Reputation: 180
I am trying to speed up my PostgreSQL reporting query. I simplyfied the data model for better understanding.
My reporting query uses the following tables:
The big table looks like this:
CREATE TABLE big_table (
id character varying(100) NOT NULL,
attr_1_id character varying(100) NOT NULL,
attr_2_id character varying(100) NOT NULL,
attr_3_id character varying(100) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT big_table_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
And the small tables all look like this:
CREATE TABLE small_table_1 (
id character varying(100) NOT NULL,
language_id character(2) NOT NULL,
text character varying(100),
CONSTRAINT small_table_1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
The query looks like this:
FROM big_table
LEFT JOIN small_table_1
ON = big_table.attr_id_1
AND small_table_1.language_id = 'DE'
LEFT JOIN small_table_2
ON = big_table.attr_id_2
AND small_table_2.language_id = 'DE'
LEFT JOIN small_table_3
ON = big_table.attr_id_3
AND small_table_3.language_id = 'DE'
With ~500.000 rows in the big table every LEFT JOIN
already takes ~200ms.
So with millions of rows and many small tables to join the execution time grows quickly.
In the query planner each LEFT JOIN
looks like this:
Hash Left Join (cost=31.94..13727.27 rows=432242 width=148) (actual time=4.398..581.194 rows=432242 loops=1)
Hash Cond: (( = (big_table.attr_id_1)::text)
Here is the complete real query plan. I still had to remove the LEFT JOIN
s of 10 small tables to not hit the Stack Overflow max character limit of 30,000.
"Hash Left Join (cost=208.64..400076.38 rows=460222 width=3163) (actual time=7.508..7178.265 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((""*SELECT* 1"".employment_status_id)::text = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=8290"
" CTE q2"
" -> Seq Scan on cust_group (cost=0.00..13.00 rows=300 width=16) (actual time=0.002..0.004 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" InitPlan 2 (returns $1)"
" -> CTE Scan on q2 (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=300 width=16) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=1)"
" InitPlan 3 (returns $2)"
" -> CTE Scan on q2 q2_1 (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=300 width=16) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=1 loops=1)"
" InitPlan 4 (returns $3)"
" -> CTE Scan on q2 q2_2 (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=300 width=16) (actual time=0.000..0.001 rows=1 loops=1)"
" InitPlan 5 (returns $4)"
" -> CTE Scan on q2 q2_3 (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=300 width=16) (actual time=0.004..0.005 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" InitPlan 6 (returns $5)"
" -> CTE Scan on q2 q2_4 (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=300 width=16) (actual time=0.000..0.001 rows=1 loops=1)"
" InitPlan 7 (returns $6)"
" -> CTE Scan on q2 q2_5 (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=300 width=16) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=1 loops=1)"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=158.57..338963.78 rows=460222 width=2513) (actual time=6.695..4724.369 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: (((NULL::character varying))::text = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=8289"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=156.37..337727.90 rows=460222 width=2490) (actual time=5.361..4492.058 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: (""*SELECT* 1"".action_type_id ="
" Buffers: shared hit=8288"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=155.00..336492.84 rows=460222 width=2478) (actual time=3.754..4261.646 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((""*SELECT* 1"".job_id)::text = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=8287"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=128.25..335232.41 rows=460222 width=2457) (actual time=1.704..4048.729 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((""*SELECT* 1"".employee_type_id)::text = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=8264"
" -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=126.96..333997.44 rows=460222 width=2239) (actual time=0.642..3788.566 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=8263"
" -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=126.81..328236.49 rows=460222 width=2222) (actual time=0.622..3478.490 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=8261"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=126.67..322475.55 rows=460222 width=2205) (actual time=0.612..3155.816 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((""*SELECT* 1"".org_unit_id)::text = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=8259"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=98.98..321214.18 rows=460222 width=2185) (actual time=0.541..2969.331 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((""*SELECT* 1"".cost_center_id)::text = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=8236"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=96.93..319978.45 rows=460222 width=2175) (actual time=0.519..2712.470 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: (coat.country_id = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=8235"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=83.59..313061.78 rows=460222 width=2163) (actual time=0.412..2404.622 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((""*SELECT* 1"".company_id)::text = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=8231"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=71.45..311815.96 rows=460222 width=1945) (actual time=0.382..2131.789 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((NULL::bpchar) = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=8230"
