Reputation: 41
I have below Invoke-command code, the script using hponcfg.exe file on remote server to get ILO configuration. few servers having issue with power capping and error returned by hponcfg.exe as "Message = 0x0089 Power capping information is not available at this time, try again later."
My question is: I want to capture this error if generated by hponcfg inside invoke-command scriptblock and use it out of scriptblock.
$CurrentDir = (Split-Path $invocation.MyCommand.Path).ToLower()
$Credential = get-credential -message "Please supply SA account details."
$servers = gc .\servers.txt
#$Global:ScriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$date = (get-date).ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmm")
$ILOContent = ".\ILOConfigData_$date.csv"
New-Item -path $ILOContent -type file -Force | out-null
Add-Content -Path $ILOContent -Value "ILO_Name,Model,ILOFIrmware,ILODevice,ILOFWDate,ILO_Domain,Network_Details,ILO_TimeZone,Directory_Users,LDAP_Directory_Authentication,Directory_Groups,SNMP_Settings,Directory_Server_Address"
Foreach($server in $servers){
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $server -Quiet)
#$Frompath = ".\ILO_Prerequisite\"
#$To_Path = "C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG"
new-psdrive $tmp filesystem "\\$server\C$" -cred $cred|Out-Null
$Model = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $server -Class:Win32_ComputerSystem).model
Write-Host "Validating HPE pre-requisites on server:"$server -BackgroundColor DarkGray -ForegroundColor White
if (-not(test-path("$($tmp):\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG")))
Write-Host "Corrupt 'HPONCFG' folder structure found. Remediating, will take few seconds." -ForegroundColor Red
New-Item -Path ("$($tmp):\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\") -ItemType Directory -Name HPONCFG -Force|Out-Null
$To_Path =("$($tmp):\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG")
$From_Path = ".\ILO-PreRequisite\*"
copy-item -path $From_Path -Destination $To_Path -recurse -Force
Write-Host "'HPONCFG' folder structure remediated." -ForegroundColor Green
Elseif (-not(test-path("$($tmp):\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG\hponcfg.exe")))
$To_Path =("$($tmp):\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG")
Write-Host "Corrupt 'HPONCFG' folder structure found. Remediating, will take few seconds." -ForegroundColor Red
copy-item -path $From_Path -Destination $To_Path -recurse -Force
Write-Host "'HPONCFG' folder structure remediated" -ForegroundColor Green
remove-psdrive -name $tmp -force
#if (-not(test-path "C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG\hponcfg.exe"))
# {
# do copy job
# write-host "Copying files and folders from $frompath to $topath" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# copy-item -path $frompath -Destination $topath -recurse
# }
$export = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock {
New-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG" -ItemType File -Name Current_ILOConfig.xml -Force| Out-Null
Set-Location "C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG"
$ILODataPath = Get-Location
$WantFile = "$ILODataPath\Current_ILOConfig.txt"
$FileExists = Test-Path $WantFile
If ($FileExists -eq $True) {Remove-Item $WantFile }
Write-Host "Gathering current ILO configuration for $ENV:COMPUTERNAME" -ForegroundColor Yellow
& "C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG\hponcfg.exe" /a /w `
"C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG\Current_ILOConfig.xml" |Out-Null
Get-Content .\Current_ILOConfig.xml
$export|Out-File "Current_ILOConfig.txt"
$ILORAW_DATA = Get-Content .\Current_ILOConfig.txt
$_ -replace '<!-- ' `
-replace ' -->' `
-replace '<' `
-replace ' />' `
-replace '"' `
}|Set-Content .\Current_ILOConfig.txt
$ILO_DATA = Get-Content .\Current_ILOConfig.txt
Write-Host "Getting ILO DNS details"
$DNS_NAME = $ILO_DATA |Where {$_ |Select-String -Pattern " DNS_NAME VALUE"," DOMAIN_NAME VALUE"}
$ILONAME = $DNS_NAME -split "="
$ILO_Name = $ILONAME[1]
$ILO_Domain = $ILONAME[3]
Write-Host "Getting ILO Network details"
$Network = [array]$NT -join "`n"
$Network_Details = $Network.Trim()
Write-Host "Getting ILO TimeZone"
$TZ= $ILO_DATA |Where {$_ | Select-String -Pattern " TIMEZONE VALUE"}
$TimeZone =$TZ -Split "="
$ILO_TimeZone = $TimeZone[1]
Write-Host "Getting ILO Directory Server Address" # Directory_Server_Address
$DSA = $ILO_DATA |Where {$_ | Select-String -Pattern " DIR_SERVER_ADDRESS"}
$Directory_Server_Address = $DIR_SERVERADDRESS[1]
$ILODeviceID = @()
$ILODev = $ILO_DATA|where{$_|Select-String -Pattern "Device: "}
$ILODevStr = $ILODev -split(' ')
$ILODeviceID += $ILODevStr[1..2] -as [string]
$ILODeviceID += $ILODevStr[7]
$ILODeviceID += $ILODevStr[-1]
Write-Host "Getting LDAP Directory Authentication Enabled/Disabled?"
