Arthur Visser
Arthur Visser

Reputation: 51

How can I correctly translate/rotate my camera in my 3d raymarched world

What I am trying to achieve

So I'm a fractal enthusiast and decided to build a 2D/3D fractal generator in WebGL using raymarching, with Typescript as scripting language. I've been a C#/Typescript dev for several years but having zero experience with 3d programming, I used Michael Walczyk's blog as a starting point. Some of my code I use here is derived from his tutorial.

I added the functionality that you can move through the object using WASDQEZC keys. WS = strafe forward-back, AD = strafe left-right, QE = strafe up-down, ZC = roll left-right. I combine this with a mouse look function which moves in the direction the mouse pointer is located on the rendering canvas. So what I want is total freedom of movement like in a spacesim. For this I am using a separate camera rotation matrix together with translation values and send them to the shader like this:

  setCameraMatrix(): void {
    let cameraRotationMatrixLocation: WebGLUniformLocation = this.currentContext.getUniformLocation(this.currentProgram, "u_cameraRotation");
    let cameraTranslationLocation: WebGLUniformLocation = this.currentContext.getUniformLocation(this.currentProgram, "u_cameraTranslation");
    let foVLocation: WebGLUniformLocation = this.currentContext.getUniformLocation(this.currentProgram, "u_foV");

    //add point of camera rotation at beginning
    let cameraRotationMatrix: Array<number> = Matrix3D.identity();

    //set camera rotation and translation, Z-axis (heading) first, then X-axis (pitch), then Y-axis (roll)
    cameraRotationMatrix = Matrix3D.multiply(cameraRotationMatrix, Matrix3D.rotateZ(this.cameraRotateZ * Math.PI / 180));
    cameraRotationMatrix = Matrix3D.multiply(cameraRotationMatrix, Matrix3D.rotateX(this.cameraRotateX * Math.PI / 180));
    cameraRotationMatrix = Matrix3D.multiply(cameraRotationMatrix, Matrix3D.rotateY(this.cameraRotateY * Math.PI / 180));
    //cameraRotationMatrix = Matrix3D.multiply(cameraRotationMatrix, Matrix3D.translate(this.cameraTranslateX, this.cameraTranslateY, this.cameraTranslateZ));
    cameraRotationMatrix = Matrix3D.inverse(cameraRotationMatrix);

    let cameraPosition: Array<number> = [

    this.currentContext.uniformMatrix4fv(cameraRotationMatrixLocation, false, cameraRotationMatrix);
    this.currentContext.uniform3fv(cameraTranslationLocation, cameraPosition);
    this.currentContext.uniform1f(foVLocation, this.foV);

I tried adding the camera translation values to the camera matrix but that didn't work. I got weird distortion effects and couldn't get it right so I commented that line out and left it there for now for clarity. The reason I did it this way is because of the way my GLSL code is constructed:

The main function from the fragment shader with the call to the ray_march function. v_position is a vec2 with x,y coordinates coming from the vertex shader.:

    void main() {
      outColor = vec4(ray_march(u_cameraTranslation, u_cameraRotation * vec4(rayDirection(u_foV,v_position),1), u_world, vec3(u_light * vec4(0,0,0,1)).xyz ).xyz,1);

The ray_march function I am using. This derives from the sample code in Michael Walczyk's blog.

    vec3 ray_march(in vec3 ro, in vec4 rd, in mat4 wm, in vec3 lightPosition) //ro = ray origin, rd = ray direction gt = geometry position after matrix multiplication
        float total_distance_traveled = 0.0;
        const int NUMBER_OF_STEPS = 1024;

        float MINIMUM_HIT_DISTANCE = 0.001 * min_hit_distance_correction;

        const float MAXIMUM_TRACE_DISTANCE = 1000.0;

        for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_STEPS; i++)
            vec3 current_position = ro + total_distance_traveled * vec3(rd);

            float distance_to_closest = map(current_position, wm);

            if (distance_to_closest < MINIMUM_HIT_DISTANCE) 
              vec3 normal = calculate_normal(current_position, wm);
              vec3 outColor = vec3(1.0,0,0);
              vec3 v_surfaceToLight = lightPosition - current_position;
              vec3 v_surfaceToView = ro - current_position;

              //insert lighting code below this line

              return outColor;

            if (total_distance_traveled > MAXIMUM_TRACE_DISTANCE)

            total_distance_traveled += distance_to_closest;

        return vec3(0.25);//gray background

The rayDirection function I am using.

  vec3 rayDirection(float fieldOfView, vec2 p) {
    float z = 1.0 / (tan(radians(fieldOfView) / 2.0));
    return normalize(vec3(p.xy, -z));

My problem

I have issues moving and rotating my camera correctly in 3d world. I'm doing this by applying some trigonometry to get the movement right. E.g., when I move forward, that is the Z-axis. But when I make a 90 degree turn to the right the X-axis now becomes the Z-axis. I am using trigonometry to correct this and actually got something working but now I am stuck in a quagmire of trigonometry with no end in sight and I have a feeling there must be a better and less complicated way. To see what I'm talking about, here is the code of the 'move' function:

  move(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
    //strafe forward-back
    let tXForwardBack: number = (Math.sin(this.cameraRotateY * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos(this.cameraRotateX * Math.PI / 180)) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed;
    let tYForwardBack: number = Math.sin(this.cameraRotateX * Math.PI / 180) * this.speed;
    let tZForwardBack: number = (Math.cos(this.cameraRotateY * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos(this.cameraRotateX * Math.PI / 180)) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed;

