
Reputation: 105

Getting DLL error when running tensorflow/keras program on python gpu 3.8

I am trying to run my simple AI program but I keep getting this DLL error:

    ImportError: Could not find the DLL(s) 'msvcp140_1.dll'. TensorFlow requires that these DLLs be installed in a directory that is named in your %PATH% environment variable. 
You may install these DLLs by downloading "Microsoft C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019" for your platform from this URL:

I went ahead and downloaded that support file and restarted my computer but that didn't work. I also found the specified dll file in my system 32 and made sure it was in my PATH environment for both system and user. Still doesn't work. I am using python3.8 with gpu enabled. Am I missing something? Is this a version issue because it has never happened on my previous projects.

Here are my libraries:

_tflow_select   2.3.0   
absl-py 0.12.0  
aggdraw 1.3.12  
aiofiles    0.7.0   
aiohttp 3.7.4   
alembic 1.6.4   
argon2-cffi 20.1.0  
astor   0.8.1   
asttokens   2.0.5   
astunparse  1.6.3   
async-timeout   3.0.1   
async_generator 1.10    
attrs   20.3.0  
autokeras   1.0.16  
backcall    0.2.0   
beautifulsoup4  4.9.3   
blas    1.0 
bleach  3.3.0   
blinker 1.4 
brotlipy    0.7.0   
ca-certificates 2021.7.5    
cachetools  4.2.2   
certifi 2021.5.30   
cffi    1.14.5  
chardet 4.0.0   
click   7.1.2   
cliff   3.8.0   
cmaes   0.8.2   
cmd2    2.1.2   
colorama    0.4.4   
colorlog    5.0.1   
coverage    5.5 
cryptography    3.4.7   
cycler  0.10.0  
cython  0.29.23 
decorator   5.0.9   
defusedxml  0.7.1   
docopt  0.6.2   
entrypoints 0.3 
executing   0.6.0   
fastapi 0.65.1  
flaml   0.6.9   
flatbuffers 1.12    
freetype    2.10.4  
gast    0.4.0   
gin-config  0.4.0   
google-auth 1.30.0  
google-auth-oauthlib    0.4.4   
google-pasta    0.2.0   
greenlet    1.1.0   
grpcio  1.34.1  
h11 0.12.0  
h5py    3.1.0   
hdf5    1.10.5  
icc_rt  2019.0.0    
icecream    2.1.0   
icu 58.2    
idna    2.10    
importlib-metadata  3.10.0  
importlib_metadata  3.10.0  
intel-openmp    2021.2.0    
ipykernel   5.3.4   
ipython 7.25.0  
ipython_genutils    0.2.0   
ipywidgets  7.6.3   
jedi    0.18.0  
jinja2  3.0.1   
joblib  1.0.1   
jpeg    9b  
jsonschema  3.2.0   
jupyter_client  6.1.12  
jupyter_core    4.7.1   
jupyterlab_pygments 0.1.2   
jupyterlab_widgets  1.0.0   
keras   2.7.0   
keras-applications  1.0.8   
keras-nightly   2.5.0.dev2021032900 
keras-preprocessing 1.1.2   
keras-tuner 1.0.4   
kiwisolver  1.3.1   
kt-legacy   1.0.4   
libclang    12.0.0  
libpng  1.6.37  
libprotobuf 3.14.0  
libsodium   1.0.18  
libtiff 4.1.0   
lightgbm    3.3.1   
llvmlite    0.37.0  
lxml    4.6.3   
lz4-c   1.9.3   
m2w64-gcc-libgfortran   5.3.0   
m2w64-gcc-libs  5.3.0   
m2w64-gcc-libs-core 5.3.0   
m2w64-gmp   6.1.0   
mako    1.1.4   
markdown    3.3.4   
markupsafe  2.0.1   
matplotlib  3.3.4   
matplotlib-base 3.3.4   
matplotlib-inline   0.1.2   
mistune 0.8.4   
mkl 2021.2.0    
mkl-service 2.3.0   
mkl_fft 1.3.0   
mkl_random  1.2.1   
msys2-conda-epoch   20160418    
multidict   5.1.0   
nbclient    0.5.3   
nbconvert   6.1.0   
nbformat    5.1.3   
