Reputation: 157
I have a question regarding the way Http API gateways validate jwt signatures. I use a cognito user pool hosted in eu-west-1 as an identity provider/ token issuer. And I have an Http API gateway deployed in eu-west-1 and in us-east-1. Im using SAM to set things up, and the api part looks as follows:
Type: AWS::Serverless::HttpApi
DisableExecuteApiEndpoint: true
StageName: !Ref StageName
Name: AWS::Include
Location: api.yaml
DefaultAuthorizer: OAuth2Authorizer
IdentitySource: $request.header.Authorization
- xxxxxxxxx
Everything works fine, however when I did some performance testing I found that adding authorization to a route hugely increases latency. The latency for the api hosted in eu-west-1 increases from 75ms to 100ms, but the latency for the api hosted in us-east-1 increases from 160ms to 550ms (tests are run from the Netherlands results are averages for over 50 calls per test). These results seem to indicate that to validate the jwt bearer token in the Authorization header, the api gateway makes a call to the .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint of the issuer, which is in eu-west-1, for every single request. My knowledge on Oauth is limited but I thought the .well-known/openid-configuration needs to be checked only periodically, so the api gateway can validate tokens without making an extra network call. Im not sure where to go from here, because I dont know if this is just how things work, or if this is in Oauth thing, or if its something else entirely. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1073
Reputation: 29326
The authorizer will make at least occasional calls to Cognito, to get the token signing public keys from the JWKS endpoint. The authorizer returns a policy document and you should also be able to configure an option for authorization caching, so that subsequent API calls with the same access token avoid calls to the authorization server.
An authorizer is not the only option and it is also possible to do the JWT access token validation and claims based authorization within each lambda. This helps to ensure that a malicious lambda cannot access unauthorized data. My Serverless API code sample follows this approach and uses DynamoDB to cache the JWKS.
Upvotes: 4