    //strafe up-down
    let tXUpDown: number = ((Math.sin(this.cameraRotateX * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(this.cameraRotateY * Math.PI / 180)) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
    let tYUpDown: number = Math.cos(this.cameraRotateX * Math.PI / 180) * this.speed;
    let tZUpDown: number = Math.sin(this.cameraRotateX * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos(this.cameraRotateY * Math.PI / 180) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed;

    //strafe left-right without roll. TODO: implement roll
    let tXLeftRight: number = Math.cos(this.cameraRotateY * Math.PI / 180) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed;
    let tYLeftRight: number = 0;
    let tZLeftRight: number = Math.sin(this.cameraRotateY * Math.PI / 180) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed;

    switch (event.key) {
      case "w": { //strafe forward
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX + tXForwardBack;
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY - tYForwardBack;
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ + tZForwardBack;
        //this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ + (this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
      case "s": { //strafe back
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX - tXForwardBack;
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY + tYForwardBack;
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ - tZForwardBack;
      case "a": {//strafe left
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX - tXLeftRight;
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY + tYLeftRight;
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ + tZLeftRight;
      case "d": { //strafe right
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX + tXLeftRight;
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY - tYLeftRight;
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ - tZLeftRight;
      case "q": { //strafe up
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX + tXUpDown;
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY + tYUpDown;
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ + tZUpDown;
      case "e": { //strafe down
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX - tXUpDown;
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY - tYUpDown;
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ - tZUpDown;
      case "z": { //roll left
        this.cameraRotateZ = (this.cameraRotateZ + (this.sensitivity * this.speed)) % 360;
      case "c": { //roll right
        this.cameraRotateZ = (this.cameraRotateZ - (this.sensitivity * this.speed)) % 360;

It actually works to some degree, but you can see where this is going :( Also, I get a 'dead' zone when I look up and down along the Y-axis. I found This thread which seems to describe my problem and says 'The trick is to apply the translation to the z-axis but in the local coordinate system of the camera.'

But how do I do that with my existing code? I tried multiplying the world matrix u_world by the rotationmatrix u_rotationMatrix but then the lighting changes as well and it's just an object rotation instead of a separate camera rotation. In the thread I posted there is no lighting so multiplying the camera matrix with the world matrix works for them. But it doesn't for me because of the lighting I implemented. Also, I can't seem to apply the normals separately this way so that I only apply the normals to the world matrix and not to the camera rotation matrix, so that the lighting stays in place when I rotate/translate the camera.

The only way I can get correct normals to the world matrix and a separate cameramatrix is by multiplying the rotationMatrix with the rayDirection like so u_cameraRotation * vec4(rayDirection(u_foV,v_position),1). But when I do this I have to apply all this horrible, partially working trigonometry mess to get something decent. What I want is getting it to work like 'The trick is to apply the translation to the z-axis but in the local coordinate system of the camera.'

But I don't know how. I tried all kinds of things but I'm currently stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I think I've outlined my problem sufficiently enough, if you miss anything please let me know. Thanks in advance.

Upvotes: 0

Views: 898

Answers (1)

Arthur Visser
Arthur Visser

Reputation: 51

Looks like I found the answer myself. I applied part of Adisak's answer from this question which is similar to mine. I applied his EulerAnglesToMatrix function with rotation order ZXY, then extracted the x, y and z-axis like so:

    let mx: Array<number> = Matrix3D.eulerAnglesToMatrix(pitch, yaw, roll, "ZXY");

    let xAxis: Array<number> = mx.slice(0, 3); //x,y,z
    let yAxis: Array<number> = mx.slice(3, 6); //x,y,z
    let zAxis: Array<number> = mx.slice(6, 9); //x,y,z

I then applied the translation like so, setting the [this.cameraTranslateX,this.cameraTranslateY,this.cameraTranslateZ] as the uniform vec3 u_cameraTranslation variable for the fragmentshader:

    switch (event.key) {
      case "w": { //strafe forward
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX - ((zAxis[0]) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY - ((zAxis[1]  ) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ + ((zAxis[2] ) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
      case "s": { //strafe back
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX + ((zAxis[0] ) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY + ((zAxis[1] ) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ - ((zAxis[2] ) * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
      case "a": {//strafe left
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX - (xAxis[0] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY - (xAxis[1] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ + (xAxis[2] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
      case "d": { //strafe right
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX + (xAxis[0] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY + (xAxis[1] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ - (xAxis[2] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
      case "q": { //strafe up
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX + (yAxis[0] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY + (yAxis[1] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ - (yAxis[2] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
      case "e": { //strafe down
        this.cameraTranslateX = this.cameraTranslateX - (yAxis[0] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateY = this.cameraTranslateY - (yAxis[1] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
        this.cameraTranslateZ = this.cameraTranslateZ + (yAxis[2] * this.clipSpaceFactor * this.speed);
      case "z": { //roll left
        this.cameraRotateZ = (this.cameraRotateZ + (this.sensitivity * this.speed)) % 360;
      case "c": { //roll right
        this.cameraRotateZ = (this.cameraRotateZ - (this.sensitivity * this.speed)) % 360;

I left the raymarching function intact. This gave me exactly what I wanted.

Upvotes: 1

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