" -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=61.14..305017.38 rows=460222 width=1928) (actual time=0.298..1886.031 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=8227"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=60.99..299256.43 rows=460222 width=1896) (actual time=0.282..1584.799 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((""*SELECT* 1"".employee_id)::text = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=8225"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=47.75..298019.21 rows=460222 width=1871) (actual time=0.131..1287.387 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: (""*SELECT* 1"".scenario_id ="
" Buffers: shared hit=8219"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=46.70..296784.48 rows=460222 width=1853) (actual time=0.122..1026.567 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: (""*SELECT* 1"".action_id = aclg.action_id)"
" Buffers: shared hit=8218"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=38.02..292886.93 rows=460222 width=1789) (actual time=0.046..883.004 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((""*SELECT* 1"".company_id)::text = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=8212"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=21.05..291645.36 rows=460222 width=1773) (actual time=0.035..712.011 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((NULL::bpchar) = (conv_gr.from_currency_id)::bpchar)"
" Buffers: shared hit=8211"
" -> Append (cost=0.00..285204.21 rows=460222 width=1742) (actual time=0.013..465.417 rows=493850 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=8209"
" -> Subquery Scan on ""*SELECT* 1"" (cost=0.00..2739.92 rows=68841 width=178) (actual time=0.012..55.052 rows=68841 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=1191"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_plan_headcount (cost=0.00..1879.41 rows=68841 width=150) (actual time=0.010..32.481 rows=68841 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=1191"
" -> Subquery Scan on ""*SELECT* 2"" (cost=3405.85..280163.18 rows=391381 width=151) (actual time=36.277..350.251 rows=425009 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=7018"
" -> Gather (cost=3405.85..274292.47 rows=391381 width=95) (actual time=36.275..231.496 rows=425009 loops=1)"
" Workers Planned: 2"
" Workers Launched: 2"
" Buffers: shared hit=7018"
" -> Parallel Hash Join (cost=2405.85..234154.37 rows=163075 width=95) (actual time=26.658..228.421 rows=141670 loops=3)"
" Hash Cond: ((co.scenario_id = hc.scenario_id) AND ((co.employee_id)::text = (hc.employee_id)::text) AND (co.cal_year_month_id = hc.cal_year_month_id) AND (co.action_id = hc.action_id))"
" Buffers: shared hit=7018"
" -> Parallel Seq Scan on appl_plan_costs co (cost=0.00..7464.01 rows=180101 width=45) (actual time=0.007..52.792 rows=144081 loops=3)"
" Buffers: shared hit=5663"
" -> Parallel Hash (cost=1595.95..1595.95 rows=40495 width=62) (actual time=25.189..25.189 rows=22947 loops=3)"
" Buckets: 131072 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 8096kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=1191"
" -> Parallel Seq Scan on appl_plan_headcount hc (cost=0.00..1595.95 rows=40495 width=62) (actual time=0.009..10.810 rows=22947 loops=3)"
" Buffers: shared hit=1191"
" -> Hash (cost=21.00..21.00 rows=4 width=48) (actual time=0.016..0.017 rows=6 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=2"
" -> Seq Scan on cust_currency_conversion conv_gr (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=4 width=48) (actual time=0.011..0.013 rows=6 loops=1)"
" Filter: ((to_currency_id)::text = ($4)::text)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 6"
" Buffers: shared hit=2"
" -> Hash (cost=13.10..13.10 rows=310 width=234) (actual time=0.006..0.006 rows=8 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_company_attr coat (cost=0.00..13.10 rows=310 width=234) (actual time=0.003..0.004 rows=8 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Hash (cost=7.50..7.50 rows=94 width=72) (actual time=0.070..0.072 rows=91 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 17kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=6"
" -> Hash Left Join (cost=3.18..7.50 rows=94 width=72) (actual time=0.016..0.053 rows=91 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((aclg.created_by)::text = ("
" Buffers: shared hit=6"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_plan_action_log aclg (cost=0.00..3.94 rows=94 width=58) (actual time=0.003..0.013 rows=91 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=3"
" -> Hash (cost=3.08..3.08 rows=8 width=24) (actual time=0.008..0.009 rows=5 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=3"
" -> Seq Scan on auth_user ausr (cost=0.00..3.08 rows=8 width=24) (actual time=0.003..0.007 rows=5 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=3"
" -> Hash (cost=1.02..1.02 rows=2 width=22) (actual time=0.005..0.005 rows=4 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_scenarios scen (cost=0.00..1.02 rows=2 width=22) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=4 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Hash (cost=9.22..9.22 rows=322 width=31) (actual time=0.146..0.146 rows=370 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 33kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=6"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_employee_attr emat (cost=0.00..9.22 rows=322 width=31) (actual time=0.005..0.057 rows=370 loops=1)"
" Buffers: shared hit=6"
" -> Materialize (cost=0.15..8.18 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=1 loops=493850)"
" Buffers: shared hit=2"
" -> Index Scan using cust_currency_conversion_pkey on cust_currency_conversion conv_ta (cost=0.15..8.17 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.012..0.013 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Index Cond: (((from_currency_id)::text = ($5)::text) AND ((to_currency_id)::text = 'USD'::text))"
" Buffers: shared hit=2"
" -> Hash (cost=7.88..7.88 rows=195 width=21) (actual time=0.080..0.081 rows=195 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 19kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=3"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_currency_text crtx_le (cost=0.00..7.88 rows=195 width=21) (actual time=0.007..0.051 rows=195 loops=1)"
