Reputation: 71
I am using EC secp160r2 for key generation. My code looks like this:
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleProvider(), 1);
KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("EC");
keyGen.initialize(new ECGenParameterSpec("secp160r2"), new SecureRandom());
keyPair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();
Further more I get the public key (for exchange) like following:
byte [] publicKey = keyPair.getPublic().getEncoded(); // 64 bytes
ASN1Sequence sequence = DERSequence.getInstance(publicKey);
DERBitString subjectPublicKey = (DERBitString) sequence.getObjectAt(1);
byte[] ecPublicKeyBytes = subjectPublicKey.getBytes(); // 41 bytes
and I end up with a 40 byte public key when I remove the prefix.
The problem I have is when I was to do the opposite, to get the public key out of a Hex String I receive. PubKey is a hex string of length 80. I tried generating the public key like this:
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC");
PublicKey generatedPublic = kf.generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(hexStringToByteArray(pubKey)));
However I end up getting an InvalidKeyException:
Exception in thread "main" IOException: null
at java.base/
at Main.main(
Caused by: IOException: null
at java.base/
at java.base/
... 2 more
Additionally here is the hex conversion method which in my case results in a 40 byte array:
public static byte[] parseHexBinary(String hexString) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[hexString.length() / 2];
for(int i = 0; i < hexString.length(); i += 2){
String sub = hexString.substring(i, i + 2);
Integer intVal = Integer.parseInt(sub, 16);
bytes[i / 2] = intVal.byteValue();
return bytes;
Any help to resolve the issue is very much appreciated!
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Views: 2075
Reputation: 71
Thanks to the solution posted in the comments, I'd like to post the code that might help someone:
ECParameterSpec ecParameterSpec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("secp160r2");
ECNamedCurveSpec params = new ECNamedCurveSpec("secp160r2", ecParameterSpec.getCurve(), ecParameterSpec.getG(), ecParameterSpec.getN());
ECPoint publicPoint = ECPointUtil.decodePoint(params.getCurve(), parseHexBinary(pubKey));
ECPublicKeySpec pubKeySpec = new ECPublicKeySpec(publicPoint, params);
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC");
PublicKey publicKey = kf.generatePublic(pubKeySpec);
The code above results in a 64 Byte public key. pubKey is a public key hex string, with appended prefix. Note that 02 and 03 prefixes are used for compressed, and 04 for uncompressed keys. Elliptic Curve Cryptography Subject Public Key Information
Upvotes: 1