Reputation: 573
I used assembly language step by step to learn assembly language programming on linux. I recently got a Mac, on which int 0x80
doesn't seem to work (illegal instruction).
So just wanted to know if there is a good reference (book/webpage) which gives the differences b/w the standard unix assembly and darwin assembly.
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Views: 2380
Reputation: 1837
This question will likely help: List of and documentation for system calls for XNU kernel in OSX.
Unfortunately, it looks like the book mentioned there is the only way to find out. As for int 0x80, I doubt it will work because it is a pretty Linux specific API that is built right into the kernel.
The compromise I make when working on an unfamiliar OS is to just use libc calls, but I can understand that even that may be too high level if you're just looking to learn.
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Reputation: 93468
For practical purposes, this answer shows how to compile a hello world application using nasm on OSX.
This code can be compiled for linux as is, but the cmd-line command to compile it would probably differ:
section .text
global mystart ; make the main function externally visible
; 1 print "hello, world"
; 1a prepare the arguments for the system call to write
push dword mylen ; message length
push dword mymsg ; message to write
push dword 1 ; file descriptor value
; 1b make the system call to write
mov eax, 0x4 ; system call number for write
sub esp, 4 ; OS X (and BSD) system calls needs "extra space" on stack
int 0x80 ; make the actual system call
; 1c clean up the stack
add esp, 16 ; 3 args * 4 bytes/arg + 4 bytes extra space = 16 bytes
; 2 exit the program
; 2a prepare the argument for the sys call to exit
push dword 0 ; exit status returned to the operating system
; 2b make the call to sys call to exit
mov eax, 0x1 ; system call number for exit
sub esp, 4 ; OS X (and BSD) system calls needs "extra space" on stack
int 0x80 ; make the system call
; 2c no need to clean up the stack because no code here would executed: already exited
section .data
mymsg db "hello, world", 0xa ; string with a carriage-return
mylen equ $-mymsg ; string length in bytes
Assemble the source (hello.nasm) to an object file:
nasm -f macho hello.nasm
Link to produce the executable:
ld -o hello -e mystart hello.o
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 26281
can you post your code and how you compiled? (There are many ways to elicit illegal instruction errors)
OSX picked up bsd style of passing arguments, which is why you have to do thing slightly differently.
I bookmarked this a while ago:
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