Reputation: 5492
I have seen:
... but I still cannot really get what I want working, so here goes my question.
I have a program that basically loops forever (until interrupted with Ctrl-C), and outputs log messages to stderr
; here is an example, testlogerr.c
// based on
// can be compiled in MINGW64 with:
// gcc -g testlogerr.c -o testlogerr.exe
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
volatile sig_atomic_t stop;
void inthand(int signum) {
stop = 1;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
signal(SIGINT, inthand);
int counter = 0;
while(!stop) {
fprintf( stderr, "%d: Logging line %d\n", (int)time(NULL), counter++);
printf("exiting safely\n");
//system("pause"); // does "Press any key to continue . . ."; skip here
return 0;
Now, having built this program (in MINGW64) as a Windows .exe, I would like to start it via a batch script in cmd.exe
as a background process, having its stderr redirected to a log file, and obtaining its PID as a process. To do this, in Linux bash
I'd simply do (see also , How to get process ID of background process?):
testlogerr > myfile.log 2>&1 &
echo "testlogerr started, its PID is $TESTLOGERR_PID"
My question is: how can I do the same in a batch script, so I get only one cmd.exe
window started, and I get a prompt in that window after the background process has started?
As far as I've seen from the links above, start /b
would start a command in background - but then one cannot obtain the PID of the background process.
Furthermore, recommends PowerShell, so I tried the following, e.g. as testlogerr.bat
powershell -executionPolicy bypass -command ^
"& {$process = start-process $args[0] -passthru -argumentlist $args[1..($args.length-1)]; exit $}" ^
testlogerr.exe 2>testlogerr.log
... however, the problem is - when I double-click this testlogerr.bat
file in Windows Explorer:
terminal window gets started, then it closes, and the testlogerr.exe
gets started in another cmd.exe
terminal window where testlogerr.exe
runs, shows no cmd.exe
prompt - instead, it shows stderr log messages; meaning it is running in foreground, not background
exits - and so does its terminal cmd.exe
file gets created, but its emptySo - how can I start the program as a background process, redirecting its stderr to file, obtain and print its pid, and finally show a cmd.exe
terminal prompt (while the started process runs in the background) - all in a single cmd.exe
terminal window?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1547
Reputation: 5492
I think I finally got this - after a ton of failed attempts ...
First, let me note that I expected a "line buffered" redirection; however, Windows has no support for that, it either has "character buffered" I/O (serial ports), or it buffers everything (until process exits, then its output is flushed to file). However, the buffering happens at the output of the program - so to make sure my program is unbuffered, I made these changes (if you do not have control over the program you want to run in that way, see one of the referred links where they suggest using winpty
for "unbuffer"ing) in testlogerr.c
// based on
// can be compiled in MINGW64 with:
// gcc -g testlogerr.c -o testlogerr.exe
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
volatile sig_atomic_t stop;
void inthand(int signum) {
stop = 1;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// disable output/line buffering:
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
signal(SIGINT, inthand);
int counter = 0;
while(!stop) {
fprintf( stderr, "%d: Logging line %d\n", (int)time(NULL), counter++);
printf("exiting safely\n");
//system("pause"); // does "Press any key to continue . . ."; skip here
return 0;
Right, so now that we have a program that writes "unbuffered" (i.e. "character buffered") to stderr, this is the batch file that works for me, testlogerr.bat
- first the working portion, then for reference, everything else that did not work for me:
:: so, the only way to prevent Ctrl-C, AND run in the same cmd.exe window started by .bat, AND obtain the PID of the background process, is to use start /b - and then, retrieve the PID from the difference in started tasks ..
@echo off
tasklist /FI "imagename eq testlogerr.exe" /NH /FO csv > task-before.txt
start /b testlogerr.exe > testlogerr.log 2>&1
tasklist /FI "imagename eq testlogerr.exe" /NH /FO csv > task-after.txt
for /f "delims=, tokens=2,*" %%A in ('"fc /L /LB1 task-before.txt task-after.txt | find /I "testlogerr.exe""') do set TESTPID=%%A
del task-before.txt
del task-after.txt
:: next command deletes double quotes (") from the string itself, so only the PID number remains:
:: now, print the PID we obtained:
:: note that at this point, the started terminal actually blocks!
