
Reputation: 678

read from the nth column on using awk

The nmcli -c no device displays:

DEVICE          TYPE      STATE         CONNECTION 
wlp3s0          wifi      connected     My Test Connection
p2p-dev-wlp3s0  wifi-p2p  disconnected  --         
enp4s0f1        ethernet  unavailable   --         
lo              loopback  unmanaged     --

In order to separate the info on wifi, I have this command:

wf_info="$(nmcli -c no device | grep "wifi[^-]" | awk '{print "wf_devc="$1, "wf_state="$3, "wf_conn="$4}')"
eval "$wf_info"

echo "$wf_devc"   # returns wlp3s0
echo "$wf_state"  # returns connected
echo "$wf_conn"   # returns My (while should be My Test Connection)

The problem with the above command is that for wf_conn it gives me My while I should be the full name My Test Connection. How can I tell the command to read from the 4th column on and not just the 4th column for the wf_conn?

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Views: 123

Answers (1)

Wiktor Stribiżew
Wiktor Stribiżew

Reputation: 626689

You can "collect" the rest of the fields into a single variable and then print it:

read wf_devc wf_state wf_conn < <(nmcli -c no device | awk '/wifi[^-]/{r=""; for(i=4;i<=NF;i++){r=r (i==4 ? "":" ") $i}; print $1" "$3" "r}')

Note that grep part is incorporated into awk, /wifi[^-]/ will make sure only those lines will be printed that contains wifi followed by a char other than a - char.

The r=""; for(i=4;i<=NF;i++){r=r (i==4 ? "":" ") $i} part inits an r empty string and then all fields starting with Field 4 are concatenated using a space.

See the online demo:

s='DEVICE          TYPE      STATE         CONNECTION 
wlp3s0          wifi      connected     My Test Connection
p2p-dev-wlp3s0  wifi-p2p  disconnected  --         
enp4s0f1        ethernet  unavailable   --         
lo              loopback  unmanaged     --'
read wf_devc wf_state wf_conn < <(awk '
            r=r (i==4 ? "":" ") $i
        print $1" "$3" "r
    }' <<< "$s")

echo "wf_devc=$wf_devc wf_state=$wf_state wf_conn=$wf_conn"


wf_devc=wlp3s0 wf_state=connected wf_conn=My Test Connection

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