Felipe Balbi
Felipe Balbi

Reputation: 157

SF Volume 1: Logic: How to prove tr_rev <-> rev?

From Software Foundations Volume 1, chapter Logic we see a tail recursive definition of list reversal. It goes like so:

Fixpoint rev_append {X} (l1 l2 : list X) : list X :=
  match l1 with
  | [] => l2
  | x :: l1' => rev_append l1' (x :: l2)

Definition tr_rev {X} (l : list X) : list X :=
  rev_append l [].

We're, then, asked to prove the equivalence of tr_rev and rev which, well, is pretty obvious that they are the same. I'm having a hard time completing the induction, though. Would appreciate if the community would provide any hints as to how to approach this case.

Here's as far as I got:

Theorem tr_rev_correct : forall X, @tr_rev X = @rev X.
  intros X. (* Introduce the type *)
  apply functional_extensionality. (* Apply extensionality axiom *)
  intros l. (* Introduce the list *)
  induction l as [| x l']. (* start induction on the list *)
  - reflexivity. (* base case for the empty list is trivial *)
  - unfold tr_rev. (* inductive case seems simple too. We unfold the definition *)
    simpl. (* simplify it *)
    unfold tr_rev in IHl'. (* unfold definition in the Hypothesis *)
    rewrite <- IHl'. (* rewrite based on the hypothesis *)

At this point, I have this set of hypothesis and goal:

  X : Type
  x : X
  l' : list X
  IHl' : rev_append l' [ ] = rev l'
  rev_append l' [x] = rev_append l' [ ] ++ [x]

Now, [] ++ [x] is obviously the same as [x] but simpl can't simplify it and I couldn't come up with a Lemma that would help me here. I did prove app_nil_l (i.e. forall (X : Type) (x : X) (l : list X), [] ++ [x] = [x].) but when I try to rewrite with app_nil_l it'll rewrite both sides of the equation.

I could just define that to be an axiom, but I feel like that's cheating :-p


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Views: 241

Answers (1)

Ana Borges
Ana Borges

Reputation: 1376

Proving things about definitions with accumulators has a specific trick to it. The thing is, facts about tr_rev must necessarily be facts about rev_append, but rev_append is defined on two lists, while tr_rev is defined on only one. The computation of rev_append depends on these two lists, and thus the induction hypothesis needs to be general enough to include both of these lists. However, if you fix the second input of rev_append to always be the empty list (which you implicitly do by stating your result only for tr_rev), then the induction hypothesis will always be too weak.

The way around this is to first prove a general result for rev_append by induction on l1 (and generalizing on l2), and then specializing this result for the case of tr_rev.

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