:: so here we run cmd.exe one more time, so we get the command prompt shell
:: to exit this cmd shell, first you have to do `taskkill /F /PID %TESTPID%`, and only then `exit` will work
:: (otherwise it blocks) - or, just close via the X button at upper right corner of the cmd.exe window
REM Failed approaches below:
REM :: there is -RedirectStandardError for powershell Start-Process;
REM ::
REM :: that means we do not have to start cmd so we have stream redirection; however,
REM :: -RedirectStandardError causes the reading via to freeze (otherwise the below works)
REM @echo off
REM for /F "delims=" %%i IN ('powershell -command "$proc = Start-Process testlogerr.exe -RedirectStandardError testlogerr.log -NoNewWindow -passthru ; Write-Output $"') DO set i=%%i
REM echo i was %i%
REM pause
REM :: also "batch macro" does not work,
REM :: when RedirectStandardError is there (but works otherwise)
REM @echo off
REM call :initMacro
REM %$set% TESTPID="powershell -command "$proc = Start-Process testlogerr.exe 2>testlogerr.log -NoNewWindow -passthru ; Write-Output $""
REM ...
REM :: piping to SET also does not work:
REM powershell -command "$proc = Start-Process testlogerr.exe -RedirectStandardError testlogerr.log -NoNewWindow -passthru ; Write-Output $" | set /p TESTPID=
REM pause
REM :: must redirect to files, then - this works:
REM :: openfiles /local on :: requires system reboot!
REM :: note: somehow here ends up being held/"used by" testlogerr.exe? yes, see ; that means we cannot really delete it (ugh!)
REM @echo off
REM powershell -command "$proc = Start-Process testlogerr.exe -RedirectStandardError testlogerr.log -NoNewWindow -passthru ; Write-Output $" >
REM set /p TESTPID=<
REM :: openfiles /query /fo table | findstr :: access denied
REM :: del
REM pause
REM :: like this, though, is not kept under ownership, so we can easily delete it
REM @echo off
REM powershell -command "$proc = Start-Process testlogerr.exe -RedirectStandardError testlogerr.log -NoNewWindow -passthru ; Write-Output $ | Out-File -Encoding ASCII -FilePath .\"
REM set /p TESTPID=<
REM del
REM :: pause :: not needed anymore, no need for "Press any key to continue . . ."
REM :: note that at this point, the started terminal actually blocks!
REM :: so here we run cmd.exe one more time, so we get the command prompt shell
REM :: (however, even there, if we hit Ctrl-C, it will break our background program!)
REM cmd
REM :: as per
REM :: like this, Ctrl-C does not kill the process by accident anymore;
REM :: however, the PID returned is for the cmd.exe, not the testlogerr.exe
REM @echo off
REM powershell -command "$proc = Start-Process -FilePath 'CMD.EXE' -ArgumentList '/C START /B testlogerr.exe' -RedirectStandardError testlogerr.log -NoNewWindow -passthru ; Write-Output $ | Out-File -Encoding ASCII -FilePath .\"
REM set /p TESTPID=<
REM del
REM cmd
REM :: so, the only way to prevent Ctrl-C, AND run in the same cmd.exe window started by .bat, AND obtain the PID of the background process, is to use start /b - and then, retrieve the PID from the difference in started tasks ..
REM ::
REM ( ... here was the working code, which has now been moved at start/top of snippet)
So, what this .bat
file now allows me, is that I can double click it, and I will get in the newly started cmd.exe
terminal window:
TESTPID is 5532
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19043.1266]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
So, the testlogerr.exe
process started in the background - but if I hit Ctrl-C by accident in the newly started cmd.exe
terminal, I will not shut testlogerr.exe
Furthermore, testlogerr.exe
's log messages are piped to the testlogerr.log
file (and I can confirm lines in that logfile appear one by one - if we had Linux tail
, we could have seen realtime updates with tail -f testlogerr.log
And finally, I get a cmd.exe
shell prompt at end - which means, I can immediately inspect the situation:
C:\tmp>tasklist | findstr 5532
testlogerr.exe 5532 Console 1 3,148 K
Great, that works!
Unfortunately, I thought this would allow me to start two such terminals, with two separate instances of the background process - unfortunately, if I try to do that, I get in the second terminal:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
But, at least I got the behavior that I wanted in the OP/question ...
Upvotes: 0
In Linux shell, $!
stores the last executed PID
. Powershell can achieve the same using $
The current PowerShell
code only exists with the PID
though and is never displayed. Therefore change the code in the batch file to use Write-Host
to display the PID (Similar to echo
in bash):
@echo off
powershell -executionPolicy bypass -command "& {$process = start-process $args[0] -passthru -argumentlist $args[1..($args.length-1)]; Write-Host testlogerr started, its PID is $}" testlogerr.exe 2>testlogerr.log
PS!! If you want both stdout
and stderr
in the log file, then change from 2>testlogerr.log
to >testlogerr.log 2>&1
Upvotes: 1