nest-asyncio    1.5.1   
notebook    6.4.0   
numba   0.54.0  
numexpr 2.7.3   
numpy   1.19.5  
oauthlib    3.1.0   
olefile 0.46    
openssl 1.1.1k  
opt-einsum  3.3.0   
opt_einsum  3.1.0   
optuna  2.8.0   
orca    1.6 
packaging   20.9    
pandas  1.2.4   
pandocfilters   1.4.3   
parso   0.8.2   
pbr 5.6.0   
pickleshare 0.7.5   
pillow  8.2.0   
pip 21.3.1  
pipreqs 0.4.10  
plotly  4.14.3  
plotly-orca 1.3.1   
prettytable 2.1.0   
prometheus_client   0.11.0  
prompt-toolkit  3.0.17  
protobuf    3.16.0  
psutil  5.8.0   
pyasn1  0.4.8   
pyasn1-modules  0.2.8   
pycparser   2.20    
pydantic    1.8.1   
pydot   1.4.2   
pygments    2.9.0   
pyjwt   2.1.0   
pyopenssl   20.0.1  
pyparsing   2.4.7   
pyperclip   1.8.2   
pyqt    5.9.2   
pyreadline  2.1 
pyreadline3 3.3 
pyrsistent  0.17.3  
pysocks 1.7.1   
python  3.8.0   
python-dateutil 2.8.1   
python-dotenv   0.17.1  
python-editor   1.0.4   
python-multipart    0.0.5   
python_abi  3.8 
pytz    2021.1  
pywin32 227 
pywinpty    0.5.7   
pyyaml  5.4.1   
pyzmq   20.0.0  
qt  5.9.7   
requests    2.25.1  
requests-oauthlib   1.3.0   
retrying    1.3.3   
rsa 4.7.2   
scikit-learn    0.24.2  
scipy   1.6.2   
seaborn 0.11.1  
send2trash  1.5.0   
setuptools  52.0.0  
sip 4.19.13 
six 1.15.0  
soupsieve   2.2.1   
sqlalchemy  1.4.22  
sqlite  3.35.4  
starlette   0.14.2  
stevedore   3.3.0   
tables  3.6.1   
tensorboard 2.7.0   
tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1   
tensorboard-plugin-wit  1.8.0   
tensorflow  2.5.0   
tensorflow-addons   0.13.0  
tensorflow-base 2.3.0   
tensorflow-estimator    2.5.0   
tensorflow-gpu  2.4.1   
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem    0.21.0  
termcolor   1.1.0   
terminado   0.9.4   
testpath    0.5.0   
threadpoolctl   2.1.0   
tk  8.6.10  
toolz   0.11.1  
tornado 6.1 
tqdm    4.61.2  
traitlets   5.0.5   
typeguard   2.12.1  
urllib3 1.26.4  
uvicorn 0.13.4  
vc  14.2    
visualkeras 0.0.2   
vs2015_runtime  14.27.29016 
watchgod    0.6 
wcwidth 0.2.5   
webencodings    0.5.1   
websockets  8.1 
werkzeug    1.0.1   
wheel   0.36.2  
widgetsnbextension  3.5.1   
win_inet_pton   1.1.0   
wincertstore    0.2 
winpty  0.4.3   
wrapt   1.12.1  
xgboost 1.3.3   
xz  5.2.5   
yaml    0.2.5   
yarg    0.1.9   
yarl    1.6.3   
zeromq  4.3.3   
zipp    3.4.1   
zlib    1.2.11  
zstd    1.4.9   

Upvotes: 3

Views: 516

Answers (1)

Krishay R.
Krishay R.

Reputation: 2814

First, check to see if msvcp140.dll (not msvcp140_1.dll) is installed.

Download it here:

Restart your computer and see if it works.

If that doesn't work try copying msvcp140_1.dll into: C:\Users\PCName\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38

If nothing still works, it could be a version issue.

As far as I know, Python 3.8 support requires TensorFlow 2.2 or later. Run this:

pip install tensorflow ==2.2.0

Look here for system requirements:

Tensorflow will work only on Windows 7 or later (64-bit) (According to the above link)

Package location:

If you are using 32-bit python, replace your 32-bit python with a 64-bit version. Tensorflow does not support 32-bit architecture.

Upvotes: 2

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