Charlie Parker
Charlie Parker

Reputation: 5267

When should one call .eval() and .train() when doing MAML with the PyTorch higher library?

I was going through the omniglot maml example and saw that they have net.train() at the top of their testing code. This seems like a mistake since that means the stats from each task at meta-testing is shared:

def test(db, net, device, epoch, log):
    # Crucially in our testing procedure here, we do *not* fine-tune
    # the model during testing for simplicity.
    # Most research papers using MAML for this task do an extra
    # stage of fine-tuning here that should be added if you are
    # adapting this code for research.
    n_test_iter = db.x_test.shape[0] // db.batchsz

    qry_losses = []
    qry_accs = []

    for batch_idx in range(n_test_iter):
        x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry ='test')

        task_num, setsz, c_, h, w = x_spt.size()
        querysz = x_qry.size(1)

        # TODO: Maybe pull this out into a separate module so it
        # doesn't have to be duplicated between `train` and `test`?
        n_inner_iter = 5
        inner_opt = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=1e-1)

        for i in range(task_num):
            with higher.innerloop_ctx(net, inner_opt, track_higher_grads=False) as (fnet, diffopt):
                # Optimize the likelihood of the support set by taking
                # gradient steps w.r.t. the model's parameters.
                # This adapts the model's meta-parameters to the task.
                for _ in range(n_inner_iter):
                    spt_logits = fnet(x_spt[i])
                    spt_loss = F.cross_entropy(spt_logits, y_spt[i])

                # The query loss and acc induced by these parameters.
                qry_logits = fnet(x_qry[i]).detach()
                qry_loss = F.cross_entropy(
                    qry_logits, y_qry[i], reduction='none')
                    (qry_logits.argmax(dim=1) == y_qry[i]).detach())

    qry_losses =
    qry_accs = 100. *
        f'[Epoch {epoch+1:.2f}] Test Loss: {qry_losses:.2f} | Acc: {qry_accs:.2f}'
        'epoch': epoch + 1,
        'loss': qry_losses,
        'acc': qry_accs,
        'mode': 'test',
        'time': time.time(),

however whenever I do eval instead I get that my MAML model diverges (though my test is on mini-imagenet):

>>maml_old (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5939, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_old (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>>maml_old (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5940, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_old (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>>maml_old (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5940, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_old (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>>maml_old (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5940, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_old (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>>maml_old (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5941, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_old (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>>maml_old (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5940, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_old (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>>maml_old (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5942, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_old (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>>maml_old (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5940, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_old (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>>maml_old (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5940, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_old (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>>maml_old (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5939, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
eval_loss=0.9859228551387786, eval_acc=0.5907692521810531
==== in forward2
>maml_new (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(171440.6875, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(208426.0156, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(17067344., grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(40371.8125, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(1.0911e+11, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(21.3515, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(5.4257e+13, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(128.9109, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(3994.7734, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (before inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(9.5937, grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
>maml_new (after inner adapt): fmodel.model.features.conv1.weight.norm(2)=tensor(1682896., grad_fn=<NormBackward1>)
eval_loss_sanity=nan, eval_acc_santiy=0.20000000298023224

So what is one suppose to do to avoid this divergence?



Upvotes: 1

Views: 376

Answers (1)

Charlie Parker
Charlie Parker

Reputation: 5267

TLDR: Use mdl.train() since that uses batch statistics (but inference will not be deterministic anymore). You probably won't want to use mdl.eval() in meta-learning.

BN intended behaviour:

  • Importantly, during inference (eval/testing) running_mean, running_std is used - that was calculated from training(because they want a deterministic output and to use estimates of the population statistics).
  • During training the batch statistics is used but a population statistic is estimated with running averages. I assume the reason batch_stats is used during training is to introduce noise that regularizes training (noise robustness)
  • in meta-learning I think using batch statistics is the best during testing (and not calculate the running means) since we are supposed to be seeing new /tasksdistribution anyway. Price we pay is loss of determinism. Could be interesting just out of curiosity what the accuracy is using population stats estimated from meta-trian.

This is likely why I don't see divergence in my testing with the mdl.train().

So just make sure you use mdl.train() (since that uses batch statistics but that either the new running stats that cheat aren't saved or used later.

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