or use sweep
100 * sweep(df, 2, colSums(df), `/`)\n
\nOr use proportions
df[paste0(names(df), "_prop")] <- 100 * proportions(as.matrix(df), 2)\n
\n> df\n q1 q2 q3 q1_prop q2_prop q3_prop\n1 159 106 99 7.910448 4.753363 4.421617\n2 139 284 222 6.915423 12.735426 9.915141\n3 1048 1043 981 52.139303 46.771300 43.814203\n4 571 672 843 28.407960 30.134529 37.650737\n5 93 125 94 4.626866 5.605381 4.198303\n
\n","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"akrun"},"upvoteCount":2}}}Reputation: 21
I have a data frame reporting the count of answers per question (this is just a part of it), and I'd like to obtain the answer percentage for each question. I've found adorn_percentages, but it computes the percentage by dividing the values for the whole data frame, meanwhile, I just want the percentage for each column. Each column has a total of 2230 answers. I was thinking to use something like (x/2230)*100 but I don't know how to go on.
df<-data.frame(q1=c(159,139,1048,571,93), q2=c(106,284,1043,672,125), q3=c(99,222,981,843,94))
q1 q2 q3
1 159 106 99
2 139 284 222
3 1048 1043 981
4 571 672 843
5 93 125 94
Upvotes: 1
Views: 650
Reputation: 389255
You can apply prop.table
for each column -
df %>% mutate(across(.fns = prop.table, .names = '{col}_prop') * 100)
# q1 q2 q3 q1_prop q2_prop q3_prop
#1 159 106 99 7.910448 4.753363 4.421617
#2 139 284 222 6.915423 12.735426 9.915141
#3 1048 1043 981 52.139303 46.771300 43.814203
#4 571 672 843 28.407960 30.134529 37.650737
#5 93 125 94 4.626866 5.605381 4.198303
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 887871
We may use colSums
to do the division after making the lengths same
100 * df/colSums(df)[col(df)]
or use sweep
100 * sweep(df, 2, colSums(df), `/`)
Or use proportions
df[paste0(names(df), "_prop")] <- 100 * proportions(as.matrix(df), 2)
> df
q1 q2 q3 q1_prop q2_prop q3_prop
1 159 106 99 7.910448 4.753363 4.421617
2 139 284 222 6.915423 12.735426 9.915141
3 1048 1043 981 52.139303 46.771300 43.814203
4 571 672 843 28.407960 30.134529 37.650737
5 93 125 94 4.626866 5.605381 4.198303
Upvotes: 2