Reputation: 1682
I am trying to access a component method using createRef()
however i am getting TypeError: modalRef.current is null
error back.
I never used refs before so if its wrong guide the way how to achieve what I am trying to do.
this is my try
const parent = () => {
const modalRef = createRef();
const onBtnClick = () => {
<button onclick={onBtnClick}>bro</button>
<Modal ref={modalRef} />
export default Modal = () => {
const upadeState = () => {
console.log('It works fam');
bro we here
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3523
Reputation: 3347
For calling Child Component method from parent component in hooks we are using React.forwardRef and React.useImperativeHandle hooks from React.
Here is an example to call the child method.
import React from "react";
const { forwardRef, useState, useImperativeHandle } = React;
// We need to wrap component in `forwardRef` in order to gain
// access to the ref object that is assigned using the `ref` prop.
// This ref is passed as the second parameter to the function component.
const Child = forwardRef((props, ref) => {
const [state, setState] = useState(0);
const getAlert = () => {
alert("getAlert from Child");
setState(state => state + 1)
// The component instance will be extended
// with whatever you return from the callback passed
// as the second argument
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
return (
<h1>Count {state}</h1>
<button onClick={() => getAlert()}>Click Child</button>
<br />
import React from "react";
const { useRef } = React;
export const Parent = () => {
// In order to gain access to the child component instance,
// you need to assign it to a `ref`, so we call `useRef()` to get one
const childRef = useRef();
return (
<Child ref={childRef} />
<button onClick={() => childRef.current.getAlert()}>Click Parent</button>
Child component is rendered and a ref is created using React.useRef named childRef. The button we created in the parent component is now used to call the child component function childRef.current.getAlert();
Upvotes: 13