t := tt in (b, c) = (c, a).
do [ my_tac ] in H.
exact: H.
End SomeTest.
Obviously, the do [ … ] in H
form won't be applicable for any tactic (e.g., an apply/view.
tactic should be manually ported to some move/view.
tactic), but nothing prevents you from extending the my_tac
tactic (e.g., with some if-then-else…), so that relevant parts are adapted manually (or removed) to address both kinds of contexts.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1456
The "name" of the goal in an in
clause is |- *
, but somehow I can't find a reference in the manual for this. E.g. the following works:
Goal 2+2=4 -> 2+2=4 -> 2+2=4.
intros H1 H2.
simpl in H1 |- *.
This applies simpl in H1 and the goal, but not in H2.
Upvotes: 1