Reputation: 2199
I have an ASP.NET Core Web API service which is called from an Angular client project.
When a user request a status of his payment, we will make call to this service API and this service will then call a payment gateway service to fetch the status of payment and the output result will return to the user.
When I try to integrate this, I get this error:
core.js:5967 ERROR Unknown Error
This above issue is not showing when i try to hit the service after putting one breakpoint. It's also returning the result.
This is how entire flow works
Client side call performs by user
this.dataservice.postFeed(method, JSON.stringify(this.initsearch)).subscribe(result => {
var response = result.body["data"];
Server side code looks like
public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] ObjectModel searchValue)
ApiResponse<string> response = new ApiResponse<string>();
IBaseResult<string> result = await _adlerBo.GetPaymentStatus(searchValue);
response.Success = result.success;
response.Data = result.Data;
return Ok(response);
In BusinessObject.cs
public async Task<IBaseResult<string>> GetPaymentStatus(PaymentSearchModel requestModel){
string apiResponse = await PaymentStatusCheckUsingAPI(requestModel.orderid);
return apiResponse ;
private async Task<string> PaymentStatusCheckUsingAPI(string orderNumber)
string message = await PostPaymentRequestToGateway(statusApiUrl, authQueryUrlParam);
NameValueCollection param = await GetResponseMap(message);
string status = "";
string encResJson = "";
if (param != null && param.Count == 2)
for (int i = 0; i < param.Count; i++)
if ("status".Equals(param.Keys[i]))
status = param[i];
if ("enc_response".Equals(param.Keys[i]))
encResJson = param[i];
if (!"".Equals(status) && status.Equals("0"))
resJson = crypto.Decrypt(encResJson, workingKey);
else if (!"".Equals(status) && status.Equals("1"))
Console.WriteLine("failure response: " + encResJson);
return resJson;
private async Task<string> PostPaymentRequestToGateway(string queryUrl, string urlParam)
string message = "";
StreamWriter myWriter = null;// it will open a http connection with provided url
WebRequest objRequest = WebRequest.Create(queryUrl);//send data using objxmlhttp object
objRequest.Method = "POST";
//objRequest.ContentLength = TranRequest.Length;
objRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";//to set content type
myWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(objRequest.GetRequestStream());
myWriter.Write(urlParam);//send data
myWriter.Close();//closed the myWriter object
// Getting Response
System.Net.HttpWebResponse objResponse = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)objRequest.GetResponse();//receive the responce from objxmlhttp object
using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream()))
message = await sr.ReadToEndAsync();
catch (Exception exception)
Console.Write("Exception occurred while connection." + exception);
return message;
private async Task<NameValueCollection> GetResponseMap(string message)
//await Task.Delay(2000); I did this with no Luck
NameValueCollection Params = new NameValueCollection();
if (message != null || !"".Equals(message))
string[] segments = message.Split('&');
foreach (string seg in segments)
string[] parts = seg.Split('=');
if (parts.Length > 0)
string Key = parts[0].Trim();
string Value = parts[1].Trim();
Params.Add(Key, Value);
return await Task.FromResult(Params);
Any idea how to fix this? Why its working when I put breakpoint and not otherwise.
Am I doing correct asynchronous implementation in my API ?
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