$LDAP_DIR = $ILO_DATA |Where {$_ | Select-String -Pattern " DIR_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED"}
$LDAP_Directory_Authentication = $LDAP_DIR_STATUS[1]
Write-Host "Getting ILO Device detail"
$ILOFIrmware = $ILODevStr[7]
Write-Host "Getting ILO Firmware Version"
$ILODevice = $ILODevStr[1,2]
Write-Host "Getting ILO Firmware Version date"
$ILOFWDate = $ILODevStr[-1]
Write-Host "Getting SNMP Settings" #SNMP_Settings
$SNMPADDRESS = $ILO_DATA |Where {$_ | Select-String -Pattern "SNMP_ADDRESS"}
$SNMP_DATA = @()
foreach($SNMP in $SNMPADDRESS)
$SNMP_DATA +=($SNMP -split "VALUE=")[1]
$SNMP_Settings = $SNMP_DATA -join "`n"
Write-Host "Getting ILO Directory User details"
$DIR_USER = $ILO_DATA |Where {$_ | Select-String -Pattern " DIR_USER_CONTEXT"}
$User =@()
foreach($Usr in $DIR_USER)
$User += ($Usr -split "VALUE=")[1]
$Directory_Users = $User -join "`n"
#group Account details
Write-Host "Getting ILO Directory Group details"
$DIR_GRPACCT = $ILO_DATA |Where {$_ | Select-String -pattern " DIR_GRPACCT"}
$ACCTs = @()
for($a=1;$a -le 10;$a++)
$GroupName = "DIR_GRPACCT" + $a + "_NAME"
#$Privilege = "DIR_GRPACCT" + $a + "_PRIV"
$DIR_GRPACCT = $ILO_DATA |Where {$_ | Select-String -pattern $groupname}
foreach ($acct in $DIR_GRPACCT)
$ACCTS += ($acct -split "VALUE=")[1]
$DIR_GRPACCTS = ($ACCTS -join "`n")
$data = "`"$ILO_Name`",`"$Model`",`"$ILOFIrmware`",`"$ILODevice`",`"$ILOFWDate`",`"$ILO_Domain`",`"$Network_Details`",`"$ILO_TimeZone`",`"$($Directory_Users.trimend())`",`"$LDAP_Directory_Authentication`",`"$($DIR_GRPACCTS.trimend())`",`"$($SNMP_Settings.trimend())`",`"$($Directory_Server_Address.trimend())`""
$Data |Out-File -Append $ILOContent
write-host -ForegroundColor Red "Server $server is not reachable"
$data = "`"$server`",`"not reachable`""
$Data |Out-File -Append $ILOContent
#Clear User defined variables
Write-Host "Performing Clean-up" -ForegroundColor Yellow
#Clear-Variable -Name ILO*
Function Get-ScriptVariable ($Name = '*')
# these variables may exist in certain environments (like ISE, or after use of foreach)
$special = 'ps','psise','psunsupportedconsoleapplications', 'foreach', 'profile'
$ps = [PowerShell]::Create()
$null = $ps.AddScript('$null=$host;Get-Variable')
$reserved = $ps.Invoke() |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
Get-Variable -Scope Global |
Where-Object Name -like $Name |
Where-Object { $reserved -notcontains $_.Name } |
Where-Object { $special -notcontains $_.Name } |
Where-Object Name
Get-ScriptVariable |Clear-Variable ;Write-Host "Clean-up completed." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Check detailed log stored at path: "$CurrentDir -ForegroundColor Green```
Upvotes: 0
Views: 173
Reputation: 1472
You can use try-catch-finally method to get your error messages. Hi I have modified your script invoke-command part only. Please test and use it. This script is not tested.
$export = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock {
try {
New-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG" -ItemType File -Name Current_ILOConfig.xml -Force | Out-Null
Set-Location "C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG"
$ILODataPath = Get-Location
$WantFile = "$ILODataPath\Current_ILOConfig.txt"
$FileExists = Test-Path $WantFile
If ($FileExists -eq $True) { Remove-Item $WantFile }
Write-Host "Gathering current ILO configuration for $ENV:COMPUTERNAME" -ForegroundColor Yellow
& "C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG\hponcfg.exe" /a /w `
"C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\HPONCFG\Current_ILOConfig.xml" | Out-Null
Get-Content .\Current_ILOConfig.xml
catch {
return $_
$export | Out-File "Current_ILOConfig.txt"
Upvotes: 1