Reputation: 1
this is just really a very basic robot test case/script. This is exporting .csv file from web.
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library OperatingSystem
*** Variables ***
${DIR} C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\Reports
*** Test Cases ***
Sample exporting of csv file
empty directory ${DIR}
${prefs} = Create Dictionary download.default_directory=${DIR}
open browser headlesschrome executable_path=${BROWSERDRI} options=add_experimental_option("prefs",${prefs})
input text //*[@id="name"] xxxxx
input password //*[@id="password"] xxxxx
click button //*[@id="button_primary"]
click element //*[@id="content-header"]/div/span[3]/a/div
click element //*[@id="exportDropdown"]/ul/li[3]/a
click link //*[@id="exportCsvColumns_control"]/div/div[1]/div/a[2]
click button //*[@id="exportSubmit"]
sleep 5s
move file oldfilename newfilename
close browser
As you can see the file will be downloaded in C:\Users\xxxxx\Reports. Now, I want to rename the file. So I just put "move file oldfilename newfilename" and the error is:
C:\Users\xxxxxxx\PycharmProjects\ExportFiles\oldfilename' does not exist.
And that is where my .robot file is located. How can I go back to C:\Users\xxxxx\Reports so that I can change the filename using 'move file'? Or if you have a better suggestion? Goal is just to change the filename of the downloaded file. Please bear with me as I am just practicing Robot. Thank you in advance.
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Views: 3404
Reputation: 20077
You have to give the full name of the file to the keyword - if you don't, it defaults to the current working dir of the parent process, which happens to be the suite's/the robot binary:
Move File ${DIR}\\oldfilename ${DIR}\\newfilename
Upvotes: 1