Reputation: 1569
I have the following code for a key vault to retrieve the secret and be able to use them in a storage account backup. The following code for the key vault is the following
keyvault_name = f'keyvault-link'
KeyVaultName = "name"
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
client = SecretClient(vault_url=keyvault_name, credential=credential)
And on the other hand I have a storage account code as follow:
connection_string = client.get_secret("GATEWAY-Connection-String") # The connection string for the source container
account_key = client.get_secret("GATEWAY-Account-Key") # The account key for the source container
# source_container_name = 'newblob' # Name of container which has blob to be copied
table_service_out = TableService(account_name=client.get_secret("GATEWAY-Account-Name-out"), account_key=client.get_secret("GATEWAY-Account-Key-out"))
table_service_in = TableService(account_name=client.get_secret("GATEWAY-Account-Name-in"), account_key=client.get_secret("GATEWAY-Account-Key-in"))
# Create client
client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(connection_string)
client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(connection_string)
all_containers = client.list_containers(include_metadata=True)
for container in all_containers:
# Create sas token for blob
sas_token = generate_account_sas(
account_name = client.account_name,
account_key = account_key,
resource_types = ResourceTypes(object=True, container=True),
permission= AccountSasPermissions(read=True,list=True),
# start =,
expiry = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=24) # Token valid for 4 hours
print(container['name'], container['metadata'])
# print("==========================")
container_client = client.get_container_client(
# print(container_client)
blobs_list = container_client.list_blobs()
for blob in blobs_list:
# Create blob client for source blob
source_blob = BlobClient(
container_name = container['name'],
blob_name =,
credential = sas_token
target_connection_string = client.get_secret("GATEWAY-Target-Connection-String")
target_account_key = client.get_secret("GATEWAY-Target-Account-Key")
source_container_name = container['name']
target_blob_name =
target_destination_blob = container['name'] + today
# print(
target_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(target_connection_string)
container_client = target_client.get_container_client(target_destination_blob)
if not container_client.exists():
new_blob = target_client.get_blob_client(target_destination_blob, target_blob_name)
print("COPY TO: " + target_connection_string)
print(f"TRY: saving blob {target_blob_name} into {target_destination_blob} ")
# except:
# # Create new blob and start copy operation.
# new_blob = target_client.get_blob_client(target_destination_blob, target_blob_name)
# new_blob.start_copy_from_url(source_blob.url)
# print("COPY TO: " + target_connection_string)
# print(f"EXCEPT: saving blob {target_blob_name} into {target_destination_blob} ")
#query 100 items per request, in case of consuming too much menory load all data in one time
query_size = 1000
#save data to storage2 and check if there is lefted data in current table,if yes recurrence
#save data to storage2 and check if there is lefted data in current table,if yes recurrence
def queryAndSaveAllDataBySize(source_table_name, target_table_name,resp_data:ListGenerator ,table_out:TableService,table_in:TableService,query_size:int):
for item in resp_data:
tb_name = source_table_name + today
#remove etag and Timestamp appended by table service
del item.etag
del item.Timestamp
print("INSERT data:" + str(item) + "into TABLE:"+ tb_name)
if resp_data.next_marker:
data = table_out.query_entities(table_name=source_table_name,num_results=query_size,marker=resp_data.next_marker)
queryAndSaveAllDataBySize(source_table_name, target_table_name, data,table_out,table_in,query_size)
tbs_out = table_service_out.list_tables()
for tb in tbs_out:
table = + today
#create table with same name in storage2
table_service_in.create_table(table_name=table, fail_on_exist=False)
#first query
data = table_service_out.query_entities(,num_results=query_size)
queryAndSaveAllDataBySize(, table,data,table_service_out,table_service_in,query_size)
Normally in this line
table_service_out = TableService(account_name=client.get_secret("GATEWAY-Account-Name-out"), account_key=client.get_secret("GATEWAY-Account-Key-out"))
the params take the value as a string, and the secret retrieve it comes back as a string so I thought that would have worked, but But when I run the code, I get this following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/user/Desktop/AzCopy/", line 1581, in <module>
table_service_out = TableService(account_name=table_out, account_key=table_out_key)
File "/Users/user/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/azure/cosmosdb/table/", line 173, in __init__
service_params = _TableServiceParameters.get_service_parameters(
File "/Users/user/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/azure/cosmosdb/table/common/", line 116, in get_service_parameters
params = _ServiceParameters(service,
File "/Users/user/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/azure/cosmosdb/table/common/", line 70, in __init__
self.account_key = self.account_key.strip()
AttributeError: 'KeyVaultSecret' object has no attribute 'strip'
Upvotes: 0
Views: 553
Reputation: 1864
Thank you Gaurav Mantri. Posting your suggestion as an answer to help other community members.
You can add value client.get_secret(“your-key”).value
Upvotes: 1