Reputation: 1
I'm trying to replicate the structure of the next grapich with ggplot2
, but I did not find how to make it.
I have ts data and I want to add the regression lines for each of the structural breaks computed in my unit root test analysis.
autoplot(merval_usd) +
labs(x = "Año", y = "Log_Merval en USD")+
This is my data; it contains 4,888 observations on MERVAL price index.
> dput(head(merval_usd,20))
structure(c(6.31324002782979, 6.25952410104302, 6.27792086863394,
6.26998603927151, 6.25789744652059, 6.25377111760352, 6.25553888702416,
6.25132568135736, 6.32806177591735, 6.33873541097142, 6.34166356744438,
6.35940084332373, 6.36564536517638, 6.36090516203878, 6.3456363608286,
6.34242066971575, 6.33416733347983, 6.36629861166262, 6.36406205159053,
6.34344097026516), class = c("xts", "zoo"), index = structure(c(946857600,
946944000, 947030400, 947116800, 947203200, 947462400, 947548800,
947635200, 947721600, 947808000, 948067200, 948153600, 948240000,
948326400, 948412800, 948672000, 948758400, 948844800, 948931200,
949017600), tzone = "UTC", tclass = "Date"), .Dim = c(20L, 1L
), .Dimnames = list(NULL, "MERV"))
Better looking
> head(merval_usd, 10)
2000-01-03 6.313240
2000-01-04 6.259524
2000-01-05 6.277921
2000-01-06 6.269986
2000-01-07 6.257897
2000-01-10 6.253771
2000-01-11 6.255539
2000-01-12 6.251326
2000-01-13 6.328062
2000-01-14 6.338735
The breakpoints are calculated through this functions. It needs a modify version of the function called ur.ka. This is the link to the repository with the ur.ka function to compile and execute.
for (i in 1){
inicio<- Sys.time()
urka <- ur.ka(merval_usd$MERV, model = 'trend', bp = 5) #bp5 y 12 lag, trend, se rechaza, con 24 rezagos tmbn es "bueno" el ajuste
#bp5, 24, both
print(stringr::str_c("tiempo de ejecucion ", fin-inicio))
plot<- ggplot(merval_usd, aes(x = Index, y = MERV))+params
bp<-vector("list", length = length(urka$bpoints))
for(i in urka$bpoints){
count = count+1
bp[[count]]<- geom_vline(xintercept = as.Date(index(merval_usd$MERV[i])), color = "black", lwd = 0.5, lty=2)
params<- list(geom_line(linetype=1, lwd=1, colour="steelblue"),
labs(title = "Log Indice Merval - período 2000-2020"),
I did it with autoplot in order to get an idea of the data, but i'd like to complete and personalize with a ggplot2
I have my model ran and for each breakpoint, I estimated the intercept and trend coefficients; I don't know if this is enough.
So this is my first time posting a question here so, i apologize for the untidiness
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