Reputation: 213
The value of oV
should be the value on the right side in the StateToCountSequence
that corresponds to the respective iState
value on the left. However, oV
only seems to be able to have the values 2 or 3, as shown the in capture below.
Does anyone know what I should do about this?
module CounterSkipReverse(iClk, iRst, iSkip, iRev, oState);
input iClk, iRst, iSkip, iRev;
//declare oState:
output integer oState;
//declare internal wires and reg types here:
always @ (posedge iClk) begin
if (iRst == 1)
oState <= 0;
if (iSkip == 0 & iRev == 0) oState <= oState + 4'd1;
else if (iSkip == 1 & iRev == 0) oState <= oState + 4'd5;
else if (iSkip == 0 & iRev == 1) oState <= oState - 4'd1;
else if (iSkip == 1 & iRev == 1) oState <= oState + 4'd9;
if (oState < 0) oState <= oState + 4'd14;
if (oState > 14) oState <= oState - 4'd14;
module StateToCountSequence(iState, oV);
//declare the input and output
input iState;
output reg [3:0]oV;
//declare any internal wire and reg types here.
always @ (iState) begin
4'd0: oV = 4'd3;
4'd1: oV = 4'd2;
4'd2: oV = 4'd4;
4'd3: oV = 4'd9;
4'd4: oV = 4'd9;
4'd5: oV = 4'd0;
4'd6: oV = 4'd7;
4'd7: oV = 4'd1;
4'd8: oV = 4'd1;
4'd9: oV = 4'd5;
4'd10: oV = 4'd1;
4'd11: oV = 4'd7;
4'd12: oV = 4'd0;
4'd13: oV = 4'd8;
4'd14: oV = 4'd9;
//Have you checked for inferred latches in this module?
module CompleteCounter(iClk, iRst, iSkip, iRev, oV, oState);
input iClk, iRst, iSkip, iRev;
output [3:0] oV;
//declare oState next line
output [3:0]oState;
CounterSkipReverse cntr(.iClk(iClk), .iRst(iRst), .iSkip(iSkip), .iRev(iRev), .oState(oState));
StateToCountSequence statemap(.iState(oState), .oV(oV));
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module AssignmentTestBench;
//declare internal signals and instantiate module CompleteCounter.
reg iClk, iRst, iSkip, iRev;
wire [3:0]oState;
wire [3:0]oV;
initial begin
iClk = 1'b1;
iRst = 0;
iSkip = 0;
iRev = 0;
CompleteCounter counter(iClk, iRst, iSkip, iRev, oV, oState);
//generate test sequences for all state transitions
always begin
#5 iClk = ~iClk; //period 10 ns for clock
always begin // control w input and reset
// iSkip = 0, iRev = 0
#10 iRst = 1'b1;
#10 iRst = 1'b0;
#300; // 30 clock cycles
// iSkip = 1, iRev = 0
#10 iRst = 1'b1;
#10 iRst = 1'b0;
iSkip = 1'b1;
// iSkip = 1, iRev = 1
#10 iRst = 1'b1;
#10 iRst = 1'b0;
iRev = 1'b1;
// iSkip = 0, iRev = 1
#10 iRst = 1'b1;
#10 iRst = 1'b0;
iSkip = 1'b0;
$display("Finished test");
$finish; // remove for modelsim
Upvotes: 1
Views: 187
Reputation: 62105
The signal iState
is a 1-bit signal in the StateToCountSequence
, which means it can only take on the known values 0 and 1. Thus, you can only set oV
to 3 and 2.
input iState;
input [3:0] iState;
Upvotes: 1