Reputation: 563
Following on from a previous post, I've found I'm totally stuck. I'm trying to parse a JSON structure into my own type, and not only am I stuck on how to parse the Array, I'm not even sure if I'm using the Aeson library as intended. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The code:
data Exif = Exif [(T.Text, ExifValue)] deriving (Show)
data ExifValue =
ExifText T.Text |
ExifInt Integer |
ExifDouble Double |
ExifBool Bool |
ExifArray [ExifValue]
deriving (Show)
instance FromJSON ExifValue where
parseJSON (Number (I n)) = return $ ExifInt n
parseJSON (Number (D n)) = return $ ExifDouble n
parseJSON (String s) = return $ ExifText s
parseJSON (Bool b) = return $ ExifBool b
-- parseJSON (Array a) = ?????
instance FromJSON Exif where
parseJSON (Object o) = do
x <- sequence $ map f (M.assocs o)
return $ Exif x
f (t, x) = do
y <- parseJSON x
return ((t, y) :: (T.Text, ExifValue))
parseExifFile = fmap parseExifData . B.readFile
parseExifData :: B.ByteString -> Data.Attoparsec.Result (Data.Aeson.Result [Exif])
parseExifData content = parse (fmap fromJSON json) content
The test file:
"SourceFile": "test.jpg",
"ExifTool:ExifToolVersion": 8.61,
"File:FileName": "test.jpg",
"File:FileSize": 2174179,
"File:FileModifyDate": "2011:07:27 16:53:49-07:00",
"File:FilePermissions": 644,
"File:FileType": "JPEG",
"File:MIMEType": "image/jpeg",
"File:ExifByteOrder": "MM",
"File:CurrentIPTCDigest": "32d6a77098a73aa816f2570c9472735a",
"File:ImageWidth": 2592,
"File:ImageHeight": 1936,
"File:EncodingProcess": 0,
"File:BitsPerSample": 8,
"File:ColorComponents": 3,
"File:YCbCrSubSampling": "2 2",
"XMP:Subject": ["alpha","beta","gamma"]
Upvotes: 13
Views: 4479
Reputation: 4637
A slightly newer build of the aeson library ( supports autogenerating JSON instances.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON)
import Data.Attoparsec
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Text as T
data Exif = Exif [(T.Text, ExifValue)] deriving (Show)
data ExifValue =
ExifText T.Text |
ExifInt Integer |
ExifDouble Double |
ExifBool Bool |
ExifArray [ExifValue]
deriving (Show)
deriveJSON id ''Exif
deriveJSON id ''ExifValue
parseExifFile = fmap parseExifData . B.readFile
parseExifData :: B.ByteString -> Data.Attoparsec.Result (Data.Aeson.Result [Exif])
parseExifData content = parse (fmap fromJSON json) content
instance ToJSON Exif where
{ toJSON
= \ value_a1Va
-> case value_a1Va of { Exif arg1_a1Vb -> toJSON arg1_a1Vb } }
instance FromJSON Exif where
{ parseJSON
= \ value_a1Vc
-> case value_a1Vc of {
arg_a1Vd -> (Exif Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Vd) } }
instance ToJSON ExifValue where
{ toJSON
= \ value_a1Wd
-> case value_a1Wd of {
ExifText arg1_a1We
-> object [(T.pack "ExifText" .= toJSON arg1_a1We)]
ExifInt arg1_a1Wf
-> object [(T.pack "ExifInt" .= toJSON arg1_a1Wf)]
ExifDouble arg1_a1Wg
-> object [(T.pack "ExifDouble" .= toJSON arg1_a1Wg)]
ExifBool arg1_a1Wh
-> object [(T.pack "ExifBool" .= toJSON arg1_a1Wh)]
ExifArray arg1_a1Wi
-> object [(T.pack "ExifArray" .= toJSON arg1_a1Wi)] } }
instance FromJSON ExifValue where
{ parseJSON
= \ value_a1Wj
-> case value_a1Wj of {
Object obj_a1Wk
-> case Data.Map.toList obj_a1Wk of {
[(conKey_a1Wl, conVal_a1Wm)]
-> case conKey_a1Wl of {
_ | (conKey_a1Wl == T.pack "ExifText")
-> case conVal_a1Wm of {
-> (ExifText Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Wn) }
| (conKey_a1Wl == T.pack "ExifInt")
-> case conVal_a1Wm of {
-> (ExifInt Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Wo) }
| (conKey_a1Wl == T.pack "ExifDouble")
-> case conVal_a1Wm of {
-> (ExifDouble Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Wp) }
| (conKey_a1Wl == T.pack "ExifBool")
-> case conVal_a1Wm of {
-> (ExifBool Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Wq) }
| (conKey_a1Wl == T.pack "ExifArray")
-> case conVal_a1Wm of {
-> (ExifArray Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Wr) }
| otherwise -> Control.Monad.mzero }
_ -> Control.Monad.mzero }
_ -> Control.Monad.mzero } }
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 329
I'm not native english speaker, so i may not understand you very well. I guess you want to know how to parse json into recursive data type like ExifValue
you presented.
So i made a simple example to show how to parse json into recursive data type.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Attoparsec
import Data.Attoparsec.Number
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Vector as V
data Data = D1 Int | D2 [Data]
deriving (Show)
instance FromJSON Data where
parseJSON (Number (I n)) = return $ D1 $ fromInteger n
parseJSON (Array a) = D2 <$> mapM parseJSON (V.toList a)
main = do
let v = fromJust $ maybeResult $ parse json "[1,2,3,[5,3,[6,3,5]]]"
let v1 :: Data
v1 = case fromJSON v of
Success a -> a
Error s -> error s
print v1
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 5618
You have to follow the type of parseJSON
a little bit down a rabbit trail, but once you recognize what (Array a)
represents, it should be straightforward.
has type Value -> Parser a
, so (Array a)
has type Value
. One of the variants in the Value
type is Array Array
, so the a
in (Array a)
must be of the type Array
, which is defined as Vector Value
. The Value
s inside that Vector
are what you want to call parseJSON
on to return your list, so check out what you can do with a Vector
The easiest approach would probably to convert a
to a list with Vector.toList
, and then use mapM
to parse the Values
Alternately, you could avoid the Vector
to list conversion by changing your ExifArray
variant to hold Vector ExifValue
, and then using Vector.mapM
Upvotes: 10