" Filter: (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 195"
" Buffers: shared hit=3"
" -> Hash (cost=12.12..12.12 rows=1 width=436) (actual time=0.007..0.007 rows=8 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_company_text cotx (cost=0.00..12.12 rows=1 width=436) (actual time=0.003..0.005 rows=8 loops=1)"
" Filter: (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 8"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Hash (cost=10.23..10.23 rows=249 width=16) (actual time=0.102..0.102 rows=249 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 20kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=4"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_country_text cutx (cost=0.00..10.23 rows=249 width=16) (actual time=0.006..0.064 rows=249 loops=1)"
" Filter: (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 249"
" Buffers: shared hit=4"
" -> Hash (cost=1.70..1.70 rows=28 width=20) (actual time=0.015..0.016 rows=28 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 10kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_cost_center_text cctx (cost=0.00..1.70 rows=28 width=20) (actual time=0.003..0.010 rows=28 loops=1)"
" Filter: (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 28"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Hash (cost=26.12..26.12 rows=125 width=29) (actual time=0.065..0.066 rows=125 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 16kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=23"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_org_unit_text outx (cost=0.00..26.12 rows=125 width=29) (actual time=0.004..0.046 rows=125 loops=1)"
" Filter: (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 125"
" Buffers: shared hit=23"
" -> Materialize (cost=0.15..8.17 rows=1 width=17) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=1 loops=493850)"
" Buffers: shared hit=2"
" -> Index Scan using appl_currency_text_pkey on appl_currency_text crtx_gr (cost=0.15..8.17 rows=1 width=17) (actual time=0.007..0.008 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Index Cond: (((id)::text = ($6)::text) AND (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar))"
" Buffers: shared hit=2"
" -> Materialize (cost=0.15..8.17 rows=1 width=17) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=1 loops=493850)"
" Buffers: shared hit=2"
" -> Index Scan using appl_currency_text_pkey on appl_currency_text crtx_ta (cost=0.15..8.17 rows=1 width=17) (actual time=0.007..0.010 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Index Cond: (((id)::text = 'USD'::text) AND (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar))"
" Buffers: shared hit=2"
" -> Hash (cost=1.27..1.27 rows=1 width=436) (actual time=0.503..0.504 rows=11 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_employee_type_text ettx (cost=0.00..1.27 rows=1 width=436) (actual time=0.007..0.010 rows=11 loops=1)"
" Filter: (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 11"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Hash (cost=25.50..25.50 rows=100 width=29) (actual time=0.706..0.707 rows=100 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 14kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=23"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_job_text jbtx (cost=0.00..25.50 rows=100 width=29) (actual time=0.004..0.047 rows=100 loops=1)"
" Filter: (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 100"
" Buffers: shared hit=23"
" -> Hash (cost=1.25..1.25 rows=10 width=16) (actual time=0.409..0.410 rows=10 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_action_type_text attx (cost=0.00..1.25 rows=10 width=16) (actual time=0.006..0.008 rows=10 loops=1)"
" Filter: (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 10"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Hash (cost=1.80..1.80 rows=32 width=26) (actual time=0.360..0.360 rows=32 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 10kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_cost_item_text citx (cost=0.00..1.80 rows=32 width=26) (actual time=0.008..0.015 rows=32 loops=1)"
" Filter: (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 32"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Hash (cost=1.05..1.05 rows=1 width=296) (actual time=0.418..0.419 rows=2 loops=1)"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
" -> Seq Scan on appl_employment_status_text estx (cost=0.00..1.05 rows=1 width=296) (actual time=0.007..0.008 rows=2 loops=1)"
" Filter: (language_id = 'DE'::bpchar)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 2"
" Buffers: shared hit=1"
"Planning Time: 2.079 ms"
"Execution Time: 7247.830 ms"
Almost 80 % of the time is spent on the LEFT JOIN
More information:
so nothing happens on disc.Hash Left Join
is used which should already be the quickest.UNION
all small tables first because they all have the same column structure. Then I did a LEFT JOIN
of the result multiple times. But no improvement.Is there any way to speed this up? Like parallel hash joins? How does that work? Or is setting other parameters an option?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 6023
Reputation: 3303
For best performance you must do these options: = big_table.attr_id_1
. Here field id
may be a primary key, but you must create an index for field attr_id_1
ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! I accidentally saw one bad code on your query plan, this is very bad for the performance.
Hash Left Join (cost=31.94..13727.27 rows=432242 width=148) (actual time=4.398..581.194 rows=432242 loops=1)
Hash Cond: (( = (big_table.attr_id_1)::text)
The database automatically converted id fields to text type, why? This is will very very decrease your performance. May be
and big_table.attr_id_1
types are difference. Please control all table's id field types. These fields must be the same type.
Upvotes: 2