Reputation: 397
I've been trying to solve an equation for a 2D vector P.
But after solve
there are still some P on the rhs.
Does this mean Maxima can't do it or I've done something wrong?
Here is it:
declare(".", commutative);
declare(P, nonscalar);
declare([v1,V1,r1], nonscalar);
declare([v2,V2,r2], nonscalar);
declare([w1,W1,m1,I1,w2,W2,m2,I2], scalar);
/* Revolute Constraint */
constraint: v2 + (w2~r2) - (v1 + (w1~r1)) = 0$
/* Velocities after impulse P */
eq1: v1 = V1 - P/m1$
eq2: w1 = W1 - (r1~P) / I1$
eq3: v2 = V2 + P/m2$
eq4: w2 = W2 + (r2~P) / I2$
eq: subst([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4], constraint)$
solve(eq, P);
(I'm trying to get an equation for an impulse that satisfies the constraint. I'm following Dirk Gregorius' 2nd post here:
Upvotes: 2
Views: 145
Reputation: 17585
I think I've worked out the details. I had to do some stuff by hand, and Maxima was mostly just checking that I did it correctly. If the goal is just to get to a solution, I guess that's okay.
Here's my script. You can execute this via: maxima --batch=foo.mac
where foo.mac
is the name of the script.
/* adapted from:
/* I don't want to reorder arguments of cross product. */
remrule ("~", ?\~rule4);
/* I do want to flatten noncommutative multiplication.
* (It appears that's disabled by vect; ordinarily it happens by default.)
dotassoc: true $
declare(P, nonscalar);
declare([v1,w1,V1,W1,r1], nonscalar);
declare([v2,w2,V2,W2,r2], nonscalar);
declare([m1,I1,m2,I2], scalar);
/* Revolute Constraint */
constraint: v2 - (r2~w2) - (v1 - (r1~w1)) = 0$
/* Velocities after impulse P */
eq1: v1 = V1 - P/m1$
eq2: w1 = W1 - (r1~P) / I1$
eq3: v2 = V2 + P/m2$
eq4: w2 = W2 + (r2~P) / I2$
eq: subst([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4], constraint);
A(a) := matrix([0, -a[3], a[2]], [a[3], 0, -a[1]], [-a[2], a[1], 0]);
eqa: ev (eq, (u~v) := 'A(u).v);
matchdeclare (pp, lambda ([e], not freeof(P, e)));
matchdeclare (qq, lambda ([e], freeof(P, e)));
defrule (rp, pp + qq = 0, pp = -qq);
eqa1: expand (eqa);
eqa2: apply1 (eqa1, rp);
matchdeclare (aa, lambda ([e], matrixp(e) or listp(e)));
tellsimpafter (I(aa), ident (length (aa)));
matchdeclare ([aa, bb], all);
tellsimpafter (I(aa) . bb, bb);
tellsimpafter (aa . I(bb), aa);
M: -(1/I2)*'A(r2).'A(r2) - (1/I1)*'A(r1).'A(r1) + (1/m2)*I(P) + (1/m1)*I(P);
N: 'A(r2).W2 - 'A(r1).W1 - V2 + V1;
eqa2_factored: M . P = N;
expand (eqa2_factored);
?resimplify (%);
if % # eqa2 then error ("tried to factor eqa2, but something went wrong.");
solution: P = M^^-1 . N;
/* EXAMPLE: */
I1: 20 $
I2: 3 $
m1: 100 $
m2: 12 $
V1: [17, 19, -23] $
V2: [-5, -3, 11] $
W1: [8, 4, 14] $
W2: [-6, -16, 24 ] $
r1: [1/2, 2/3, 3/4] $
r2: [5, 7, 3] $
/* note various subterfuges to ensure evaluation with stated values */
example_M: ev (subst (I(P) = ident(3), M), nouns);
example_N: ev (N, nouns);
example_P: example_M^^-1 . example_N;
subst (P = example_P, ev (eqa2, eval, nouns));
if lhs(%) = rhs(%)
then print ("TEST PASSED: lhs = rhs")
else error ("TEST FAILED: lhs # rhs");
If you need to evaluate P
for different parameters r1
, r2
, etc., my advice is to evaluate matrix M
and vector N
with whatever values you want to plug in, and then solve the equation P = M^^-1 . N
. An explicit solution is probably going to be pretty messy.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 397
Following Robert Dodier's advice, I broke up all the vectors and solved for P[1] and P[2] individually. I've got something that gives me an answer but now how can I get it into nice vector form? Here it is:
declare(".", commutative);
declare(P, nonscalar);
declare([v1,V1,r1], nonscalar);
declare([v2,V2,r2], nonscalar);
declare([w1,W1,m1,I1], scalar);
declare([w2,W2,m2,I2], scalar);
cross_scalar_vector(s,v) := [-s*v[2], s*v[1]]$
/* Revolute Constraint on Linear Velocity */
constraint: v2 + cross_scalar_vector(w2,r2) - (v1 + cross_scalar_vector(w1,r1)) = [0,0]$
/* Sub in velocities after impulse P. */
post_velocities: [
v1 = V1 - P/m1,
w1 = W1 - (r1~P) / I1,
v2 = V2 + P/m2,
w2 = W2 + (r2~P) / I2
constraint: subst(post_velocities, constraint)$
/* Break up the remaining vectors for solve. */
vectors: [
P = [P[1], P[2]],
V1 = [V1[1], V1[2]],
r1 = [r1[1], r1[2]],
V2 = [V2[1], V2[2]],
r2 = [r2[1], r2[2]]
constraint: subst(vectors, constraint)$
/* Break up vector constraint into x and y constraint for solve. */
xconstraint: lhs(constraint)[1] = 0$
yconstraint: lhs(constraint)[2] = 0$
/* Not sure why we need to do this again? */
xconstraint: subst(vectors, xconstraint)$
yconstraint: subst(vectors, yconstraint)$
/* Expand cross products for solve. */
xconstraint: express(xconstraint)$
yconstraint: express(yconstraint)$
solve([xconstraint,yconstraint], [P[1],P[2]]);
Upvotes: 1